Why all the hate for female leads?

You really gave A LOT of reasons to unsub ngl :joy: I want to play and enjoy WoW but it’s near to impossible with all of this woke bs…

They are fighting a losing battle. Or better said, a stupid battle. How many times are you gonna attempt to use the same formula and reach the same outcome before you figure out it does not work. The market is capitalistic by nature, so there’s always gonna be someone to supply if the demand is high enough and from what I’ve seen and believe me I’m not even looking for this stuff, the asians are capitalizing on the failing western gaming market. Personally I’m not that crazy about it, catgirls aren’t my thing but you know what, they are a lot better to look at than the creatures that these western companies are putting out these days.


I’m not going to unsub because of it, I enjoy the game, but it’s silly. And writing all female characters as if they were male and vice versa seems a little misogynistic. Men and women are different, and that’s okay. Feminism should be about equal rights and embracing femininity not masculinity. That’s where the movement gets it wrong IMO.


Fully agree

New indiana jones game coming december that looked cool if you liked the films back in the day, I were only saddened they didnt get ford himself for the voice acting. Plenty of games with anything anyone prefer I guess, I mostly just play battlefields or wow.

Normally I don’t find myself agreeing with Horde players. But I just seem to be pointing out the shiny purple elephant in the room and looking around to see if anybody else notices.

You get what you paid for.
Concord was full of DEI and ESG the Market said: No we are not paying for that. Sony refunded everybody who did in the end.

I naively think this is a bad start to The War Within.
Blizzard deceived me once with Dragonflight. Their Centaur Civil Ceremony quest in Ohnarian plains. Memorised the NPC and NEVER done the quest again. I think eventually Dungeons will be unlocked without having to quest throgh the The Matriarchy Within.

Alliance currently has no leadership. With Turalyon being the last shreds of masculinity but that old soldier can only do so much. We are not the Horde with their Elder abuse. Varok Saurfang and Eitrigg were among the first Orcs to come through the Dark Portal with the first Horde. Yet instead of old folks homes they are leading Horde soldiers.

It would be great if Blizzard could do something like a Chromie time lock thing. Experience old expansions with level and gear restrictions.
Still waiting for the War Within to Improve. Feelings in hallways (neutered) and emasculated males having mother figures and matriarchies with nations of strong female characters. This is just not it.

Jaina Proudmoore about to drown Orgrimmar in revenge for Theramore but was talked out of it. That is a strong female character without a shred of masculinity.
Battle scarred disabled female war veterans that can do it just like the boys. Faerin Lothar. Comes across as d**k envy.

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I think this is where you are wrong. The market does win out in the end. Refuse to give the customers what they want and perish. Like Concord and Dustborne and Flintlocke. Give the customer what they want then succeed like Black Myth Wukong and Space Marines 2 - Helldivers before endless nerfs spoiled the fun.

To explain. With the Blackrock Loans in order to qualify for the the Loans you had to cram your content full of DEI and ESG. Problem is once you got the loans to make the game it actually had to sell. DEI and ESG is repellent at this point. Blizzard Entertainment is actively trying to rebrand DEI into IG = Inclusive Growth (look it up).
Kabrutos site DEI detected - that launched from Sweet Baby Inc detected is undeniable evidence of this.

Say what you want. But it can’t be denied that once the market knows that a studio worked with Sweet Baby Inc or those like them. Then sales fall.

When you look at games like Space Marine 2. It is a return to what works. Masculinity. No feelings in hallways - No subservient effeminate males inferior to females. Honour - Brotherhood - Sacrifice - Stoicism - Duty. Just you and your bros purging Xenos (aliens) or Heretics.
Activists prove themselves obsolete by complaining that there are no playable females in the game and LGBT representation in Space Marines two. Tyranids don’t care what you are or orientation, quite literally everything that is not a Tyranid is food. They are known as the “GREAT DEVOURER” for reasons but congrats on TRUE Equality. Girls can’t be Space Marines.

Masculinity will always sell. It is why people still play Doom and Doom Eternal. As long as Woke Bethesda does not somehow ruin Doom then that will confidently sell.
It is also why franchises die when you insert mdoern day people or girl bosses. Wolvenstein Young Blood - Gears of War 4 and 5 (renamed Gears) - Saints Row Reboot 2022.

If you think Gears of War 1 - 3. Highly masculine games and the game play was fast action paced. Gears 4 - 5 was purely agenda driven. Damon S Baird lead his own squad like Marcus once dead in the spin off Gears of War Judgement. But because of insubordination (despite making the right call) he was forever stripped of his title. Compare that to girl boss (honestly forgot her name and don’t want to remember) that was dating Markus son James. Told her commanding officer he could go screw his orders. Gameplay slowed down for feelings in hallways as she moans with her gay black friend about her boyfriend.

This is the bait and switch that annoys people. Using another intellectual property in to tell push something almost entirely different.

While everybody is free to do with what they want with their own account. This contributes to the problem.
To explain. When there are no consequences then lazy developers will have no reason to improve. If: No matter what we put out people will still pay their subs fees. Then you get what you pay for.
It will not be the changes that happened with Sonic the Hedgehog. The first version of Sonice was nightmare fuel they revised and redesigned the look then Sonic the Hedgehog movie went on to box office successes.

I literally done a side by side comparison with Warlords of Draenor cinematic to The War Within.
Buff muscle bound Orcs that stare down a pit lord and leap through a wall of flames to take out its foes. To a gender ambiguous probably biological female trying to look tough like a tough guy (for a girl).
Oh what a difference 10 years makes.

They ruined Indiana Jones. It is the Luke Skywalker method. Indie was made to look old and incompetent while random generic girll boss superior to Indiana Jones in everyway came and done things much better than Indie.

After that it murders all appetite for a sequel.
This method is used again and again. Kill off He Man twice to let audiences know that it is ALL about Teela and Evil Lynn - Make Kenobi incompetent so he can not possibly overshadow Reva and kid Leia. They tread a fine line between Angry Black Woman stereotype and a female dark Jedi that happens to be black. Same method with James Bond No Time to Die. The Bond franchise is so dead now they are pitching a gay Bond character. Oh boy how they ruined John Luke Picard apologising to a galaxy of girl bosses. Richter Belmont of Castlevania Nocturne.

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Have to correct something.

I was thinking of the 7th Legion not S17.
From the Mists of Pandaria to the Battle for Azeroth they were always a mixed group of some of the Alliance finest.
That was the comparison with the girl boss matriarchal soldiers with girls upfront and males at the back (of the bus).

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They made him human not the superman messiah people wanted

You probably know nothing at all about Star Wars.
They tore down a good male character thinking it will make their female character likeable. That people will have no other choice but to like “their” characters.
No amount of calling people anti-women made Rey Palpatine-Skywalker likeable in anyway.

The Yuuzhan Vong war was actually the peak of Grandmaster Luke Skywalker.
To recap. Before Disney 2012. After roughly 20 years reign as Vadar. Luke Skywalker is the one person in the entire galaxy that does not give up on the man he once was - Anakin Skywalker. Not only was he so full of hope but he remained true to the Light and would have died a Jedi, Redeeming his father back to the Light despite the death of Anakin Skywalkers physical body and becoming one with the force and a force ghost. A way for ones conscniencesness and form to remain. Thus the person “surviving” their physical death.

Disney Star Wars version 2012. The Force is female.
Luke Skywalker has a bad dream or Force vision. His nephew turning dark side so instead of having a conversation or trying to lead him down another path. He abandons all hope then led by said by dream tries to kill his nephew in his sleep with his lightsaber only to not follow through abandon the task at the last minute but scarred his nephew to becoming dark side.

Abandons the galaxy - the Jedi order that is butchered by his nephew and lives as a hermit drinking green alien breast milk direct from the breast of an alien cow. Superior in every way girl boss Jedi that has all the powers and don’t have to be trained Rey Palpatine-Skywalker arrives - Gives him his lightsaber that he tossed away like an empty drink can. Then defeats him to assert dominance and self trains.
The “sacred” Jedi texts are burned. Before Disney the Jedi always prized knowledge Light and Dark.
He literally fades away after he ran out of Force and fades away leaving his robes. His sister Leia at least left a body to bury.
Collins dictionary defines Character Assassination as: a deliberate attempt to destroy someone’s reputation
The Last Jedi began the trend of: Tear down the male in order to elevate the female or that the male can never outshine the female.

The Luke Skywalker that appeared in the Mandalorian TV show was NOT Disney Star Wars Luke Skywalker.
What we are seeing is a form of Gender Equity. Equity is the push for Equal Outcomes.
Chopping down tall people will not make short people any taller. Banning Male comedians will not make Females funny.
Ruining male characters will not make female characters likeable.
People will just purchase and play old games. Just as they purchased and read old comics.

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I love star wars i just feel it should focus more on other characters rather then just luke. For example the rescue luke comes in when the main cast have effectively lost and nullifys their reason for being there. Terrible. Where as season 3 the mandalorian clans work together to retaie mandalore and defeat the imperial who took it from them. Badass. The scene in the finale with them flying into battle was awesome.

Before they went with the girl boss Season 4 WOMANdalorian.
It was not bad. Yes they borrowed from Knights of the Old Republic since the first season as they referenced the Mandalorian Wars the Revan and Malak era.

There are more characters than Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.
But activists chose to ruin Luke Skywalker so thoroughly that they thought it will make people warm up to Rey Palpatine-Skywalker.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:Princess Leia - The Rescue. Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Once again the male must be torn down, turned into an incompetent bumbling idiot that is just an inconvenience to girl boss rambo that don’t need a man.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:Compared to the original which is just an adventure in a galaxy far far away. :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

The theme is that for Gender Equity (Equal Outcome) The male is torn down again and again. This is what is happening to males in the World of Warcraft the War Within. Attempt to do it subtlety instead of overtly coming across as anti-male.
Male characters do exist in the War Within. But just like neutered puppies they are greatly diminished. Anduin Wrynn is an example of this. For the Horde Baine Bloodhoof having mother Hayla Highmountain in Dragonflight is another.

Compare the original Leia Rescue to the Woke remake Leia Rescue the latter has a disdain towards males while the former does not.
Ideology is reflected in the finished product.

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Sometimes i forget how pointless it is to try and discuss with people like you. So blinded by hate you cant see for looking

You are one of the anti-fans that stalk Moltensage across the forums. But I clearly explain the situation to the reading audience. Who are free to disagree. But so far you have not proven me wrong.
Even with evidence and side by side comparisons. It’s like you bury your head in the sand. Seeking only that which confirms your own bias.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


“I hate minorities and women but your evil and a stalker for pointing it out. You made it political”

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Who exactly are you quoting?
When did disagreement become harassment or hatred?

I seem to be the Batman to your Joker.
Like when the criminal takes out his family or school he says the devil made him do it.

To explain to the reading audience.
I will explain this way.
There are adult biological females that have nothing to do with feminism.
There are Black people that have nothing to do with Black Lives Matter.
There are LGBT people that have nothing to do with Woke LGBT ideology.
How was it possible for the Games Industry to survive without DEI / ESG Political ideology and initiatives.

Black Myth Wukong has no DEI and they are doing just fine. Space Marines 2 has no DEI and ESG and they are also doing just fine.

Blizzard Entertainment was always capable of producing “strong female characters” without DEI and ESG political directives.

An excellent example of this is First Arcanist Thalyssra.
Elves in the World of Warcraft Universe are literally a magical species. With their forms changing depending on the Well of magics that they are exposed to. The Dark Trolls became Night Elves because of the Well of Eternity. Portions of the Night Elves became the Nightborne because of the Nightwell then the High Elves / Blood Elves because of the Sunwell. Blood Elves also became Fel Elves or Felblood Elves a different type of Elves from the Demon Hunters.

Nightborne and High Elves / Blood Elves have a withered state.
So when the player character during the Legion expansion met Thalyssra she was in her withered state. At the end of her ropes.
Together she worked with the player characters to save others in a withered state - find a cure through that special fruit - Saved many of her people from a doomed existence under the Burning Legion - Eventually mounted a resistance with High Elves / Blood Elves / Night Elves to retake Surumar.

Her work did not just end with restoring the Withered. But she had to become a statesman. The Grande Magistrix Elisande faction are still Nightborne and their fellow country Elves. So even without Horde presence tensions could not be allowed to escalate to a Elisande vs Thalyssra Nightborne Civil War.

Rebuilding Surumar society from the ground up. Learning the lessons to never repeat something like that again where their fellow Nightborne are just currency to be bartered away, Whilst yes assisting the Horde as you see Chief Telemancer Oculeth assisting Horde with his portals.

Telling First Arcanist Thalyssra’s story is possible without tearing down males. Without DEI and ESG ideological directives.
But it’s always the same response with “you people”.
Legitimate criticism can not exist. Only bad people that are anti-minorities / anti-women anti this and anti that.
Sigh. If you can not engage in conversation then simply stop engaging.


100% agree. Its just your type of criticism comes across that way

Ah you’re one of the more dedicated anti-fans of Moltensage. Unable to be objective. No matter what the topic.

Would you say there is a strong masculine character in the war within so far?
Perhaps you just come to the forums to argue against Moltensage.


Because most people don’t feel the same way. Go figure.

You must have some inflated ego, jeez.
This isn’t about you. This is about the dumb stuff you say.

Yes. Several.
Already been over that 2 weeks ago.

Go be a fanatic about something that actually deserves it.
TWW is cool. It’s enjoyable. Go be miserable somewhere else please.

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Always my way or the highway with you people isn’t it ?