Who is your favourite WoW character?

Currently none that are alive. My all time favorite is Varian, and he did go down as a king.
I used to love Jaina but recent expansions (BfA and SL) have ruined her for me, idk what they are doing with her, I liked her turn in MoP, It was interesting seeing her go from “we must unite with the Horde” to “Red is dead”, and her BfA redemption was also a good story but then Blizzard decided to go this middle ground with her of “we must eradicate the Horde but not so much”.
I really loved Mogani and Muradin but then Blizzard turned one into a coke addict and the other was forgotten.
I liked Kel’Thuzad but SL kinda cheapens him by having him part of the Jailer’s plan all along…
Arthas I still like but seeing how Blizzard are taking liberties with the pre-existing lore I feel like I won’t be liking him for much longer.

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Gurky, of course

you know? i was astonished to find him in SL. It could have make sense but is like beat a 100 year dead horse.
A pity… just a fan service not required. actually i dread thinkin about an Arthas forthcoming…

When I heard he was going to be in SL I was hyped AF, wondered what would he do now that he has no master (the LK), what would an unhinged mastermind like KT do, but then we learned that he was serving the Jailer all along and he thought the Lich King to be inept…

They already changed a part of his story with Uther. The reason why Uther lost was because once he had the killing blow he hesitated because he saw Arthas as he was (his apprentice, his friend) and Arthas took the opportunity and killed him, now it’s just Arthas was too strong and Uther was this murder driven lunatic that forgot one of the 3 tenants of being a paladin. So if they are ready to destroy Uthers character in this manner, really begs the question(that most of us really don’t want to see answered) how will they butcher Arthas… He never loved Jaina and was only using her? He was acting kind and compassionate only because he wanted to be a king ? Invincible was never his friend ? He secretly dreamed of threesome with Kael’Thas and Illidan ?

that for sure.

Im prayin they never introduce him in game… I remember 20 years ago the pain when arthas after act 1 became a death knight. I was so sad…
I knew it was just a game but that plot was incredible.
But actually it just him that is missing in the butchery. But probably im too severe: i didnt like Kael Thas megalomania in TBC, too…

Jokes aside, I’m sure they will try to justify Stratholme and ruin it. The great thing about that story was that the answer is not cut and dry, it was… meme aside, actually morally grey.

Oh I really hated the TBC lore, Illidan was again this grey morality character in WC3 and he was just a villain in TBC, as for Kael’Thas… complete 180 from what he was in the RTS, no idea what they were thinking there beside we need big name characters for raid encounters.

But honestly I give up on WoW lore, Denuser and Golden have botched it so hard that even with well known characters they can’t writhe something compelling, and the new characters they try to introduce are just cardboard. They had something with Rasthakan but, had to kill him to make way for strong female of cardboard origins.

yes. culling of stratholme with the modern POV would be scrapped for sure. By luck the couldnt change it too much cuz is too crucial in warcraft franchise lore.

My bet is on either of these two:

A) The citizens were evil
B) The cure to the plague was in the barn next door to the first house Arthas torched

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Not to interject again (but I will anyway)… but Jaina is an awesome hero in the WoW series and very real source of ‘true good’ for both sides.

In Warcraft, in spite of her being a super gifted individual, she is ultimately ousted by the Kirin Tor for wanting to use her magic to help and support ‘the common man’ rather than coming back to Dalaran after finding out that the Undead plague was about to eat away the Eastern Kingdoms (after already having deleted most human settlements in Northrend.

During the 3rd war, she more or less single handedly insures that the Alliance have a presence on Kalimdor and is perhaps the only reason the Nelfs are in the Alliance.
She ‘adopts’ Theramore after having to go through the emotional turmoil of fighting her own father for it (and indirectly getting him killed).

She gets over it, takes some deep breaths and manages to become a beloved leader and Commander of the Alliance naval port (‘balls of steel’ right there!).

She more or less single handedly uncovers the Defias-Onyxia plot in Vanilla; insures the Draenai become part of the Alliance, is famously instrumental in the first Battle for Mount Hyjal, and again during WotLK with Ulduar-Yogg-Saron and then the Lich King.

And all of that after she stops all-out war initiated by King Varian Wrynn by teleporting(!!) the Alliance army back to Stormwind.

She suffers horrendous personal loss during Cata but is still able to rise above her own anger and newly found hatred for the Horde by restraining a Sha of Hate when she reaches Pandaria - That’s a bigger deal then it seemed at the time but we all know how Garrosh handled his inner demons down the line.
She also sets up a new order in the Kirin Tor which of course became instrumental to the Alliance on Thunder Isle.

The only time she began cracking a little and letting her prejudices get the better of her was in WoD and then Legion, where she leaves Khadgar and the Alliance to deal with demons in her own way with her dragon bf (rather than directly allying with the Horde).

It makes sense that she took the stance she did at the end of BfA, she knows that the Horde are not all of one mind and will never be.
She chooses the side of safety and stability for the people.

In my mind’s eye she’s like a career-tiger woman who’s also a single mum that still manages to pull of being a supportive non-judgmental mum.
In this case though, ‘her children’ would be ‘the people’.

It doesn’t make sense for her to go forth with the plan to raid the Zandalari capital because they could join the Horde eventually, and then after the raid go “oh we went it there to kill them but we should not have killed them so hard”. Like I said I was fine with her downfall and later redemption but this weird stance she has is very off putting, also the whole you raised my brother as an undead but he has free will so I forgive you also kinda rubs me wrong way, but atleast its a better motivation than no motivation.

For the Dark Lady. :hugs:


I guess I took her hesitance about how everything played out because she worries about retribution and understands how cycles of hatred work.

I haven’t played the Alliance side in BfA so if you have, I’m sure you would have gotten the more complete picture.

I main Alliance and while there is nothing wrong with your take on her character, the way it is portrayed in the game is not nuanced or subtle, she just flip flops between kill them all and lets be friends.

Also this is a good time to clear some misconceptions about the character and point out how Blizzard have botched her motivations.

So Jaina doesn’t start hating the Horde after Teramore, her mind set then was “Garrosh was evil but the Horde can still be redeemed”, it was after the horde stole the divine bell when she went “Oh god they are all monsters”. During Legion-BfA she began some soul searching and started to feel bad because while indeed her father was set on to commiting atrocious things she sacrificed him to what is now her enemy and he did have valid reasons to want the horde dead (he lost a son to them and was afraid he would lose a daughter aswell), Jaina now was able to see why her father acted like a monster and felt guilty. That guilt was amplified by her mother rejecting her in BfA. In the whole ordeal with the Drust tormenting her with her own memories, she learned to forgive herself and let go of the anger she had secretly build up towards herself. Then she green lights a full out assault on the Zandalari, at this point in the story we had crippled their fleet leaving an assault on Orgrimar possible but the Alliance choses to attack the trolls because that somehow will stop them from joining the Horde, so logically they join the Horde because we killed their king (duh), Jaina then starts to tell us how that was a bad and that we should not become the monsters, like no $#17 the atack on Zuldazar was pointless and served no purpose, it was just meaningless killing. Moving forward Jaina is still in the mindset of dismantle the Horde but Baine returns her undead Brother to her and they are now friends again. She learns he is held captive and decides to mount a rescue mission… Ok protecting your friends is cool and all but if you can infiltrate the Horde capital so easily why bother with Zuldazar in the first place, sabotage Orgrimar and mount an attack there if you want to stop the war as soon as possible, all you had to do was take out the fleet when it comes to the trolls. Carrying on after the rescue mission she decides that only Sylvanas is evil…

So my main point is it took her so much to go from “one individual is evil” to “the Horde is evil” but it took just one gesture of kindness(that she still has no proof of if its genuane or a trap) to convince her that “nah horde is friend, Sylvanas is bad”. While the Horde resistance proved to be decent folks, the rest of Horde should still be guilty of starting an unnecessary war. If she were nuanced she should still have some hatred towards them and not go all is forgiven because “cycle of hatred”.

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Ganoosh in Undercity.

He looks like a mix between Goblin, Gnome and deadly radiation.
Party animal

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95 replies and nobody mentioned T’Paartos

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Quote (you can read it in Classic):
"All members of the Horde are equal in my eyes, Amazoner. We have all suffered many burdens, and if it were not for wisdom and honor,then we would not be better than the Scourge or my people while our blood was tainted by the demon Mannoroth.

It is your duty to aid the Horde and to defend our way of life. But it is also your duty to know when quarter and compassion should be given to friend and foe alike.

Understand this well. This is the new Horde, not some demon-spawned army who lack freewill."

It’s sad how much the narrative have deviated from this principles for the sake of conflict and drama. BFA was the straw that broke the camel’s back, for me.



Look who is back ! :hugs:

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He’s done things that are evil, selfish or unwise but at the end he’s made the right choice for his people and Azeroth.

A true hero…not liked by many but few know what he’s done to save Azeroth from it’s enemies.



He’s a true war hero. He might have changed in the following years but none hear will deny his role to protect his people, make decisions to save his people and form friendship with other races, so his people aren’t alone anymore.


All though a selfish vengeful She-Elf! She sought to help her people from the clutches of the lich kings power. She made them see an alternative path by which they could choose and not be enslaved or forced by the lich kings demands. ( Although, it seems she justs copying like the lich king methods but alas, she aleast gave her ppl the illusion of choice). Not to mention she’s loved by all due to her looks, her evil ways of attaining her goal like that of her former master " The lich king ".