Aren’t you getting sick of Sylvanas? I feel her plot armour is just insane atm
A tru Sylvanas loyalist never gets “sick” of Sylvanas …
Me, me, me and always me
On the Villains side: Unoubtedly Arthas. Come on, that one is way too obvious.
On the Alliance side: Genn has a somewhat interesting ark throughout the game, a king who lost everything to his arrogance, his kingdom, his people, his own son. Seeing him slowly but surely learning to controll himself and the burning rage and hatred he felt towards the horde and himself was really bittersweet.
On the Horde side: I struggle to find characters that have always been consistent in the Horde, however Bain is probably the best pick. Calm, collected and always true to his nature, he is, perhaps, the only one who keeps the Horde from truly being the sadistic savages they are portrayed as in the game.
Neutral characters: Chromie for the win. Cute gnome/dragon girls ahoy.
Well she was a good until Shadowlands… but then there wasn’t many characters Shadowlands didn’t destroy… except maybe Hulm Highmountain… the only good part of Ardenweald.
I actually, unironically enjoyed Uther’s ark. It felt… natural, in a way. Like nothing was forced, to be precise. He is manipulated into revenge that he sought only to learn that this path lead to even more death and ruin. He is genuinly willing to help Bastion and the lost souls that end up there, yet he understands just how different and downright madening the rules are there, which, in truth, was the prime motivator for him to stick by Devos. In the end he manages to make the Archont see the error in making the ascended forget their past, which, ultimately, was the entire point of why they were picked to be ascended.
Yes you are correct. I had forgotten about Uther. I have really enjoyed his story as well.
I think a Character so important to WoW Canon needed to be done justice.
glad you could make it, uther. yes i agree. uther arc was definitely one of the best in SL
Can’t post links, so…
Perhaps very boring but Thrall is still WoW-defining for me.
After that it would be more the Bloodhoof line (so Cairne and now Baine) and then Jaina and the ‘Proudmoore saga’.
I found her interesting before she had the spotlight, like the burning of Teldrasssil was just crazy. I was kinda rooting for Tyrande to wipe the floor with her, but she escaped as usual.
I don’t want to be that guy but… There’s a reason why Baine is so disliked among Horde players. The increasingly important place he’s been occupying in recent Horde lore makes it even clearer that he is a bad character. He has no charisma whatsoever, never misses a chance to make a fool of himself and only serves the purpose of being the “good guy” in the Horde, although tbh even his moral priorities are questionable (somehow using Derek Proudmoore as a war tool was the straw that broke the camel’s back ?? like ???)
The New Horde was never a bunch of “sadistic savages” by any means, despite some bad moves it has overall always remained faithful to its principles (which for sure might not be the same as the Alliance’s), and rarely was Baine the one to thank for that
Fair enough, actually, some very much needed criticism. That being said, my pick was basically based on the “whichever of these absolute units of how not to write a character gives me the least painfull aneurism”.
(yea sorry about that i just like ranting on freaking baine)
Ignoring the a$$pulled story Blizz has done past expansions and the terrible writers at Blizz HQ as of late, my fav character will always remain Sylvanas Windrunner.
Lord Illidan knows the way!
I loved the wc3 teamup of Kael’thas, Vashj and Illidan. They’re my favorite characters (Hard to pick a single one). Also I’m happy that Vashj and Kael are getting justice for how they were villainized for no reason in TBC.
I don’t want to be that guy either but I’ve never played anything else except Horde.
Only time I have ever played Alliance was in WoD to check out the ‘cooler’ garrison.
I don’t hear about this ‘Baine animosity’ at all among any veteran Horde players I know. Only ever hear it from Alliance rerollers and/or Garrosh-Sylvanas fans (same difference these 2 for me).
Baine could have split off from the Horde in Cata after the fall of Camp Taurajo. He had the support of Lorthemar, Voljin and even Gallywix. He chose not to because he did not want to destroy his father’s legacy and most importantly, did not want to waste Horde lives in civil war.
Without our support (the players), Lorthemar and then Baine sending in the Sunwalkers during MoP - Horde would have been wiped out of Pandaria. Garrosh was only about 'Orcs ‘n conquest’ good, everything else bad.
Alliance would have succeeded in negotiating a sensible peace and cooperation and would have continually annihilated any chance Horde would have had on the continent.
I never said Baine had not been a driving force in pivotal moments of lore, of course he was. Whenever the Horde’s leadership is depicted as taking an obviously wrong path he’s always on the “good” side because that’s how the character is written. The Garrosh stuff was the main thing I had in mind when I was referring to “bad moves”. That doesn’t change anything to the fact that 1) he is not very interesting as a character and 2) his writing makes him wrongfully appear as the “moral bulwark” against the Horde’s drifts, even when it is clearly stated that the supporters of the bad guys are a minority (that was the case for both Garrosh and Sylvanas)
Also that’s not the experience I had with lore-oriented Horde players. Most of those I interacted with dislike him. Then again maybe that’s because memories from BfA are still vivid ofc
Fair points – I think my associations of Horde are firmly rooted in the RTS Warcraft series and of course Vanilla through to WotLK.
Its why Thrall, Trolls, Tauren and even Goblins can do very little wrong in my eyes. I enjoyed following their paths to how they got where they did.
You’re probably right with BfA. I guess most of the players I know have been around for >10 years so in spite of what could have been seen as a “betrayal” to some Hordies for many old dogs, it was just Taurens being Taurens.
I also thought it was very ‘big of him’ to rise above himself and be Garrosh’s ‘attorney’ in the novel Warcrimes.
*Disclosure: I don’t think its great if lore is ‘filled up’ outside of the game but from a brand-marketing perspective it makes sense and there is clearly an audience for it.