Who legit likes shaman?

Summoning elementals

Shaman has one of the strongest class fantasies in game alongside DH, DK and Monk. You are a spiritual priest, communing with ancestors and elements and bridge the gap between the seen and unseen elements of the natural world for your people.

I really like shaman from the offset, their totem quests in classic were really powerful, involving you travelling to obscure peaks and mountains off the beaten track on your own. It really suited the class as someone who as much as they have a place in society, their real home is the wilderness where you others see empty space you can see spirits

I also really like shaman from my own education as one of my specialist units in my final year was indigenous religions focussed around shamanism. I was really fascinated by the oft reoccurring lore in various human cultures of shaman as important individuals in a culture, but they also live on the fringes of that culture due to their unique position as a conduit between the earthly and the supernatural. Their unique gifts of talking beyond the veil were seen as much as something to be afraid of as to be grateful for.

Although wows incarnation of a shaman doesn’t overlap exactly, it’s really nice to see a game pay homage to this unique archetype for once and not just focus on the stereotypically “western idea of fantasy” such as mages, priests, paladins, necromancers etc.


As a class fantasy yeah I do like them, but then I actually play the class and I’m disappointed and want to go back to my hunter. That’s about it. The same is actually true for most classes in WoW; I like their general fantasy, but the gameplay ruins it for me. Nothing comes close to hunter in that regard.

Who legit likes shamans?

People who play shaman

Based my Shaman on the Spiritwalker Tauren unit from WC3: The Frozen Throne.
Originaly he used to be albino white and was going for Restoration.
We used to have all kinds of cool totems and spells over the course of time, involving the ancestral spirits and the elements…sadly over time Blizzard felt the need to strip allot of our cool abilities and talents…now we have little left in regards to the ancestors, which is a real shame, and we’ve been pushed into the Elementalist niche almost exclusively.
I still miss my Gust of Wind though…
What I loved about Shaman, after Elemental combat turned into Elemental ages ago. Was feeling like a Thunder god(although Blizzard took the original thunder sound away in favor of some weak lame fizzle sound just before Burning Crusade) and I absolutly loathe how Ascendance looks too.
It’s still cooling handling the raw elements, throwing thunderbolts, molten chunks of lava or splashing over people with the element of water.
I guess it’s also a fair bit of nostalgia and “Main loyalty” to have me logging back on my Shaman.
I really hope Shadowlands will restore some of what we lost…but so far it’s not looking bright.
Still, Tauren Shaman one of my favorite race/class combos.

Genuinely my favourite class in the game.


I recently returned to try my shaman again and I love him. Its very satisfying to get proc after proc afte rproc. Plus they look amazing. I also have the bonus story of my goblin shaman isnt actually a shamanx he just fakes it with gadgets.

Resto shaman was my main and favourite spec for like 4 xpacs, I put up with the clunky dps specs for leveling/dailies. Then 8.1 happened and the community literally shunned shamans, could not get a m+ as a healer at all and then the one high key I did get at the start of the xpac I was getting whispers of abuse from two of the dps.

Then we were promised re works for 2 or three patches after that and it never came lmao, I abandoned it like any sane person did and went resto druid. It always gets really powerful and the end of every xpansion due to stat scaling, but I will never go a class that needs 3-4 tiers to become decent again.

What is a shaman ? some silly voodoo man ? :stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoy my shaman especially my elemental hurling lumps of rock and fire is really really satisfying.

I’d rather play 10 shamans that a mary sue wanna be paladin.

Why would anyone play a paladin in a fantasy world? Especially a human male paladin, like the most boring basic class race combo.

You can be a zombie summoning demons or a primitive tribal troll practicing voodoo or a werewolf turning into other beasts and yet you choose… A human male paladin. It’s beyond me.

because I’m fat in real life. running around is a fantasy for me


I like the class fantasy of working with the elements, being in tune with them, understanding them.

Aesthetically, Shamans have the best looking spells… and I find their whole premise to be pretty neat.

Best show ever

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because I can control all the elements like Aang from ATLA.

Also can summon spirit wolves and turn into one.

Also dual wielding.

I just enjoy the class for what it is tbh it can be both melee and casta

I legit like shamans, why? Because I like spiritualist classes that are not all about the light and holy power.

I enjoy our fantasy, we can communicate with the dead, we are about balance in the world. Obviously we call upon the elements to use elemental magic. Awesome kind of magic, was a big fan of avatar. Earth, wind, water and fire.

Totems are cool, basically little podiums we carry around that we do a little alchemy in (although for gameplay purposes they just exisit) that act as conduits with the elements, got your voodoo, witch doctor fantasy in there.

I mean did you not see what Thrall did to garrosh? Used the very land to kill him (at a cost of his powers) but still shows you sort of acts shamans can perform.

Enhance is way more fun compared to all 3 warlock specs

As one who play shaman (enha) as main since vanilla, i never found any other class as fun as shaman.

Aside that they are rly squishy and not the best pick for pvp, i rly like my shaman.

Would be happy for a 4th tank spec, but highly doubt that ever happen.

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