Who legit likes shaman?

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My main is a shaman, I don’t know why but they just clicked with me, It’s been my main since I made it in TBC, replacing my Warrior, yes, it was a Draenei but I changed it to a Pandaren. It’s my main in Classic too.

I just hope Shadowlands makes it a bit better.

As class phantasy i think shaman is literally the best one.
As gameplay… lmao.

I see an enh shaman wielding lighting and smiting foes like Thor. Sounds cool enough imo

SL Enh sham looks especially great.

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Warcraft 3. Bloodlust. Throwing Force Lightning… um I mean Lightning Bolts/Chain Lightnings around. Deleting people in 3 gcd & looking awesome doing it. The whole tough, bursty nuking caster that can ALSO play a support like a champ and can on their own grant you like half of a raid buffs thing. Totem quests were just too cool to not complete. Legion order hall campaign - the same. Relentless PvP set is right there under the definition of cool.

That said, I jumped into WoW straight from Frozen Throne, started playing in Wrath, when Shaman was easy to play, hard to master, high performance overall if you knew how to use it. Then pruning, class homogenization, more & more hypermobile melees > encounters of “move move MOVE” variety happened.

I hate hate HATE the mechanical gameplay of Shaman right now. At least Elemental. Builder ability - Lightning Bolt - is the definition & image of a wet noodle in BFA. Cooldown ability (LVB) is, in theory, hard hitting but in reality again a wet noodle. Chain Lightning is a weak 5-target wet noodle that only surpasses Bolt at 3+ targets. AoE spender is ground-targeted DoT and before you can cast it, DHs already killed everything with eye beams. Both Earth Shock & Earthquake take way too much time to build up & are kinda disappointing. Icefury just doesn’t feel right. The whole Lava Surge thing is just screwing up with us - at some points it’s just better to keep Flame Shock up, jump around spamming Frost Shocks & wait for Surge procs to spam instant LVB than to keep casting Lightning Bolts. They’re just too weak, have too long cast time, get pushback, are vulnerable to interrupts, before they generate enough for spender everything is dead…

Preach it, brother… Mail armor doesn’t mean anything, shield doesn’t help because armor is just for show as it’s all Versatility now, Earthgrab was deemed too strong, Stoneclaw “had no clear purpose”, Gust of Wind removed while charging guys got their abilities buffed. I had the misfortune of leveling my shaman alt again around BFA pre-patch. Had to be careful not to pull more than 2 mobs at once - would end in a trip to spirit healer.

Would still prefer the old gameplay (FS-LVB-Lightning Bolt spam, Chain on cd vs 2+ targets) than this “0 dps filler, average dps spender”. Just no more instant Lavas. That spell should be strong enough to be preferred anyway. Earth Shock gets nerfed though, so who knows, maybe Ele will be fun & viable again? When we get haste gear, that is…


Being an elemental warrior is quite fun. :slight_smile:

no shaman are weak dps charge lowest low force mage shaman dmg weak compare most oter class

dont give crap about tools oter class wich provide same tool but better

ye shaman weak dmg and there tool kit good same bad oter class same more dmg so ye

Same here it looks ok in books, but can’t find the appeal to ever try one.

Back in early 2007 when I started WoW I tried mage, didn’t really like it, tried shaman, fell in love instantly as I wanted some kind of lightning caster and the totems were fun for utility. Still my main to this day but sometimes I feel a bit forced to play him when I’m grinding reps.

Shaman usually has one of the better rotations.

Nothing beats throwing fat meatballs at people and zapping them with lightning. Totems are really cool concept too, but they gutted them for now, until Shadowlands. Can’t wait for them to bring them all back.

I never found levelling my shaman difficult, I see it mentioned a lot here.

I levelled as enh and I could easily mow down entire packs of mobs without issues with like no downtime whatsoever. Maybe if I pulled a lot I’d need astral shift and a few healing surges but with the healing surge PvP talent and earth shield, levelling was a breeze. Even big bad elites were doable without much issue. I found the levelling very fluid overall compared to some classes. Certainly not as fragile as some classes when levelling.

But how’s the DPS? Last time I had my Shammy was fully decked out in ICC25 gear and couldn’t match my other classes with more work :frowning:

enhanced Shaman was my favourite dps class just numbers weren’t there :stuck_out_tongue: Would roll another one if it was decent for the effort put in hehe.

Being able to use shields and not tank.

Though I’d probably be a dark shaman. Those elementals are jerks, no need to be kind to them :stuck_out_tongue:

and summnoing giant fire or rock elementals to fight for you!
i do wish the visusals of some spells(enhance atleast) where bit more noticable/flasy though :confused:

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all reasons why im lvling my draenei shaman at moment! (plus they actully look quite good for sl’s and one of legendayr effects will be somethng for llonger bloodlust on self so thats cool aswell)

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Shaman is the closest thing you can get from being an in game thor! I think lore wise mage still wins for me, Shamans kinda borrow power which sounds weird to me when most elementals are pretty evil.

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I do like shaman. Especially resto. Easy and fun.

There used to be one thing better than that and it was called Thundefudge sadly whining ensured it was nerfed to the ground because jealous lesser classes envied our power to dismount kill them.

tell me which tools people can provide which are better ? oh right you cant as you are trolling as always .