Why 1 person can't summon players?

Come on Blizzard, it is almost 2025 and it is so hard to find players in old world zones, as a mostly solo player, my cousin sometimes comes to wow and play with me, he doesnt like questing, so there are many zones that he has not unlocked yet, but wow lets summoning people to these zones even if it is still locked for the players who are summoned. The issue is, we dont play with anyone else, why do we have to message many random players to find one who will help me summon my cousin? Are there any reasons why it has to be minimum 2 players to summon others? As the game becomes more solo player friendly, Blizzard definitely needs to take 1 person summoning into consideration. Maybe you can do it with Warband system, let one of our warband characters randomly come out of a portal when we wanna summon people, help you summon. Please please PLEASE Blizzard, such features looks small but saves so much time, makes our lives easier!


I’m inspired to see a warp stone after reading this. open the map, pick a warp stone and travel there.


I do think that at this stage in the games evolution that single player summoning would be a good thing.
They’ve added a lot of features to improve QoL recently that would have been deemed way beyond the pale when the game was still new. This one doesn’t seem like it would be game breaking really. And it might encourage more players to help each other out on occassions.

Perhaps this could be a scroll for enchanters to make also so it’s not confined to only Warlocks.


Why implement 1-person summoning instead of allowing players to just teleport at will? Why should someone be present at the spot for others to also appear at that spot?

Non-troll response: Simply allow M+ keys to be initiated as an instant teleport inside the dungeon from the key holder


When you are playing wow you are most of time using WASD your movement keys.
so basically 3 fingers.
Siting in a chair playing a game no movement req for you to do in real life
and yet you are lazy to move your character to a dungeon that has TP in the main city.

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Maybe you need 2 so you can’t troll people .
Imagine someone spam summoning people , to make the accept summon pop up appear all the time .

To assist players who wish to help out someone or play with their friend.

You see groups for players doing Shadowmourne quest line for example who need help with that Blood Bitey thing. I’ve gone and helped if I wasn’t in the middle of something. But ICC is a fairly easy place to get to, portai to Old Dalaran and fly West a bit. Some places aren’t so quick and easy to get to. Would be nice to have a way to go help someone do something then hearth back home after.

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or… it’s almost 2025 why can’t players get their lazy, self-entitled virtual butt to the entrance.

I prefer my take.


True but that can be solved easily. Just like how game gives us option if we wanna let people sit on our multiple people mounts, it can also add ‘allow summoning’ option.

You just described how people in FF14 travel to subzones that they have already visited

You did not read it all, did you? If you did, you would know that its not about laziness. It’s funny how you call people lazy to move their a-s but you did not even read the post you commented under. As i said he DOESN’T LIKE questing, it is boring to him and he doesn’t like that game forces him to do a ton of quests to unlock zones.

Huh? What does a “locked” zone even mean? Even if you have never been in the zone before you can still fly there.
I quest only once on my main, rest alts are leveled via dungeon spam. So ofc I dont have the zones “unlocked” for that alt so I just fly there once and make sure to speak with a nearby flight path so I can use that the next time.

As Someonelese alrady said:

Its lazy and it doesn’t matter how much you try to “bend and rotate it” to look otherwise.

Back in Cata we had a guild perk that used to summon your whole group “have group will travel” with a decent CD on it.


If your cousin is a solo player who doesn’t like questing, what exactly do they do in the game?

From what you describe it’s unlikely they’ve gone far enough for delves.

As for the topic: The summon stone is designed to allow members of a group to meet, therefor it’s reasonable that it requires a group.

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I don’t even believe you play the game at all. Try to go Shadowlands maps, or like Argus in Legion with one of your alts, then you will know what ‘locked’ zones are if you hadn’t already unlocked these places with alts too. Fly to these zones and unlock flight points without questing, lets see if you can(It seems you dont even know flight master in Oribos is not even visible without questing). You have no idea what you are talking about.

First shadowlands has that treads or whatever thingy which allows you to go free room.
2nd The flight masters in most base flights points are PERMANENT. Just I dont know…run to them and click on them? :man_facepalming:
And even if you continue to argue about “mandatory” questing. The only “mandatory” quest I can think of is some 5 min introduction quest.
THERE IS NO zone where you need to do the whole zone’s questline + bonus objectives/quests to “unlock” to a basic level where you can at least roam around.

Third. Its a world of warcraft game? A WORLD? If your cousin can’t even get his :poop: together to do 1-2x 1 minute quests in an MMORPG game. I am sorry but then its the wrong game for him. Its the same as joining a shooter game but complaining that “I dont want to shoot at others”. Pretty much same logic.

We catch battle pets, enjoy felcycle puzzles, do old zone raids and dungeons to farm transmog, gather herbs and ores to sell etc. Yeah he has not played Delves yet, i don’t think he is interested in it anyway. He is not after gearing, we can one shot old content mobs so its enough for him.

Yeah you are right, the summon stone is designed to allow members of a group to meet AND 2 person group is still a group. So why would you need to have a 3rd person to summon a friend if you wanna play the game only 2?

Blizzard designed summon stones with doing dungeons and raids in mind, which usually require a minimum of 5 people. Blizzard sadly doesn’t care much for the content they leave behind.

There’s also an element of avoiding trolling I suspect.

You cannot click on flight master in Oribos when there is no flight master at all without questing.

And no you are lying about 5 minutes of questing. I had Argus teleport unlocked in Legion, but i was locked in the ship. Today i have done so many quests to unlock all 3 zones of Argus, you cannot even teleport to its other zones without questing. You have to unlock the whole place by a long questing journey.

Your arguments are invalid, you are trying to prove yourself with false information, from now on you will be ignored by me under this post.

Even your die hard PvPer guys who hate PvE with passion can do some basic quests and then we got “Alcatraz special cousin” who can’t do even basic introductory quests?
Bah. Guess I got baited in your average weekend post again… :man_facepalming:

Oh noez. How will I ever sleep tonight now :scream: