Who asked to reinstate premades?

Seriously now who asked for this ? revert the change asap no one wants to spend 10min in queue to lose against a full premade.


Oh lord, when the premaders wake up you’ll have a whole lection about how social they are and this is a social game

look a shammy complaining about pvp XD

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Raids & dungeons have to be premade.

Why not the same for Bgs?

Make it make sense

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You are absolutely right, time to bring “back” the LFR/LFD.


Premades is a good thing.

Even easy stuff like MC would be a mess if we did LFR

I think we should have to make a group before we log into the game as well. Or at least make a group to leave a city.

If you try to leave a city without a group a guard should beat you senseless for going alone

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You don’t need a group to walk down the road. You don’t need a group to beat up a child. You need a group to kill a 10m tall spider. You need a group to win a war.

You are still in a group when it’s a pug Vs pug.

So why are premaders so agains that everyone will get what they want?

Premaders can premade all day long Vs other premaders and puggers can fight other puggers.

What’s so wrong about that? Oh wait, I thi k i got it, you wanna stomp ppl for quick “honor”


Well, this was the case in previous MMORPGs back in the day.

Blizzard made WoW back in 2005 as the casual option for the whole “Needs group for everything even leveling”

But for group content premade is the way

Complaining about premade as horde is wild. It’s so easy to find one.

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so why can you sign up as a random then? You will kinda be put in a group, wont you?

Thats not the point… What a reply lol

Just because you can do something, does not mean that you should.

Better and more efficiant in a premade

One of the most ret.rded answers I’ve seen

Efficient for what, for fun? Can you tell me why it’s more efficient? Cause you are stomping afk ppl? What kind of game is it that you want?

Apparently it is in everyone’s interest to get easy honor with almost no resistence.

You guys are so shameful it’s unbelievable. The second you face someone competent you crumble.

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One of the main reasons i prefer Pre over Pug is just the fact you guarantee you have 3 healers with actual keybinds and their monitor turned on and dps players that read the chat and call incs with numbers/rotate properly, Use CC and utility, Know what a dispel is etc. I’m down for a close neck and neck game vs another pre instead of it being a stomp. Close games are fun as hell tbh.

Avg AB pug experience is try to cap base with single person spinning flag, team tries to kill them instead of just CC and cap the node, enemy team come to defend, end up fighting them at the node for 3-4 minutes without a single person going to stall the GY or loot bodies, no one attempts to push a base they have left open to come defend, or on the off chance a rogue/druid ninjas something, no one comes to help reinforce the base anyway x)

I know fighting vs pre as a pug sucks but playing in Pugs with people that lack any awareness is a miserable experience too, people constantly break your CC, don’t watch flag, can’t call incs, don’t rotate bases, won’t peel for healers or offheal in teamfights, don’t know Blessing of freedom/Protection/Dispels/Decurse/Abolish are useful on people other than themselves, people that can’t land a single kick on any healer the whole game, leave resto druid and priest in the back to freecast while we get trucked by boomie using FaP and shaman spreading flameshock to the entire team.

I’d rather spend the time searching for a group that the players are playing to actually win and try their best rather than just want the path of least resistance to get some rank 13 gear from afking at Stables/GM/LM all game that they will just sit in IF/SW with anyway.

Experience might be different on horde side but ally pug experience is basically that. If they made it that matchmaking actually had a healer check before making games then pug experience might be better. But as it stands currently it sucks unless you get super lucky with matchmaking and queue in with the same group of people after a match ends.

Not expecting rated battlegrounds level of plays from Pugs but at least some level of competency would make the overall experience way more enjoyable as solo queue.

Alliance only real chance at getting that level of play and competency that is semi consistent is from a pre or praying to matchmaking gods, easier to spend the 10-15 mins setting the group up than hoping the stars align tbh.


Nobody has ever taken away the possibility to have all of this. But BGs have been taken away for people who likes to chill, have some fights while listening to music or whatever. BGs for pugs are just a afk experience now.

Then the problem doesnt necessarily lie within the premade, people going afk after the smallest bit of pushback and resistance is the problem. Every pre that i joined is a no voice from LFG, the only difference is people are there to play the game out to win and not just gg go next. It’s no different from joining in with a pug in terms of comms/strats etc the difference is purely that 15 people are actually going to try and win and know what their class actually does. We aren’t on disc. People just actively read the chat while listening to music and don’t alt tab every 2 seconds when defending a base, actually call incs with numbers early to give time for ppl to respond.

I’m lucky if ppl call incs or actively defend a base at all in random games.

I’ve pvp’d every phase and its been the same thing every phase. I’m not gonna sugar coat it the majority of players suck and have losers mentality. Ppl want the rewards and not to actually pvp. Most of the people just want path of least resistance to getting purple gear when they queue solo. They aren’t there to chill and have some fights listening to music they just want to get honor go next get items from pvp and never queue it again. Was the same with WSG/AB/AV rep. When you can weed out the people that don’t want to pvp or actually be there the games will get better. But until that happens it will be a :poop: show.

Ironically if you want to chill have some fights and listen to music, join a no voice prem and go have fun while playing with other like minded people that actually press buttons on their keyboards.

ppl go afk because of the premades

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People were going afk before premades were back too. Its called the GG Go next. People do not want to fight if it isn’t onesided. I imagine its worse on horde side cause you guys are used to alliance getting stomped most of the time in SoD. No shade either by that is just kinda how its been. But you can 100% beat a no voice premade from /2 if your team actually tries.

Again it’s not really a premade problem you are just playing with 10+ other people that don’t actually want to win and just want the reward at the end. That is a people problem. Join a group of no voice with 15 people that wanna play the game to win and you will have a vastly different experience. Is why sometimes very rarely you get lucky and get that with a group of randoms from solo queue. You just need people that actually want to play the game my man.