Who is designing Mail Armour? it's PATHETIC

Honestly what is this? i can’t even find a decent transmogrify for my Hunter with my limited sets yet any other armour class i play has amazing sets from leather to plate they look epic as… but nope mail is ridiculous, looks like crap and has socks for boots all the time and so on.

So give me hope i say shadowlands right? surely the mail designer has mysteriously died by now and someone decent has taken their place… so off to wowhead i go to look at shadowlands mail sets, go to the venthyr cov and WHOOOOOOOOOW look at that cloth… OMG that leather is sick, it’s borderline plate armour for… sakes… Leather plate… and scrolls down to mail… wth seriously? what a dam joke.

I’m now thinking of quiting hunter because wow devs just don’t have the competence or skills to make mail armour WHICH should be one of the easiest and best looking styles of armour to make in any game, Cloth with Leather and then mail over the top. simple as… to make, looks amazing and boom i’m a peasant working on minimum wage and can think of a million better ideas for mail armour than these earning a decent salary calling themselves game devs.


Do you really need to swear so much in your post ? and do you really wish death on a designer just because of your subjective view .

A huge guide for you here .

Also some SL sets

and here

And designing sets is not easy far from it . Can you try and keep your potty mouth closed when trying to lambaste designers its not useful to anyone .


Have you maybe considered that you just don’t like the way Hunters look and it’s not that Mail itself sucks?

First of all the SL Maw set looks incredible. I think the Covenant mail sets are good too, much better than Cloth & Leather.
If you think the Venthyr Cloth set is cool then I don’t know what to tell you, it has derpy little wings…

As for existing sets there are multiple takes on hunter gear using parts of their prey and then you can even use some Shaman pieces such as elemental shoulders.

It’s ok to have an opinion, but you’re getting angry at your own opinion and raging about it like it’s 100% fact and not just your personal taste, it is odd.


Hunter’s hardly ever look like hunters in WoW. It seems you’re the one who doesn’t understand how an Archer/Ranger/Hunter should look in a game. just google it. wow is renowned world wide for mail being the worst looking armour in the entire game since vanilla.


I’ve found that all the mail gear I’ve passively unlocked on my Hunter, suits my Shammy ALOT more lol

My current mog is the best I could come up with, with what I’ve got :((

I agree witht he basic sentiment though, most of the mail sets on Hunter look k-rap.

EDIT - almost can’t forgive myself for forgetting lol, but the mail Kaldorei Archers set from Warfronts in BfA is stunning for a hunter, particularly Night Elves. Match it with the Sentinels Recurve bow… chef kiss


That is your subjective view i think there are some really good sets .
Yes we could do with some more but i personally think your taste is very bad and swearing and being obtuse is not going to make your case any better towards any dev’s reading .

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dwarves dont have nice transmog except cloth/plate

I’m Northern English, English. We swear a lot.


actually tier 2 hunter set in vanila and tier 2 shaman set were 2 of the best

No excuse at all ,you are an adult posting on a forum for players of 12+ upwards . And i do not think any self respecting dev would look at your post with your tone and take it with any credence.

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devs dont read eu forums dear

and the hunter didnt say anything rude towards anyone ?


using easy as F in the OP which we all know is short cut with a very rude word .

self respecting dev. that’s a good one. You guys think you want classic but we know you don’t.

What has that got to do with you masking swear words and your views on armour ? nothing . I just find it rather sad you are trying to make a valid point as an adult and have to use swears to get your point across .

There are ways of posting your displeasure and negative feedback without resorting to what you did in OP .


I’m curious why you think only 5 year olds swear and adults don’t? is this a thing in your specific culture and geographic area? because in the UK adults swear and kids are shielded from it and told not to. You see far more people over the age of 30 swearing than kids under the age of 12 swearing… very curious indeed. I can’t fathom a country where the adults speak with such divine bliss and the kids are rampant and calling people C all the time.

I think you need to watch some more game of thrones :slight_smile:


I never said kids swore at all i said you should not swear and i live in the UK myself so your point is moot and your post is nothing more than a ramble .
And i think you need to grow up an act like an adult and cut out the masked swearing .


So don’t act all high and mighty like swearing is some taboo thing when it’s ingrained in our very existence and culture. If you don’t like the way i speak then fine but i don’t think you swear enough. How about that?


Its a game forum for players as young as 12 years old do you think you are being a responsible adult posting like you are and its agaisnt the forums CoC

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If you want your subjective view about armour to be taken serious why swear about it ,

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Omg this is sad but i can relate so much.

Like half of my boots has this garbage design on top like my calf’s weight is 90kg …
I dunno why they design that tumor on top of the boots.

Also for your own good,skip the conv with Clorinda.
She is to delicate and fragile,probably got offended reading your ‘BaD LaNgUagE’


Hey Violetta see you still like to dish out the personal insults and not focus on valid points but attack the person good to see you have not changed and still as rude as ever.