Who thought M+ changes was a good idea?

Who said that its a “master” vs “jack of all trades” matter? Many CE raiders are also high grade m+ runners. M+ and Raids share some common stuff together so its easy to master the 2nd if you are already a master at first. So if somebody runs high keys AND kills sire mythic on weekly basis. Should obviously be at a bigger advantage than somebody who just masters 1 aspect of the game.

PvP is usually different. You can be the “best dragonslayer of the land”…and still get your backside served to you in random BGs. :rofl:

I dont disagree with that, if you are A+ master in all content, then sure, you will get all the loot best for each type of content. What i was talking is that if you are jack of all trades, you shouldnt get more loot than master in one, like it is currently.

No it isnt. They are real difficulties what players take into cosideration when they play game. Nobady will put time and effort into mythic guilds when you can just open interface and pug +15 iwht 4 other players at anytime you want.

Why do you keep talking about mythic guilds, you can pug hc/mm raids any time you want lol. And you still refuse to acknowledge the difficulty point.

Mythic+ do reward heroic raiding gear.

If i do +15 and i get 210 ilvl, how is it more or equal to 213-220 from hc raid?

Well. Unless Blizz designs the loot to be exact “copies” of each other. People who branch out in multiple fields will still have the advantage of being able to “min-max” to oblivion. If we take a look at castle N for example. It barely has any crit/haste cloth stuff there. So if my Bis stats are Crit/haste then I HAVE to do m+s as well to trully have my “BiS” gear. Heck…if you are a fire mage. Your bis trinket is found in PvP. So you have to do PvP if you want to be “at the best level”.

True, stats could create problems, but blizz had solution for it in MoP, called reforging, could bring it back.

Weekly valut is heroic raid level loot. You cant make mythic+ drop heroic raid level loot becouse it would not be on par with heroic raiding. You literaly asking for more loot drop on heroic level for mythic+. Great now you have invalidated heroic raiding. Dude if you would be designer of this game this game would be insntaly dead.

I think the loot amount change was justified, since it unironically devalued Raid & PvP gear when people could go into a raid tier already decked out in 50/50 HC & Mythic level gear.

The drop in max ilvl reward is completely unjustifiable though, an M+15 early in the season is argueably way more difficult than the HC raid is. So rewarding at least 213 seems like a no brainer.

its not harder. Like at all.

But you dont listen what i say at all. If you make m+ weekly capped, how it would make raiding invalidated. Stop repeating your little song. Weekly vault should be bonus gear, not the main and only way to get gear from m+ compared to other activities.

That still doesn’t really solve the issue right now though… The RNG of not getting items and so forth.

I mean it’s up to debate, but i think an M+15 where every person accounts for a whopping 20% of the success of the dungeon is more volatile of an environment where each person needs to carry their weight much more than in a raid where you only account for like 5% of the total success.

You have much more resting on your shoulders in an M+, so while it’s easier to do it right since there are less moving parts, it also punishes mistakes MUCH harder since each player makes up such a big portion of the inputs.

Best solution would be to remove all drops from m+ and replace it with weekly currency (similar to conquest). Then you could buy gear you want and upgrade it with infinite farmable 2nd currency (similar to honor).

Raids are tunned for every single player being active and pulling their weights. This isnt classic where bosses were tunned with bad/afks in mind.

You can easily do raid where half players are bads and half carrying them. And again, go with 200 ilvl and do +15 and then hc shriekwing, then tell me which is harder. Otherwise stop trolling.


No you cant.

Yeah but M dungeons have potency of quick carrying as well take that in notice that doing so also affects the other aspects of the game.

There is no need to have TWO equal ways for getting max gear. And as now it stands 210ilvl has only 3 ilvl difference from heroic Raids which is fairly on par. If they want to remove that small pedestal that is fine, but having some sort of ladder to climb to top is welcome, unlike BFA cheese potential.

Don’t forget that in raids you can wipe multiple times until you “get it right” without any consequence whatsoever(well maybe just some spent time). While in m+… especially in higher keys. 1 wipe can sometimes seal the key’s fate and you can just give up at that point knowing that its most likely a deplete no matter what you do.