Who legit likes shaman?

oo play class for many years i tink i know talk about shaman never been top healers but ye if you tink thet sure never been sorry state hes it now

Me like shaman, me like splash splash :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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haha yep indeed but all theny doing sad tims indeed

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I am sorry i can not understand that rant at all .
You do know (well you should with a CE unless you bought) that whilst being top with HPS isnt the be all and end all of healing ?

Resto shaman has
One of the best interupts ingame
Best dps of any healer as in battle shaman.
3 raid wide cooldowns .

If you honestly think being top dps and hps is all that matters you are a very very bad player and not a team player at all.

know hps and dps not all metter i know this very well but will low healing safe group will low dps kill boss no will not both ting important tack over dps but same tack and dps both important end day

trust me when i sey this you tink tack and low healing or low dps will kill boss wrong dread wrong i know you talk about also said bring usefull tools but same time healing out put terrbol

theny not stack

I am trying hard to understand what you are typeing but i just cant sorry .
There weak? Yet still good enough to do 11/12 mythic ?

If weak you wouldnt be there .

I really like Shamans, since forever.
Everything screams “amazing” from them to me, even if I don’t play one at the moment.

dont get me wrong i love this class amezing past love so much but this point better options

both healer dps simple truth

I don’t mind that. I don’t play at a level where not being the best matter. So I play what is simply fun to me.

Like what ? You raid on the shaman i linked so if they were bad you wouldnt be there simple as that.

yes i still man eugh own up to it wat i said tools are nice but dmg out put just not there

same go resto shaman tools nice output not there

Its not about damage so you are just trolling now .
You did your usual came into a thread passed a flippant comment and trolled .
I can not take you serious if all you care about is damage .

don’t care at all about dmg i know but just sey base log are sey i know log are not right now but still it there

ok make good here plus spirt link cloud brust healing tide group healing spirt walker grace

ele wind rush tremor totem primal earth ele prime fire great crowed controll stom ele for big cleave if tank does it right decent brust but lost real qeuk as for icefury good but need some work i hope shadow land turn it around

ench great burst but terrbol suv areana as for raid good but lack burst lost real qeuk good mobilty

but ye same time like i said dmg tack both important thet my thet end

Even Thrall abandoned shamans and went warrior instead.

treu thet even he abandoned it

I love shaman, cant imagine maining anything else. I love the animations of all 3 specs, but i usually only play resto.

shaman ment to be healer fairness ting is hybrid class never do well dmg honest

Shaman has been one of my favorite classes ever since I first started to play it near the end of WoD. The theme is awesome and all 3 specs are enjoyable.

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