Who legit likes shaman?

-Having the elements to your side.
-Feels like you are playing Thor.
-Class fantasy is rare to find thats why shamans always devs always kept them like that.

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Being honest i just play resto so i couldnt tell you a truthful answer but i do enjoy them when questing and leveling :slight_smile:

hunter mage rogeu dh list go on shaman how ever very weak compare to them

want me show you dmg list wow log 2 ?

Honestly I don’t feel I can fulfill the shaman class fantasy on anything other than a the human race but humans can’t be shamans. Unsure how dwarves got to be shamans since they’re from frozen waste lands and scottish themed.

Yeah was shocked Goblins can be shamans I mean how does that work lol

Lore wise wasn’t it only clans like the Wildhammers who had shamans not all of dwarfs could be shamans. It’s been a while since I’ve been into the lore and books hehe could be wrong.


Humans in warcraft have never been about shamanism, like ever. It’s always been tied up with Tauren, Orcs and Trolls and then extended to others.

If you mean because in RL shaman are humans, well surely by that logic there’s no class fantasy to be had from any class outside of humans, because all of the “real versions” of classes we have in game (like a warrior, a priest, a monk) are naturally human, because RL is nothing but humans.

races in wow are based upon aspects of RL human culture, even the Humans in wow are, they’re based upon the generic medieval-European fantasy thing, whereas Tauren are based upon native american culture, trolls are based upon indigenous haitan/african culture, orcs are roughly based upon mongol culture.

Of those four aspects of human culture (European medieval, native american, haitan, mongol) guess which ones have shaman and which ones don’t?

Humans in WoW =/= humans in RL, they represent an extremely narrow version of human culture IRL with added fantasy twists, and the version they represent doesn’t have any shamanic or tribal elements to it whatsoever. The closest is Kul Tirans and that’s probably because they are a representation of old indigenous English cultures, of which in history stuff like druidism and nature-witches etc were very much a thing. Kul Tiran shaman actually look really awesome with the right mog, you are literally Thor, with a dad bod (see last Avengers movie)

I guess i’m a bit lost here?

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Ignore him, troll is obvious troll.

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Frost shock?

I have legit always thought of Shaman as probably the most instantly fun class to play in the whole game.

Never actually mained one though. They always felt like a paper tiger in pvp which was enough to turn me away from them.

hunters can heal ? who knew …

Mage can heal who knew

is that a red rogue that cant heal ?

I guess they can tank better than us but they still can heal .

Shamans can do more than dps and not mentioned dps apart from you and your trolling ways …btw forums have spell checker works for me .

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We can self heal

See above

But yeah just ignore him.

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He gets so tiresome decent posters are banned constantly but something like that is allowed to spew troll threads over and over its not right .

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still does more shamans
did not troll sadly :clown_face:

Your trolling and flagged you are just flame baiting .

no i not just simple told truth look wow log see for you self wat high dmg dealer are moment …

shadow priest sec now bm 3 and high 1 fire mage

numbers dont lie

shaman way down there not even mid peck anymore just so weak moment not funny

wait before u sey somting i play shaman i know talk about

The person said …

So you as a hunter can provide a BR ? You as a bunter can give 3 raid wide cds to save lives ?
But you also missed tbis part …

That they were talking about healing only .
You came into this thread like you do with others to troll and nothing else .

yes same go for resto also waek sure relly good raid cooldown but compare thet pala disco priest or druid fall out only healer group healing need be stack

spirt link nice but better options

Then you dont play shaman very well if you think everyone needs to be stacked .

sure but how else shaman going to do healing spread would make healing not better worse shaman dont heve eugh singel target healing

only ting good about them spirt link but thet about it meby cloud brust nice but ye thet it

Yeah you dont play the class at all if you think that .