Why all the hate for female leads?

Because they are badly written like most women roles in modern media. Girl boss and masculine which is lame and cringe af


Thats just racism.

Another, perfectly reasonable take is that low European birth rates are making the population contract. Without immigration their populations would be getting dramatically smaller gutting the workforce. This would make inflation far higher because lots of jobs are competing for a small pool to fill them.

The real “fact” is that in many countries (I’ll use the UK as an example) immigration is mostly not the refugees / people on boats that you are referring to. It’s people from Ukraine / Hong Kong / long term students etc.

Lack of house building is for sure a problem, but its a lack of political will / vested interests ‘nimby’s’ and the like.

In short, if anyone is slurping the kool aid - it’s you.


I think Faerin? is alright. Shes not written phenomenally but alright. I guess some people just get triggered because she has dark skin, has a missing Arm AND a missing Eye. I assume people feel like Blizzard tried to squeeze representation for a few Groups at once into one character and a lot of folks are just fed up by badly implemented/Forced implementation of certain groups and instantly get that feeling of “Oh no, not again.”

Personally i hope they couple her up with Anduin and level up her writing a bit.

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the overwhelming majority of the world hates women to varying degrees. some view them as second class citizens, others just view them as obnoxious and incompetent. they give themselves away by for example calling a character a girlboss when she is assertive, but then won’t call anduin a manbaby when he is emotional - they’ll instead call him whiny. the insult will never be gendered if its targeted at a male character.

the best example of this double standard in practice is with tony stark / ironman. close your eyes for a moment and you can almost hear the crying if this character was originally introduced as a woman, yet he spawned in as a guy and so people love him.

at the end of the day a terrible character is a terrible character, but no matter how good you do a female character, they will always be derided as a girlboss if they’re assertive or a mary sue if they’re strong.

there is one (1) known way to combat this - and thats to make the character attractive. if you can make the character attractive, the usuals will turn off their brain and with one hand occupied, say the character is fantastic, even if the character has everything they complain about in other characters. great examples here would be Black Widow or Sadie Adler or Shadowheart


Only thing I’ve seen for Faerin is that people don’t agree with her take of not accepting healing for her arm (most people I’ve seen with that take suffer from disabilities themselves). The character in itself most seem to not have a problem with. Alleria however…

Also Xal’atath seems to be free of any flame as well.

Shadowheart got flamed a lot wdym? Karlach on the other hand was beloved from day 1. Sure shadowheart was “hot” but that didn’t save her from her character getting quite a bit of flame.

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That’s not true. He’s being called a manbaby all the time, all over the internet.

I have heard precious little criticism of Xal’Atath.

The same happens with male characters.

WoW’s male characters have comical proportions as well. Even more so than the women. Never noticed how many males in WoW have a bicep bigger than their head?


Kool Aid is available in Europe? :astonished:

Even Blizzard called him the “boy-king” in the game. Anduin got flamed to the high heavens after Varian died and he took the throne (and thats an understatement)

Heck, even prior to Varians death he got flamed during the events of MoP etc.


Yea you can get it on Amazon.

Not in most shops though.

I’ve never tried it. Don’t intend to.

Because it is written poorly, and feels forced.


Lol at the racism, literally nobody cares about that label anymore. Do you think people are blind or something? Just a few weeks ago i saw hordes of muslim men, armed with machetes roaming the UK streets. Not a Ukrainian or student from Hong Kong in sight.

I understand u mightve missed that (probably busy writing your 15000th post on the wow forum) but i did happen.

Then we have the declining population in Europe as you mentioned. Why not incentivize the native population to have more kids, make it more attractive? Instead of inviting hordes of young men from opposing cultures ( that contribute very little, barring an increase in crime) . Just give me one good reason to accept those guys in while they eat benefits?


You’re a liar. If that happened they’d have been arrested.

What you probably saw was an out of context social media clip pretending to be something else. Which makes the irony of you mocking my post count funny.

That’s nothing to be proud of.


same thing really. And people call him manbaby as well. Besides this whole girlboss being used this way thing is recent thing. People werent using the world girlboss at all before i took a break.

Before that both male and female characters often were called mary sues

Yeah badly written :joy:

It’s less the female leads and more how they are writing the storylines and characters.

I put this on another thread but I’ll say it here too. Think back to older WoW expacs, the alliance and horde leaders would make plans around maps talking about how they are going to achieve the goal.

For example: Legion, the Horde and Alliance were working together. The Alliance would lead a ground assault because Varian was basically considered the best warrior in the world. They planned to push the Legion back to the portal into a killzone, while Sylvanas would flank the enemy taking the high ground with her dark rangers and take them down, tactics. Characters acting and behaving as if they have experience and knowledge that the game world has established them to have.

Now look at the current way they write the MC’s. They make no plans, outside of the constantly talking about their feelings, all they do is react to which ever big bad appears. Then chases after said big bad until big bad inevitably escapes. Alleria is chasing after Xal’atath. What’s the plan when we catch up to Xal’atath Alleria??? O wait, there is none. How would we capture an entity that can teleport through the void at will or blow up cities? Unless Xal’atath used to be an adventurer, I highly doubt an arrows going to end her career. This is the issue all the new MC’s have and why they come across as mary sues or just terribly written trash. Not because they’re female, it’s because their victories never feel earned. They run around like headless chickens until Duex Machina, a magical mcgiffin is randomsly found by chance that can completely counter/destroy the big bad.


Send another that can do the same things, AKA Jaina :thinking: Maybe not teleport “through the void”, but BfA taught us that Jaina can just teleport in a magic space boat anywhere, use WMD-level ice magic that can even destroy Blight and then obliterate any leftovers with pew pew arcane cannons. Honestly there’s not much true opposition for the alliance out there with Jaina around.

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Sure, I mean I doubt Jaina could match her, but at least that would be a plan. I’m fine with an all female roster, if they actually behaved like smart capable women and not neurotic teenagers.

If this is supposed to be the setup expac for the next 2 in the trilogy, it’s done a bad job of it. Why wasn’t it gather the surviving mages and Jaina, form a war council with horde and alliance, have goals like we need to build up our resources take down forces and capture strategic area’s while the mages work on a solution to capturing/killing Xal’atah. Instead we’re basically just constantly reacting to the situation as it unfolds so all the MC’s just seem like emotionally self absorbed morons. Then eventually and I’m calling it now, they will somehow stumble upon this ancient tome in the 11th hour that explains how to put Xal’atah back in the dagger.


My criticism is that it’s very imbalanced and has “Netflix show vibes”.

I have no problems with strong female leads, but if nearly every prominent, relevant, surviving and strong leader (Anduin isn’t one) is female, then it feels off in the same way it would feel off if every prominent, relevant, surviving and strong leader was male.

For me it’s about the one-sidedness, not the gender.

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No man would stay stuff like this.
Its not thats bothering me,i just dont care and neither should you.
Story since legion went makaroni :clown_face:

That’s because the extreme left get offended by micro aggressions and blizz played it safe by saying " body type 1 and 2" as to not offend some tiny woke minority. We all know there is male and female characters.