Who is your favourite WoW character?

I love Azshara, she is beautiful, smart, cunning and of course has one of the best voices in the game!




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jaina that hates horde scum

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Exactly what I wanted to say when I had written this earlier! A character that had so much potential :frowning:

My favurite chacthers by rankings is

2.Valeera Sanguinar
3.Vanessa VanCleef

Mine Top 5 :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree :slight_smile:

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Enlighten us; what does NPC stand for? And where in the thread title or initial post does it say player character?

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And i love Queen Azshara’s 7/24 smug expressions

Prolly arthas…its was his story that hooked me and i bet many others to the warcraft universe.

Other than that…i like the character of old gods…before bfa retcons ofc.

Kael’Thas and Ysera. How could i have forgotten them

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King Vaion for me loved his, death scene and also the best use of the line “For the Alliance” in wow



I’ve liked her story line so far and she’s done nothing but good.

Right now it’s probably Anduin. It was Baine but he is so inactive in the story which is sad.
It doesn’t look bright for Anduin tho.

I have a few favourites in truth.

My boyfriend has told me of Broxigar the Red, who I thought sounds fantastic to be honest.

And I love Garrosh, I feel he had an interesting story.

And I enjoy Tyrande, she is strong and fierce.

Tirion fordring

And i wanna mention michael garrett, bat handler in uc. Thanks bro for all the passages

Mehhh. Despite SL, despite the bad writing, despite everything… Sylvanas dude, she’s just something else. Might be due to her voice actress or idk but she has the charisma that others obviously lack.

Otherwise, Rastakhan and Bwonsamdi are up there too

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I don’t know… they have pretty much killed off all the good Characters now, except Sylvannas.

Arthas, grand marshall Othmar Garithos.

Teron Gorefiend (not only a WoW character) that i adored and loved but also his debut in Warcraft 2: Beyond of Dark Portal.
Deathwing ^ Same as Teron.
(I even make my own voice as voice lines back in the day for those units. :blush: )

Nowadays i don’t feel nothing for current heroes and villians at all.