Who is following the Asmongold - Taliesin meltdown?

Ah, fair enough, never got into watching streams so I don’t use that and I’m not making an account just to check it, I’ll take your word for it instead :stuck_out_tongue:

I can listen to this free entertainment while playing WoW.

Not a big streamer fan of anyone by any means, but I cringed all the way through that. Taliesin needs to leave the edgy, sweary pedant nonsense to people who are actually good at it. Whatever sympathy I might have had he lost throwing his weight around on those in his audience who questioned him.
Calm thy chebs Hugh Grant.

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TBH it just sounds like there’s a lot of frustration on his side and this was him venting
we’re all people at the end of the day, even streamers

Juicy drama :heart:

jokes aside, I think Taliesin has some genuine points, but after watching his “apology” stream, I think he is kinda toxic in the way he treats other people. Not Asmongold, but random people who gave their opinion on the Drama.

would make my life of general manager a lot easier and company a lot more effective for sure :slight_smile:

and yes im one of those people who “have nothing to hide” :slight_smile: im to old to care what “big borther sees” - all what they can see is already in my tax papers.

i would love if EU implemented public monitoring systems similiar to what china already have. inlucding the non-anonymus access to internet they have there.

internet should be policed a lot more as its atm a very very public area.

Asmon should be banned from streaming retail or Blizz has no :cherries:.

This dude and his toxic community of bad players only promote things which can benefit a no life streamer.

So?I didnt hide nor feel the need,he is what it is.And i have every right to express what i feel what kind of human being he is,and as you said i even started my discusion with him being what he is to me,scum.

It’s unethical what they did,and being oke with it is also moronic.And on the side of things it’s not the first nor list time how redbull as company is always operating on boardelines of ethics,and malicous pratice with predatory intent,not to mention there f1 teams and whole drama regarding them.I wount even go into extrem sport.Let’s just stick to,they are unethical.

To be honest, reading the chat on Asmongold’s stream makes me wonder about the average IQ level of his audience. A lot of the comments cross every red line and mods don’t seem bothered with filtering them out unless Asmongold tells them to do so. That unfortunately spilled en masse over to twitter.

I can’t blame Asmongold really, it’s just the disturbing star spangled banner culture of many of his followers. Yup I’ve said it.


That can be seen. But there is also an option of doing it in a smart way…
Go to the user twitter or call him and tell him about his situation. That’s called co-operation. You make less enemies and more friends. A win-win situation.
Edit: I am not against Taliesin but this was really absurd.

So… you’re heavily biased against him and seeing how he sided with Redbull not method, you don’t really have a valid viewpoint worth debating, more so correcting.

How is what they did unethical?
Method signed an agreement, realised it was not as profitable as they had originally thought, red bull saw an opening and took it.
A lot of the other top guilds are perfectly fine with it, yet method harps on about being for the community.

Oke random poster on the internet,you tell who has what right and be the judge,lol.

I assure you that a judge wouldn’t be judging a case he is biased in :wink:

I’m not saying you’re not allowed an opinion, in saying you’re very openly biased against the one side so there is no room for debate.

Ye that Rich conversation was annoying to listen,the guy is probably mentally challenged as a person.If you cant formulate right the question or the intent stop inserting your self in the conversation and repeating like broken record.

Ye somehow i knew you are on of those guys who give fancy names to janitors,like supply and logistics maintenance.
Any how there is this thing called humman rights,and comman sense,something that the corporations are really trying to crush down,and destroy labor force.
The thing is Liliith my dear,you are on the reciving end as i am.Those means you are found off,always fit more to the ones who have.


Omg dude are you for real? What’s with the sheep mentality ?

human rights also means that no human trash has right to atack you just because he feels anonymus.

you as human have right to feel safe in any envirment you are .

and people who we are talking about are violating those rights under command of Asmongold.

ofc he is responsible for their actions

its like saying that Hitler was not responsible for actions of naz.is during WW2 - just because he didnt personaly pull the trigger even once.

How did you go from labor rights around works and made a concetion regarding Asmongold?regarding our work conditions and labor rights…just baffels me.

Also the nazzi annology is just wrong and bad that i have no words for it.
The same logic would be that Taylor Swift should be on trail for murder if a fan got stomped by people trying to get an autograph from her…just waw,still trying to process that nazzi conection you made.

Asmongold is more likely just a narcissist or schizoid personality. The biggest red flag was in that allcraft with preach trying to explain how loot trading works in higher end guilds. AG couldn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t just keep their own gear and deemed it “stupid” that anyone would trade it away, his mind literally couldn’t understand the concept of teamwork even though preach was very patently trying to explain.

Honestly i expected this topic to be locked yesterday already. Guess today will be the day seeing some of the topic changes that happened


the connection is obvious and it baffles me you dont see it

we are talking about cynical charismatic leader who is used to belliteling certain part of people for his personal gains using the "escape goat " mechanism , uses the sheep crowd mentality and then his followers attact his oponenents trying to earn points from the “fuhrer” , because they dont understand that they are nothing but tools for the personal gains of the leader (hoping for false sense of "community’ that they dont recive in everydays lives)

its desribing both Asmongold and Hitler very accurately , as well as most of sect leaders who base their leadership on exackly the same mechanics .

ofc he should be banned for actions of the sheeps that followed his hate speaches during his streams