Why all horde players don't want to rework AV map to full mirror?

The problem there is that not everybody plays for efficient honor farming. Some people still want rep and some people, hard though this may be to believe: actually play for fun.

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AV is not the place for fun, if you want fun, play WSG or wpvp, av is trash for fun my dood. You will do nothing but suffer.

1 question. If horde has advantage in AV, how come almost every AV is won by alliance within 7 minutes? … not, you don’t need to answer. you know this is just rhetorical question.

If Bliz don’t rework AV map AV battles will die very fast. Horde queue will increase as minimum.

Never seen this offer from horde players.

I never seen 7 minutes runs. Alliance has 9/10 loses. Even “premades”. You can join to premade channel and see with your own eyes (or hear :D).

Lol, i am curious about your numbers.

We really just need to fix unintended paths and turn back to when AV was objective heavy instead of a rush fest.

I didn’t win any single AV in 30 days already lol

You are just bad, just like me


I for once will agree with Mando. Just about any serious alli player ends up playing in premade or looking for one, unless they have negative IQ and make a deliberate decision to stay in pugs. Not hating on them alli pug bois because zugzug strong or something, but thats just the state of pvp with all the premade abuse.

ooo new ally cryboy joined forums ?? Great provie us with more fun by moaning :smiley:

Not everyone uses goldseller services and usually not ding to 60 with 900g in their pocket for 100% mount. Also on overpopulated servers where every farm spot, herb, mineral and elemental is camped 24/7 it is not simple to grind that amount of money. So people just pug av for rep to have discounted mount and some cheap epics.

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It’s actually a pretty decent explanation if you assume that some portion of alliance pugs are alts / fresh 60’s. I got myself enough gold in p1 so I didn’t even think about how hard it might be to farm gold after p2 hit and didn’t even think that one may be desperate to get mount at level 60.
It’s kinda silly though that you assumed people generally use goldsellers. I mean I saw several players rocking gear and mounts that’s worth 10000+ gold in total (yes, mounts, not just one). And these players didn’t strike me as the ones who would grind gold in any shape or form but still have pockets full of it. Most of people I know usually slave themselves over at StratScarlet to farm orbs or do solo jump runs to get even more per hour. There is no competition or pvp inside a dungeons after all and it is somewhat reliable way of getting money for enchants/consumables or even AV gear if you wish.

This is why they should have given us 1.6 AV and not 1.12 AV.
We all told them that it would just devolve into rushing to the very end as fast as possible with minimum PvP and sure enough here we are with a dumbed down and boring version of AV that’s easily cheesed.

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Alliance was playing better in the past.
I saw some russian Alliance playing well.

Yeah, now we got all the people whining / having to premade to fight pugs lol.

The goldseller part was kinda sarcasm, don’t take it too seriously.

However the amount of bots and black lotus campers are extremely high and that gold goes somewhere otherwise it would not worth farming it.

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i would be happy with such a rework, IF the bunkers get modeled like towers making them much harder to cap solo

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What? I do 7 mins wins streaks lol what premades have you been in exactly

History teaches the horde nothing. You have got Flamelash. Do you want same at AV? 1 game per day. It is possible. Just do nothing.

You can see discord adress in the next topic. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/vip-x-realm-lfm-av-premade/115681

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For example how they put the Horde starting point further in the Back ?

I cant imagine they put the new AV layout in the game.

Sorry ? I did not win an alterac valley for weeks ?

You cannot win alterac as alliance without cheating at this time.