Its 6:39 am at Greece and the last thing i want is to derail op’s thread even more into a pointless conv about language.
Please dont @ me further or if you need to have a conv with me for w/e reasons add me here :
Obv he made a sarcastic thread and yet there is someone who came to point figers about bad language.
Have a nice morning.
Why would i want to add you who just likes to insult players instead of debating there views . Enjoy your morning .
The only likeable mail set I have seen so far was the RaF set - Renowned Explorer - which looks exactly like what a dashing, exploring hunter would wear.
I agree, mail seems very limited in its own uniqueness. Armour looks like it took ideas from leather or plate sets.
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I did like that one hunter mail set from Legion. That ranger set, what tier was it … the one with feathers and ranger armour and reminds of the Windrunners theme ? Its 7 am here, don’t expect my brain be savvy !
And other is T4 - pvp version. Not sure which season was that ? 1st ?
Swearing is part of our culture now pog, no wonder people are fleeing this country like it’s the titanic
are you in africa? or south asia? because net migration in west /europe/north america is + not -
and swearing is part of everyones cultures except vatican city maybe
I have alot of the mail sets for hunters let me tell you this there are good sets but i think alot of them are ugly but the once who i think is really good they tend to stick around on me for the most part.
Tier 19 (Eagletalon set) dropping from Nighthold is by far in my opinion one of the best looking tier set for the hunter class and i recommend you farm that and use any type of items to combind with it.
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Yes, we do swear a lot as I’m Northern as well, but their is a time and a place.
Now, yes - mail sets have been somewhat lacking when in comparison to cloth and plate sets, but we do have sets and pieces that work.
The Eagletalon set from Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold is one of the best mail sets I’ve seen.
The Darkshore Warfront set is also really good, especially if your a night elf hunter.
The Firelands set is also pretty cool looking.
Now moving forward, out of the four covenants, the Bastion mail set does look extremely good for me.
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Hunter sets have been ugly since Wrath imo, only the pvp set from cata was nice. I personally love all stuff from Vanilla and TBC more anyways, i like color and not gloomy crap.
Tbh hunters can make some cool sets, but yeah imho hunters have been one of the worst looking classes.
I do find it harder to make them look good overall, but it is what it is 
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Looks pretty awesome imo. I think rogue often get crappy looking sets
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I always thought the same. Rogue sets look terrible, Especially the ulduar helmet that seems to be insanely popular.
Shaman and Warlock sets are the best imo.
Tier 8 rogue is the most horrid set ever made imo. Yea warlock and shaman sets are awesome. Mage has some pretty awesome ones also like the firelands set. Sadly they often clip with long hair.
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I think the mail armour in Shadowlands are some of the best mail sets ever designed so I guess it’s all subjective. The Maw mail one for instance is amazing, love that chainmail skirt.
Might be a punishment for having probably the best looking sets in the past.
I am playing all four armor types atm.
Cloth is by far the best looking armor, followed by plate, leather and mail on the last.
Whenever I google a Archer which is in WoW, basically a MM hunter in lone Wolf spec, they all look amazing.
Yet in WoW I can’t seem to bring that fantasy.
Sometimes I wish Hunters wore leather instead, since they are a agility based class and mail was the light version of a Warrior DPS spec, while plate would be for players that prefer more armor or play Protection.
Edit: My BE hunter wears her Heritage armor all the time.
But that armor can’t be considered mail, since it’s available for all armor types.
I think it’s kind of sad we’re not getting class tier sets again. Though there will be more variety now then in bfa there will still be a lot of people looking the same if they choose to wear the convenant sets.
I guess it’s a direction Blizz has chosen to go in the last few years though. First the artifact weapons for everyone. Then the bfa cloth/leather/mail/plate sets…I wonder if this means they are running out of ideas for unique class sets?
this is relative, there is no rule how an archer or hunter should look like, and it all comes down to the developer to design what a hunter in wow should look like.
heck if you start to look at warriors also, you all of an sudden se warrior whit no armors, warriors using spears.
and then we look at hunters again oh, a hunter whit a dagger, and a trench coat, a hunter wielding a shotgun.
it all comes down to the lore and game of that genere, there is no set rule on how a hunter should look like
Just so you know, I’m from Northern England and don’t feel the need to swear on the forums, and I’m well over 30. I have a filter between my brain and my fingers.
On point, I agree most mail I see seems to fit Shamans better than hunters. Also if you don’t like the stuff they are designing now then use an older set. The forums are not 12+, they are a U certificate if anything.
This addon might help. Better Wardrobe and Transmog.
Well i am the one who designed all the mail armor
I am deeply offended! Throws a very ugly mail chestplate on the ground