Why all the hate for female leads?

As the title says…

I don’t understand that there is so much backlash for the female leads. I am a man, and I love women. My mom is a woman and I think she is the strongest character from the real life story line. My girlfriend is a woman and she fills my life with love and meaning.

The point is… Women are as great as men! Even though i’d love a 50/50 split between male and female leads that would also feel a bit forced. I just hope the writers put the story first and let both male and female characters shine in the worldsoul saga when need be.

That being said, I do like the female characters in this game. Xal’Atath is also cool but probably a genderless old god controlling a dead female body. So Xal’Atath could be considered a mysogonist by using dead females as puppets. ANYWAY!

Power to my girls!


That’s not how you spell “body 2”. It’s 2024.

But I think the people that complains’ main issue is that half the leaders are infallible, powerful and clad in the heaviest plot armour, while the other half are reduced to pretty useless or easily discarded villains.


Because they are badly written. And thats an understatement. Alleria reeks Sylvanas 2.0 and is even worse than her so far.


What Blizzard gets wrong and a lot of others get wrong is HOW they try to make women strong.

I haven’t played TWW but I already know what to expect. They essentially replace what would’ve been a male character, a male role and insert a female in it’s place. But men and women aren’t strong for the same reasons.

My mother was strong too, as well as other women in my family, but never in the way represented in a video game. It wasn’t because they ran around with huge biceps, were always angry and snarling at everything or spoke in a sinister/smokey voice. It was because they were resilient and enduring.

That’s what people tend to forget. Women and men in society portray power and authority in a different way, it’s part of nature. Men are naturally stronger than women, especially the really strong men, many times over the strongest woman. They’re not going to achieve their means to leadership in the same ways.

There’s also plenty of weak men that become leaders as well, it doesn’t always have to be strong men oozing of masculinity. So, as much as Blizzard and other gaming companies try to spread diversity, they’re really just swapping out genders and creating unrelatable characters that have no reflection or relation to society.

Fantasy, as much as it is make-believe, derives from our experiences in reality. Star Wars wouldn’t be relatable if the story at it’s core wasn’t based on human behavior with human characters that are relatable to. This seems to have been lost by many, thinking you could just switch out expectations or experiences by mixing and matching whomever with whatever.

It leaves the story feeling flat, unrelatable and not hitting any string of reality within us, so it comes off forced, disingenuous and unrelatable.

You can make any character strong, evil, good or even both. But how that’s being done is in a very generic and simplistic way and what ends up happening is the characters are void of a soul.


The latest stuff, with the elf lady just doing a Tyrande v2 is so badly written. Why would she after all the years of living and being ‘smart’ just lose all intelligence and start screwing things up like in TWW. Its really bad.


Exactly. And they want to push the reason being the void instead of she being mad at a certain mages supposed demise. And that reason makes even less sense given shes in training to control the void for a decade already (in lore time)

Like even Jaina is more bearable than her.


I ve no problem with female leads.

I like Sylvanas
I like Tyrande
I like Xal’atah, the new Kween.
I like Liadrin
I like Moira
I like Maiev
I like Jaina
Etc etc and I would be happy to see a Queen of the blood elves.

I hate DEI full package non sense character like Faerin.


No problem at all with female leads. Alleria and Jaina are both hot so I have no issue with them leading the way (Jaina obviously lead in BfA). The writing was never going to be world class as it never really has been in WOW so my expectations were not massively high.

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Russian troll bots stirring up discord in the “Liberal” West.
Youtubers making money by engagement algorithms favouring controversial topic (generally Culture Wars nonsense).
Hate / Anger rags like the Daily Mail or Fox News jumping on the same bandwagon.

Too many have drunk the Kool Aid of the above.
And it all happens so easily that we likely doomed…




Each to their own!

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I miss the good old days when we all hated Thrall for no reason instead.


We still hate him. And the reason was because Metzen tried to turn him into green jesus given Thrall was his character in the lore.


Other lead females fine me.
Only I hate Sylvanas since she ruined Horde like Garrosh. (same I hate Garrosh)

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Probably because they read and watch a lot of alternative media that talks about it and if you constantly gets reminded of something you will notice it more.

Most likely not because they dislike female leadership.


Some can’t stand for women to be the lead in anything. I really have no time for misogynists. So I generally try not to interact with the sexist posts too much. Nothing good can come of it. If someone has that neanderthal mindset, nothing anyone says or does will change it.

I don’t care what gender a villain or a hero is. I’m really enjoying Xalatath so far. Although we’ve had an expansion in between, the Jailer was so lame, and not because it was a male villain. We’ve had some great male villains too.

Criticism can be genderless. I don’t like this character because this, rather than OMG it’s a wahmen.


Its the russians again guys! You dont think that even without those few russian trolls, people wouldnt notice this forced diversity?

Europe completely flooded by young African and Middle eastern men. While most Euro countries are facing a housing crisis and everything gets more expensive. But i guess thats a controversial topic.

People have been drinking the real “kool aid” for a few decades now and finally see the results of the liberal western policies.
So you better pucker up because its coming.


Only found out the other day that Xal’atath was voiced by Claudia Christan who played Commander Ivonava in Babylon 5. I think she does an awesome job!


They are badly written, zero faults, continuously making male characters looking weak to make themselves look stronger and always overpowered with plot armour.

Nobody has a problem with female leads, it’s the way they are written. Rey in star wars was hated because it was a badly written super jedi with zero training, not because she was female but this is a typical theme in modern writing. Full of woke rubbish.


First at all: THERE ARE NO FEMALE CHARACTERS in the game!
They are Body Type 2.
Stop using wrong terms finally!

And like other people stated, and I agree, we have no problems with BodyType2 characters at all.
We don’t like badly written story and poorly designed characters.