Who will main Vulpera?

I have 120s on both sides, though play Horde mostly.

I got all rep already , I shall have a


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for the collection of like 20 alts hat are also 110-120 :wink: only allied race I have not on 120 is kul Tiran and that will remain so, I do not care for them at all.

It will not be a Main but I will definitely getting one. I still wish I could get a Sethrak though… :star_struck:

To be fair their racials are looking good but them looks…ughh so ugly and freakish then again they are on the magilla gorilla faction so I guess they will fit in just fine.

I actually have an irl friend who only played a starters edition for a while now and when he saw Vulperas being announced first thing he asked me was “can I play them right away?”. I explained how to unlock them and his only response was “guess then I stick with the free version”.
Ya he probably isn’t one to p(l)ay forever but still this is what allied races to “many”.

But this discussion is endless, many people will say “it’s just cosmetics and a reward for playing” for others the race they can play is at the core of “i want to play or not”.

My personal opinion: The unlock requirements are rubbish and do more harm then they do good.

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I have zero interest on Mechagnomes but I think I’ll unlock Vulperas at some point and at least create one. Rogue or Hunter probably. But I am still leveling my other allied race characters, this is insane! I don’t have time to level them all, especially now that I am in a new server and my main on that server is Belf DH to get first max level character

Agree with your opinion, if we start to argue that races are cosmetic in an rpg i don’t even know anymore lol. It’s literally the base of everything

I’m using the event dungeons to level some of my lowbies. You get a little less than half a level for less than 5 minutes played @20. The higher the level, the less you get, but it’s still pretty good XP until level 60.

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I would have, but they can’t be Druids. I would have switched this cow to a Vulpera in a heart beat. It’s not for the racials, the cow is the best herb farmer ever. It just the size. I am tired of taking up a city block when mounting up on a Tundra Mammoth or an Explorer Yak. And no to a troll, just no, no way, no chance, NOOOOO!!!

I love my Druid, I just wish Blizzard would give it some love too. Anything smaller and that is not a cow or a troll.

#VulpraNeedsDruids, #NeverLucky

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Your eyes don’t really stand out if you match everything to them.

And I never took to the golden eyes, probably again because she’s always had green and it just looks wrong. Blue does look nice, one of my Blood Elves gets that via a transmog set but they’d never give a blue option because of the issues it would cause with those wanting High Elves.

When someone mentions the H word, this GIF comes to mind. But replace read for speak and book for Helf.

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Yeah that was my concern the moment she said it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll be maining Mechagnome. A Tinker if they get announced, if not then a rogue.

Better oil up those gears, because nothing is worse than a creaking rogue.

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Have you thought of using the troll boots?

I will! As soon as they can be DKs though.

Im gonna play around with a vulpera warrior the rest of BfA though

It’ll give me a good enough reason to play my Ally char more and hunt every last one of those critters down

Vulpera are cute and I would like to have one for an alt, but I will not bother with unlocking the horde reputations, had enough of the rep grind already while playing on the alliance in the BFA.

20k rep to go.
That will be like a day or 2 yeah?

shame you never saw the good story of the horde leading up to uldir :open_mouth:

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I will probably make one just for fun. As a main I’ve been playing a tauren paladin for a long time.

Tastes differ ofc, but for me tauren in plate armor (dk.war.pal) is the most badass looking char in game. Vulpera can be fun to play though