Why all the hate for female leads?

I disagree. The Dwarven wars have been going on possibly centuries. the Timeline is difficult to say for sure.
Dark Irons - Bronzebeards - Wildhammers are their own clans. Dark Irons participation in the Alliance is a recent thing.
Dark Irons should be our own sovereign clan. Not bow down to Bronzebeard rule. Moira will always be a Bronzebeard. No matter the retcons and how her story is handled or mishandled.

Blizzard’s ongoing mistake with World of Warcraft is that other parts of the lore are not in the game. Not everyone is going to buy the additional content - merchandise - books etc…

I personally disliked this.

There is a sidequest in Meredar where the chief armorer of the Arathi comes up and sais :

Bro, I made this super cool prosthetic arm that will help you with that shoulder pain you got from carrying a shield around all day.

The answer to that was : "Han… im proud to be disabled ! . I am absolutely not going to take this magical arm that will solve everything because "I am proud " and “girl power”…

What they should have done is the following :

  • Armourer sais she has been working with dwarfs to make a cool arm that could help the army. Gather these rare materials to make it.

  • Faerin sais : " That is awesome ! We have to do this ASAP "

  • Yo go collect the stuff. Armorer makes the thing, Faerin tests it.

  • Faerin sais " Wow this is awesome ! My shoulder dosent hurt anymore, and i can fight better with it". Can I keep it ?

  • Armourer sais of course Faerin. Its super hard to make these, we only got a few. But you are the absolute hero and you deserve to have it.

  • Faerin answers : Actually no. I am the hero that cares about the people. Give it to someone that is worse of than me, like an injured dude that lost 2 arms instead of 1. However, once the citizens are taken care of I absolutely want one of these…

THAT is how you do it. IMO.


You wake up to see that the Moderators have all but purged Tharodun the r4c3 b8r and the back and forth that he engaged with others for hours on the thread.

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This right here, is 100% right. It would set Faerin up as a hero and not a moron.

United till the Dark Iron when psycho and tried to murder and enslave the others.

Also, where in that do you explain away the marrying the man that murdered you people and was planning on murdering you dad?

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I honestly have no idea what Tharodun was saying tbh. I didn’t go and read a lot of the older comments - just a few that stood out to me.

I think the story of the dark iron and Moira is inspired heavily by Hades and Persephonne from greek mythology, which is very beautifully done. The dark iron definitely used to be evil, and shady, but that’s not the discussion. Azeroth is better off with all the 3 dwarf-kin united

Again not answering the whole murdering her father bit…
Moira’s only gripe with Magni in actual story is, Magni sent in forces to rescue her, because she was kidnapped and being used as a hostage. His forces then killed the man who had killed their people and was planning on killing their king. His daughter, fell in love with a man that murdered her people and was plotting to kill her father. Please tell me in what world does the dialogue in game match up to this behaviour, she literally calls magni a bad dad and he functionally says I know I am learning. No just No, she’s an entitled P.O.S, which is clearly some hacks daddy issues being thrown into the players faces.


Well, I said that before. Magni ordered the champions (well, adventurers back in classic) to kill Dagran, because he believed that Moira was there against her will. It turned out though that it was consentual, and she was in love with Dagran. I think it’s because Dagran allowed Moira to be her true self, while Magni tried to shape Moira into a Valkyr-esque warrior against her will, who was supposed to lead Ironforge after him.

It’s sad though that the game doesn’t explain the fantastic story of Moira. You have to read it in the books, or watch videos on it.

Pretty sure he didn’t pretty sure the quest is to rescue Moira and kill Dagran if you get the chance.

It was not consensual, because she was there because he kidnapped her, as in against her will, and in doing so murdered a bunch of ironforge guards. You can argue well she decided to stay when she fell in love with him. Which makes her more of an ###hole, as this guy murdered her people and is actively trying to kill her father.

None of this adds to Magni being a bad dad.

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Magni was definitely bad here. He didn’t respect Moira’s true self. Dagran did however. You can say it’s bad that Dagran captured her initially, yes, but you have to keep in mind that he’s at War with the Bronzebeard and Moira is the princess of the Bronzebeard, so obviously he did capture her. Why wouldn’t he. She’s his key to rule Ironforge some day, and guess what: He succeeded funnily, because Magni was a bad father for Moira. This is the reason she fell in love with Dagran. Dagran was the first time she could be the way she was, and had respect for that. Magni on the other hand wanted her to be someone she wasn’t. The next King of Ironforge is not gonna be a Bronzebeard, it’s gonna be a Thaurissan.

Bad father how? He raised his daughter in a time of war to be a fighter and leader, and was making her his heir. That’s an incredibly good dad. When you’re a good leader, what you want isn’t what matter, that’s the behaviour of an entitled child. Which proves my point about Moira

I’ll say it again because you fail to notice a big issue SHE MARRIED A MAN WHO IS TRYING TO KILL HER FATHER !!!

So you want void to be a small nuisance for character because character’s behaviour irks you? She was always portrayed as impulsive by the way, atleasf in books

She doesn’t

Khadgar? She heard his voice from dark heart, she is also a ranger, rangers are good at finding things

Old doesn’t mean all-knowing or omniscient, please don’t use power-scaler rhetoric

Moira is a way better leader than Magni. The alliance is way stronger thanks to Moira, because she manages to unite people. He wanted her to be a warrior. He didn’t understand that you can also have other strengths too for leadership. A good parent promotes and builds on strengths/talents. Magni on the other hand tried to force Moira to be like him. He may didn’t have bad intentions, but he did do a big mistake. It may have been a mistake, but honestly, the effect is very good in the long run tbf.

No this is just childish, you’re a leader how you want to be is less important than your people, also they aren’t united they are all working under their clans togethers in a shared power situation, it’s not a truly united nation. If anything they’re more divided. Before all clans bar the dark iron were united under one leader, now each clan head is acting as in charge of their clan and then the 3 clan heads argue things out, that’s not really unite. And again you’re missing the whole MAN TIED TO MURDER HER DAD

To the point of the discussion; I think hate is a strong word. … People are just fed up with it being so obvious they went with female leads for the bad reasons,same as when they eventually deliberately add a black character, Asian, ginger and queer guy / lesbian. Just to tick of a box.

It’s just sooo woke

Imagine lord of the rings with a full female lead cast? It would flop sorry to say.


Tharodun is basically the guy in the cartoon.
People can be chilling doing their thing then “bam! you h8 black people”
The others fell for it and for hours he found joy in trolling them. race b8ing.

Real issues such as lore reasons as to why humans are “diversified” would be great by Blizzard other than DEI and ESG initiatives.
The WoW playerbase had natural diversity not the politically manufactured diversity of DEI and ESG. If they retcon the Wrathgate with Black and Brown people it will be ruining it for ideological reasons.

WoW also had strong male leads back then. Bolvar Fordragon and Dranosh Saurfang facing the threats of the Lich King and the Scourge threats to them and their respective people head on as they lead their forces from the front.

But some might look at the Wrathgate cinematic then see the lack of “diversity” among the Alliance forces to be “problematic” they are the problem.
Since many that played Wrath of the Lich King even through Chromie’s time magics. Enjoy it for what it is.

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Yeah, I can agree with that. Diversity being forced where equality has already been achieved actually stirs the pot more than if various races were acknowledged naturally without being forced in order to satisfy some agenda.

DEI and ESG initiatives and everything similar to them are just sad and are usually a form of racism in their own right, IMO.

The Tolkien fandom is too big. 87 translations over 57 languages across hundreds of countries on Earth.
Amazon with all it’s money tried and failed to take on this beast. It lost.

Trying to make DEI/ESG relevant by forcing it into WoW through their initiatives.
But people seem to be widely rejecting it. Seems to be a Matriarchy expansion.


When me and friend watch a new film and you get these check box roles we all role our eyes

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