Whos stupid idea was BFA anyway?

Oh look another Classic player bait hate thread! How very original.

Didn’t see the OP mentioning classic or directing into it. Only you giving it attention now


the endless boring quests to get to lvl 120 are KILLING me. it’s all about going to some region where enemies spawn, kill 20 of this 30 of that and burn some banners and sh!t for bonus rewards, it took me 2 entire damn days to finally finish the waycrest quests and theni had to go to another region to do the same quests over and over again albeit with different enemies! if i see one more witch imma truly throw up! after i unlock the dark irons im just gonna go level up in legion or some other expansion i didn’t finish and will NEVER return to kul’thiras!


Sorry to be cruel but sprinkle a few mobs around a map and tell players to go kill them and come back for your reward and thats exactly what players do. Half the time they don’t read what is being asked and so the game creators gave up with making interesting game play yonks ago.

I dunno if I have played anything in Warcraft since Lich King that actually made me feel I was part of a structured campaign. I thought BfA would be all about fighting your way through Eastern or Kalimdor laying seige to areas and competing with the other factions. I didn’t realise I was going on an Aztec theme expansion… On one hand we had Anduin and Sylvanas fighting DnD style and there was I in some Indiana Jones game.

Not fun sadly.


She’s not dead yet and have a bargain with Sylvanas which intends to get rid of N’zoth, doesn’t sound like a wasted character for now.

It all depends on how things will work out later on but for now she’s far from wasted.


I think the issue is that coming off Legion, which was a highly rated expansion, it was going to be hard to duplicate the success, plus BFA was rushed and the developers took out things that people complained about in Legion (artifact weapons, PVP world quests, Mage Tower, etcc).

So BFA is a stripped down version of Legion with an armor system no one wants in the Azerite system which simply did not make any sense. You had all of these armor pieces with traits but they did not make anyone want to grind and quest to get the pieces.

As for the story, it was supposed to be about why Gallywix and Sylvannas wanted the Azerite, which was to make weapons and the Alliance were to stop them, which lead to the conflict. Plus remember too the Alliance thinks that Sylvannas abandoned Varian in Legion, which led to his death (we know otherwise).

So there was a grudge there, but to me was not enough to justify the conflict, of course Sylvannas burned Teledrassil which kicked it off and here it is. Now we are off with old gods, in Mechagon and Natzjatar. There is no connection to any of it really, except it is part of Sylvannas’ plan. We were also supposed to see Anduin exhibit morally grey areas which we have not seen yet.

If I were Blizzard I would just release some minor content and spend the time on 9.0, get that right as BFA pretty much is not worth redeeming at this point. Going forward they need to ensure that they are listening to their players and trying to give us the best expansion possible.

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Boris Johnson.

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He did post it from a Classic account, and whenever Classic players post to the retail forums it’s to bash it. So yeah, it’s quite fair to assume it’s just hate bait.

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They should be able to post it in a retail character, classic character, or a platypus

It’s still a person behind the computer having an opinion.

and yes this expansion had feels, put it took common sense and logic to get to those “feels” and pushed them out the window.

Mynostro Tauren druid is also a level 120 poster in the story forum.
I didn’t noticed until I read his name to be honest.

Some players in the story forum are protesting, by leaving retail and playing classic.

Others are threatening to do the same if the Alliance merges with the Horde.

In example this US post got 165 upvotes, which is pretty impressive, for story forum:

This one from our story forum got 34 upvotes.
Highest I ever seen in our story forums, where if you get 12 upvotes, it’s a very good post.


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I don’t disagree with you there. All I was saying is that they had the right to feel like it was bait considering past experiences from Classic players bashing retail. I’d be like me going onto the classic forums and making a thread “Who’s stupid idea was Classic anyway?”

It’s too early in the morning for me to try and work out what you’re attempting to articulate here.

I said that too, but no one ridiculed me, but asked why I thought so. i said two things : Christie Golden and that Legion wasn’t filler. I do not like how they now do those expa>filler>expa>filler thing where as they managed to do full sized expansions previously - tbc, wotlk, cataclysm and mop.

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Character wise ? Yes! She was just like she was in the books

Actually not. If you really think about it . Azshara was never the focus of the story , but a device

Not at all. But that’s my opinion

That peace died with varian’s death. Specially after alliance thinking that sylvanas abandoned them to die.

Plus, sylvanas wanted to create war and kill people for a goal we don’t yet fully know. I think attacking one of the most sacred things to the night elf kingdom was enough to trigger a war, don’t you think?

You don’t like the story? what do you want? Anduin 2.0 running horde and people mining the sword of sargeras out of azeroth together while holding hands?

We had a giant demon sword bleeding out our planet and crushing deep into his core, freeing who knows what in the process.
How is that not a setup for a good expansion where we actually have to fight to keep our home planet alive?

And honestly, even a whole expansion just about getting the sword out sounds better than what we got…


Simple . Some years ago blizz said they will make for us more expansions .
We all loved it.
But blizz decided to put on a “suckers” tax and made patches into expansions (WoD and BfA).
Thats all about to it .

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Azshara was always a puppet first to sargeras and now to nzoth.

Also she wasn’t a powerfull mage at all but they retconned her to one which made her even more boring since being queen because of your cunning and charisma is much more interesting than being a queen because you are a good wizzard.

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100% Agree.

Whining about “pointless” faction war in BFA is idiotic. We’ve had faction wars and uniting against common enemy in every expansion, even in Warcraft 3.

I’d argue that’s the worst thing they could do. We really don’t know what we want and in so many cases blizzard gave us what we moaned for and then we blamed them for implementing an idea nobody asked for. They need to have more faith in themselves and design the damn game for us!