Why all the hate for female leads?

Depends on which female leads you are referring to. For example I like Xal and Aleria, but I really hate Faerin, because her personality is pretty much cardboard and she seems to be just there to tick off diversity checkboxes. That is to say that these preferences would hold true if the characters I listed where all male as well. I would still like Xal and Aleria and hate Faerin.

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The Virtues, Vices, and Themes of Lord of the Rings are universally loved and cherished on a global level by most cultures and civilizations. Amazon took this fantastic story, and reduced it to a Niche for very “modern” audiences in San Francisco, Berlin, Toronto, etc. They had one of the most diverse audiences on the planet, and they managed to make the audience culturally more homogeneous in the name of diversity. Very paradox, and funny for a critical observer.

Blizzard might be in the process of doing something similar with Warcraft in my opinion, where the story was universally loved in the whole World by many cultures until Legion, and now they run the risk of appealing more to a Niche with a similar mindset as people in their gentrified california bubble, while appealing less to a diverse, global audience. I think good art is what connects people the most. True diversity is achieved, if you have a player from New York, Warsaw or Berlin for example play or share a fascination about a game with someone from Moscow, Shanghai or Mumbai. That’s what diversity means to me, and I think their mentality is moving away from that, because they fixate too much on things that are globally not even embraced. I think it’s a huge aberration in corporate america. However, I want to highlight, that Blizzard is one of the better companies in that regard still, but the trend is a bit worrying.

My diversity-recommendation for Blizzard for their valuable and important warcraft IP is to stay away from shallow, political, local social trends, and instead embrace deeper, more general concepts, that connect diverse people all over the world, so we have effective diversity within the audience. I think they have done this well with Moira, Thrall, Anduin and Illidan.

Illidan embodies self-determination as a character. This is a concept, that everyone appreciates. He was born with a clear destiny, and he rejected it.

Let’s take old Mulan or Aladin from Disney. If someone said back then, that it was “DEI”, people would answer, that they should book a therapy session. There is a clear reason for it, that I tried to explain above.

Looks like Taliesin chimed in on the issue as well.

youtube .com/watch?v=glAcAzDSw6o

I’ve done my degree and MA in England and I watch “The Lotus Eaters” news on YT. The UK in being invaded and traitors are making you bend over backwards to accommodate them. Good luck and may your loved ones survive wants coming…


I know man. I have been watching in disbelief over the last couple of decades as our national identity has exponentially decayed, and the treacherous government has allowed it. Stupid people can’t see the problem on the horizon but some of us can. We just can’t do anything about it.

  • The strongest person ive ever met is my grandmother. Holocaust survivor who survived auswich, and then few years in slavery. Later she became a single mother to two boys. And never in her life asked for help (too proud for that). And in her career she achieved great things.
    And she did all that without a driver license.
    And after all that, covid killed her.

To the topic,
We dont actually fight women. We fight possessed women, dragons, spirits, demons and titans.

Well in the government all are all Puppets . I would say more but when truth is said ,people dissapear:D


You are a very optimistic person.
I will explain it this way. If you contaminate the drinking supply at a water treatment plant then you can reach hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of homes.
What this has to do with it is Platform and reach. More specifically intellectual properties themselves already have a build fandom - audience - following that you can spread your ideology to the masses by contaminating it with the “correct” ideology. In the real world very few people use preferred pronouns but there is so much being done to normalise it.


Without something to latch themselves on to. DEI/ESG is naturally rejected as most people just get along anyway and split among their groups and subgroups cultures and subcultures.

They will ruin Illidan Stormrage just as they are ruining everything else.
Mulan? Was turned into a modern day girl boss feminist icon. bestest ever and only has to unlock the awesomeness sealed within her to become even more bestest.
Mulan was another failure.

The creative vision of Blizzard dev team is DEI/ESG when you put activists in positions of power the only thing that they will do is activism. Sweet Baby Inc are evidence of this and move from game to game like a locust plague. The problem is content actually has to sell. DEI and ESG does not sell.

Natural Diversity always existed.
Look at Asmongold king of the Spergs. Do you think his following is simply White - H3t3ro - Males? Of course not or the story seekers of Nobbel87 - Pilav.
The “modern audience” is like 15 activists that wants the entire game to cater to them.


The UK is rapidly changing in real time.
Current government overreach and mishandling things. British people always have a way of surprising you.

They want people to believe that they are powerless. This is not the case.


Taliesin and Evitel are the shilliest shills that ever shilled.
The person he is reacting to is not properly articulating his point.
Taliesin virtue signals with terms like “Right Wing Reactionaries” but then he admits there are 2 genders.


I remember when Taliesin got very upset about when Asmongold was “punching down” on him after he responded to Tali’s criticism on him. Tali framed it as “the big content creator vs the small one”. The angry mob of Sauron himself attacking the pure and innocent Taliesin who did nothing to provoke a response from Asmongold.

Now here we are and Taliesin has no problems punching down on the person he’s watching the video of who happens to be a much smaller content creator, accusing him of an array of different phobias and labels, on top of getting his own righteous crusade to bully him rather than adress his arguments in the respectful way he demanded from Asmon after he attacked Taliesin back.
I can’t take Tali serious at all. Practice what you preach …


Oh for sure I had a hard time getting through the video considering how condescending he was towards the poor bloke.

I didn’t look up the original video but it felt like the guy made a quick recording after having had enough of encountering girlbosses and it was sort a spur of the moment kind of video.

Thing is there is a video of Asmongold reacting to the Threads of Destiny cinematic

youtube. com/watch?v=rZNRKMx0znk

he echoes some of the sentiments regarding there being lack of masculinity. He compared Threads of Destiny to the cinematics they released for WoD. Threads of Destiny is a really cool cinematic, sure, but it just doesnt quite hit the spot like the WoD cinematics(the birth of each clan, Iron Horde).

I’d love to see Taliesin go after Asmongold instead of punching down on some random guy making a quick recording. Not that Asmongold is a paragon of reason or anything but I’m curious to see if Taliesin would go after someone more popular instead regarding this particular topic.

I’ll just leave the links here just for good measure

youtube. com/watch?v=brOSi_rpGj4 -Threads of Destiny
youtube. com/watch?v=LG3RVCEwCPg - Lords of War Part One – Kargath

Night and day.

Also I wish Blizzard would stop with the anthropomorphism already. We have way too many animal like races that act like humans which only infantilizes the setting further.


lol really? I didnt even know

Yeah, it was a pretty long time ago now, and it wasn’t the only confrontation these 2 had.

Worse than her is complete bonkers cope, but I get what you mean.

This is the problem.
Anduin looks like a cry baby who isn’t older than 16.
Faerin of course (Who has considerably less experience and is more limited) is obviously so bold, strong-willed, a leader, etc etc…
Like huh?
And now Alleria is also dauntless and will just wreck anyone and anything alone with no problems.
Just like we’re seeing tons of female npc’s with leads, being inventive, commanders, whilst the dudes have minimal, often female associated roles.
It is plain “delulu” fiction, but yeah.


We need more girlbosses like Alleria and Xalatath and less crybabies like Anduin to be honest.

Asmongold is no stranger to controversy.
Some among Blizzard have taken shots at Asmongold already and he still kept it moving. I doubt Taliesin and Evitel the shilliest shills to even shill will go against Asmongold.

They just pretend to not see what is going on. Then eventually argue its a good thing.

The problem were never the symptoms.
People are just worried about the underlying cause

It’s not just that. I mean that’s one of the issues, where Anduin the danged King of the Alliance who has around him people who have MILLENIA of experience, gets schooled by some one armed pixie who did what exactly? Kicked around some spider-frog-things who came to steal her away and use her as bait or whatever.

But the worse thing is Faerin Lothar. First of all, why is she a Lothar? They needed that name to make her stand out? Okay, but why make it seem like her family was abusive or something. Stupid DEI crap. Why cut off her arm? Was she not interesting enough whole? DEI crap. Why make her so fugly too, why the Blade hair? Don’t tell me because it’s useful in battle cause that notion went out of the window when she refused a proper prosthetic for her disability.

At the end of the day, it’s crap writing from an unhinged team of wokester writers who thought they were gonna school us, the players on their wise californian ways by going full diversity mode, which seems to be at war with the male gaze. So they took what might have been a very good character and DEI-ed her until they got Faerin Lothar.

Anyway, does not matter. That team is out, a new one is in, or at least new leadership, the DEI stuff is dying. Who knows, maybe next expansion we might get some normal characters for a change, or at least what would classify as normal in a fantasy game. Cause it is a fantasy game. That’s why people play it, to see elves and orcs and all that stuff, not to visit the streets of California.