Who is your favourite WoW character?

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Tbh, I like a lot of WoWs characters.

  • Garrosh
  • Thrall
  • Jaina
  • Arthas of course
  • Velen especially
  • Illidan
  • on some instances even Tyrande (but not that much into Kaldorei lore to know more)

Regarding SL I do like especially Kleia and Pelagos, since my brother is basically like Pelagos and Kleia is just Kleia <3

Bolvar, because he’s a loser… like me.


Flynn Fairwind, I love his voice and character. He’s definitely my favourite!

I like Shandris and how she’s become a bit more relevant than just that elf afk on her island :>

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Illidan for being a resilient outcast, sacrificing everything to fight all that is evil.

Flynn Fairwind too for his generally funny character (like cannot be taken seriously I think) and whatever he does when he grabs too many pints of good booze.

I also loved the Arthas x Jaina relationship, along with Lor’Themar x Thalyssra, if that counts :heart_eyes:


wow, *me too!

*hashtag :smiley:


I really love the Silvermoon high elven Triumvirat, even if they’re a bit underused.
Thysalee Crow, and sometimes Malfurion aswell.

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who’s your favorite forum character

Taran Zhu - he’s a cool panda.
Vol’jin and Varian too.

—horizon point top 1: RIP:SAURFANG—
1)Malfurion- Headstrong and natural leader
2)Xuen -Wise skillful and old community leader
3)Ysera - Hope of emerald dream, guardian of nature
4)odin- Revered eternal guardian and one of the leaders of azeroth across realms

For evil characters
1)N’zoth; hands down; he has the best quotes and lore in game.He also shows that all sides has its own flaws and mistakes. He also gave us gifts ! :smiley: haha
2)Deathwing-He had been corrupted and gone insane. also i think he made his point quite right. Power corrupts.
3)kil’jaeden. It is ok to be ambitious and successful. But at what cost? Kiljaeden is a primal example of what power trip makes to people.

For old characters ;

Vol’jin,Varian,Saurfang, And also citizens of dalaran!! :stuck_out_tongue: khadgar

Let’s see if you can guess mine.

Spoiler It's Yrel.

It would have been someone else until I completed the Venthyr quests

Kael’thas Sunstrider

is now my favourite character, one that goes back to WCIII TFT and has become legendary in so many ways since TBC - his arc in Shadowlands has been deeper than expected and has a very rewarding partial conclusion that leads to a slight shifting of attitude whilst retaining all his character traits, loyalty and self belief


It was Sylvanas and probably still is but can’t forgive her for not offering me a job in the Maw, psht. Beyond that… probably Chromie.


Anduin Lothar

the title says “Who is your favourite WoW character” , a playing player character! Not a NPC ingame…you brainless fools…

Though Blizzard suck at writing lore, thus draenei do not have the best lore.


I loved Vol’jin up to end of MoP, I just hated how they just parked his story post MoP and didn’t really give him much development. He had so much potential.

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