White/Grey Gear - Some sources!

I sadly can’t seem to use my beloved goggles anymore; the jr. flying ones. They have turned cosmetic … which can’t be learned … tried it on most my characters and alas; seems I am doomed to be goggle-less.

Putting it here to see if others shared this issue or if it’s just me being cursed by Blizzard.

If you mean what I think you mean, try dragging them physically onto the head slot in the character menu; I’ve had this with the winter’s veil sweater for years. Right-clicking it tries to learn it and that fails, but it’s still an item I can drop in the slot to equip.


If they can’t be learned, that implies you’ve already learned it doesn’t it? It should be in your appearance tab!

I can confrim that this works - I’ve continued to use one of the three sister hats on my mage by keeping the cosmetic in his bag and equipping it that way.

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Sadly to no avail - the goggs are not in the tab nor the head. I am lost and forever goggle-less.

Although, yeah I will contact blizz on it as it seems to be a bug! Just wanted to see if there were other poor unfortunate souls like me :pensive::pray:

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Okay, this is REALLY stupid. You have to learn it on Horde side, but once you learn them on a Horde character they’re available to everyone! You can have your goggles once more.

Okay, I lied - apparently it doesn’t show up at all on allied characters. Odd.

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How they punish me so; my goggs; forever painted red in use :sob::pray:

But cheers for checking! Sending a ticket tonight about it :pinched_fingers::sparkles:


As of today holiday items such as the three sisters’ hats have now had their holiday restrictions lifted.

The Lovely Purple/Black/Blue/Red dresses as well as the dinner suits also seem to have had their restriction lifted!

Things that still seem to be restricted are:

  • Hallows’ End - Hallowed Helm.
  • Love is in the air - Forever Lovely Rose (but not the dresses/suits)
  • Noblegarden - Spring Circlets (Bnuuy ears) and egg basket
  • Pilgrim’s Bounty - Most appearances
  • Winter Veil - Also most appearances
  • Brewfest - Also also most appearances

I may be wrong with some of those as I don’t have them collected and my addon might be showing the wrong tooltip info.


Already mogged them :smile: waiting on more like the flower to be moggable soon hopefully


Lunar dresses look great on Pandaren

My Panda looks great


Pandaren starter zone wiggly sword.

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Want. Okay, guess I’m grinding…

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Can garauntee it’s transmogabble. It’s not cosmetic so you need it for each class I think.

At least that’s the case last time I checked.

Can’t wait to see all the corpse bride undead :rofl:

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Any mail or cosmetic armor that is like a pair of underpants? Best I can find are like shorts.

Black mail eyepatch

Maybe a dumb question, but when I go through the goblin/worgen/pandaren starter zones, do I need to go through them on every armour class to get all the quest appearances or is just one enough?

All of them, since each class has a unique set or recolor.

I know their starter gear is unique, but I meant the gear that drops, or you get from quests, while levelling through their starter zones.

So not the starter gear, but the gear that you can get afterwards (such as Lord Walden’s Tophat etc).

I think all Worgen get the Hat? Each armour type has different gear though.

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Short of the starting gear, is the stuff from Worgen and Goblin zones unique though? I know the doggos get a top hat, but other than that, isn’t it fairly standard fare?

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I think so!

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