Whos stupid idea was BFA anyway?

I mean…

Legion ended with Horde and Alliance fighting together and defeating the burning Legion (even though the Horde didnt do much because our dear Warchief was more Interested in finding another plot for eternal life than in stopping a freaking Legion invasion…) and our Planet got stabbed by a weapon so powerfull, we all had to sacrifice our artifacts, the one thing that made Legion really unique and fun, to stop it from instantly killing Azeroth…

And with that great setup, we got…

An Expansion about a pointless new conflict between Horde and Alliance caused by an insane Lich Queen, with our dying planet being reduced to a Side Story excuse to keep farming worthless points…

Oh and Azeroth is a giant High Tech Sci Fi Spaceship now…

ehm… sorry but… WHAT?


In short, they needed an excuse to shove another faction war down our throat.

It’s just a filler expansion lorewise.

Probably the biggest let down was the poor use of Azshara, it’s almost Kael’thas levels of butchering.


Honestly, i have no idea what happened with Azshara, I quit BFA like 2 months in…


Been so since Wotlk. What’s your point?

A wise decision :slight_smile:

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But, but…

Pirates :grinning:


Imo this expansion had some really cool moments. But yeah how the story resolved was REALLY dumb.

WoW story has always sucked chief

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I don’t really care about lore in game. Its always been ok for the MMO standards, but BFA is the worst name they ever came up. It screams for “Hey we are so desperate so we give this expansion a shock name”. Next is something typically american and has a shake factor.

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You actually think they did Azshara right in BFA ?

Imo she had much more potential then just mid expansion boss and N’zoth’s puppet.

Imo she is the kind of character that deserved her own expansion.


This is the part that bothered me the most since Legion ended. Why did they decide to shove a forced faction war down our throat when we were more united then ever? We defeated the Legion together. Freed Suramar together. Stopped the Emerald Nightmare together. We shared the same main city the whole expansion. The opposite faction weren’t the enemy anymore, they were the guys from our Class Hall. Sylvanas met with her sisters in the Ghostlands, and Anduin wrote a letter to arrange a meeting between humans and forsaken.

Our planet is stabbed my a giant sword. The prison of N’zoth weakens. We are weakened after the war with the Legion, so Azshara attacks now - this alone could make a much more interesting story.


Blizzard managed to mess up how they handled both Azsharas in the game. The zone and the npc.


I have to admit, that BfA was like a lightning from the clear sky(No there were no shamans either).

War again? Pfft…

It felt so similar to what Cataclysm fely after WOTLK…

I mean we lived in the same city, fought the undead together and it felt like we were united and then… “Horde needs a true Warchief”

Only difference i feel, is that Cataclysm really had so much content in it… Revamped Azeroth woth so many added landmasses… BfA just feels small from what i have jeard… At least for player who loves quests and stories. I guess i see how it really is soon, when i get my new character to 110.


She released N’Zoth with our help. Pulling a Dragon Soul 2.0 with our Heart of Azeroth. After she was killed N’Zoth ressed her and pulled her away.

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Dunno OP, its highly subjective. I like it.

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It was my idea sorry guys :frowning:


This thread makes me wonder whether anyone here played through Stormheim storyline during Legion…


Its just a filler xpac a place to experiment with new systems while giving very little content.

I said before bfa was released it was going to be a filler and I was ridiculed for it unfortunately my opinion was right :pensive:. But this xpac was just so much worse then I thought, everything has been slowed combat with the introduction of more gcd, xp gains were lowered so it took longer for each unfulfilling area to be completed, everything seems to be gated with a rep even the incursions give nothing xp and rewards are bad and this is just naming a few things don’t even mention the narrative.

I’m hoping the next xpac is as big and as long as Legion with rewarding and meaningful systems where there is content and fun narratives to keep us engaged where our classes and specs are back to their high speed, stronger more fun play style and that classes that need work actually get it and are actually ready when the next xpac goes live.


when ignoring lore and stuff seriously whose idea was bfa?