Why all the hate for female leads?

People are just fed up with politics in a game. You come home from work and have to deal with body 1 body 2 and other crap


Some people are fanatically looking for ‘politics’. Assuming every little thing they personally don’t like is because of that.

<Tah’s argument inverted>


Look at the usual lot flocking together against you. They’re really quite pathetic.

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It is more of a realisation that one has an anti-fans + Stalker.
No matter what thread Moltensage posts on Warlóór is there to convince the readers Moltensage is a bad person. Then sometimes makes obscure references to threads that has nothing to do with the current one you post on.

Worse yet is the bait and switch you keep doing. Pretending to engage in the topic only to go off base of shift the goalposts.

Are you unable or unwilling to address and or answer the question.
Answering a question with A question only shows you’re running away.

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Exactly. People just want to be entertained. As children when we came back from school then as adults when our shifts at work are over. Escapism does help people regardless of their individual circumstances.

But activists in positions of power ruin everything. As their only goal is to do activism.

Another example of this is Dragon Age Veilguard. One of the Devs who is a Tr4n$ woman made sure to limit breasts and bum sliders so if you are a curvy biological female then zero representation for you.

But they made a point to add chest scars. For post op tr4n$ men. Not once asking themselves if that will sell or if audience actually wants this.

As for what this has to do with World of Warcraft is that similar ideologically motivated people exist in the WoW development team.
This is why Body Type 1 and 2 is forced on the WoW player base.

Player choice is supposed to matter and it can be tracked. Faction selection - gender selection - race and class selection.
So if Blizzard Entertainment gave the playerbase the choices of normal Male and Female as it has been for almost 20 years or Body Type 1 and 2. Then the numbers will demonstrate what the playerbase actually wants.

Of all the nations of planet earth and all it’s different people’s with the many languages there exists words for Male and Female. Only very few people find Male and Female to be “problematic” or not “inclusive enough” these actual vocal minority is who is being pandered to.


My point is people like you act like everything is political. All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing

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99% of the people really don’t care about the gender of a character, what bothers us is the abysmal writing.

I honestly don’t know where all these youtubers came from with their videos, stating that the story of wow improved by a lot in tww. Even Preach said so, which really surprised me, so I gave it a shot to sit through the cinematics and actually pay attention to the story. Well, it was a waste of time.

Most cutscenes and conversation between the characters are still boring, corny, predictable, and they lack any real emotions. It’s like a 5 year old infant’s idea of what a good story is.
The voice acting also doesn’t help to bring it all together. Which is extremely sad because most of the VAs are pretty good, but the orders they get from the directors… I don’t even wanna think about.

Let’s speak with a 1 word / 3 seconds tempo, and sigh at the end of every sentence.


I see it as a teachable moment.

To explain. The same tactics are used almost every time.
A) attack the person not the argument usually in slurs that ends in Ist Ism Phobic.
B) attempt to derail the topic and discussion.
C) motivated by belief that legitimate criticism does not exist. Simply brand them contrarian.
Don’t like straight characters turned LGBT = You’re anti-lgbt / don’t like gender swapped characters = you’re anti woman / don’t like race swapped characters = you’re anti whatever ethnicity / Don’t like female characters made ugly on purpose = you just want material to … Off to.

Recognising conviction is important as well. You see the Scarlet Crusade have conviction in their “greater good”. All that is not Scarlet Crusade is potential Undead. So anything done to them is justifiable.

Those that preach DEI and ESG also have their own convictions in their “greater good”.
Battlefield 5 added White Man as part of their profanity filter.

Google Gemini AI refused to show White people. It produced Black and Indian Catholic Popes - Black founding fathers of America. But the final nail in the coffin was the search for 1943 German soldiers produced Black men and Asian Women.

Then there was the $400 million loss for Sony that was Concord not allowing White playable characters.

Point is that it’s not a coincidence that those that preach about inclusion consistently excluding others on the basis of skin colour and ethnicity.

Although they do see themselves as virtuous people pointing out they’re the bad guys can cause some self reflection but not always.
It is a shared ideology though.


Yes which is partly why Moltensage consistently speaks out about such things. Minimizing player base - content consumers - paying customers is death to a company.
Like the developers of the Sonic the Hedgehog movies that course correct and went on to box office success. The too can avoid ending up like Saints Row after the Reboot 2022 and Concord.

Deliberate choices are made and it is influenced by ideology and world view.

Are you able to name any masculine male characters in World of Warcraft the War Within yet?
Perhaps running away from questions is part of your strategy.

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Thralls present. The dwarf that died early on. Anduin. Magni (heroic sacrifice incoming) dagran

And the funny thing is that both sides view eachother as evil, and themselves as good, so how about you all drop this weird attitude? Because this type of rethoric is just gonna polarise people more against eachother for no reason. I think many are just bad at pointing the finger at what actually annoys them, and it’s not the female leads collectively, even though they may think it is. The issue is that the story lacks what they like, and that’s the vibe Illidan, Grommash, etc. gave to the story. If the vibe was way more serious, and key characters, such as Turalyon, were way more badass, we wouldn’t see complaints like these. However, Blizzard is just doing big blunders in micro-storytelling, even if the macro-narrative is fine.

I give you a very good example of what’s missing: Who were the most epic and badass characters in The Burning Crusade?

Illidan Stormrage (a man), and Maiev Shadowsong (a woman). I don’t think anyone has complained about Maiev Shadowsong. This scene in Black Temple between Maiev and Illidan after the final Boss is already cooler by itself than anything wow has shown in the last couple of years. The problem is the vibe in the game, that changed, and people are partially falsely allocating the blame on why that is, and others are denying everything, and unwilling to allow any milimeter of mutual understanding.

Except one side is provably moral and the other is flat out evil promoting hatred and bigotry

So, that gets us nowhere. Might as well stop talking then.

No one will accept the truth or facts, because both fanatical sides are blinded by their bias.

Is that it?

No, they’re not bad at it. They’re scared, so they make up weird reasons that wouldn’t bother any regular person.

Because they know if they share that they are actually ‘misogynistic, misandristic, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, racist’, etc they’ll out themselves as an actual bad person.

There’s very few people who are actually honest about this.

And to be clear: both sides have these types of people (sure, one side has them more, because ‘reasons’).
And both fanatical sides of this ‘argument’ are bad, imo.

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Some are, for sure, but I think many are also just unable to really think about, what exactly they are not happy with.

I personally love the story right now. Xalatath could be the best villain, that I have seen so far in warcraft, especially if the plot is gonna be, that every voidlord tries to become as powerful as possible to not be devoured by the others. That’d be some kind of prisonner’s dillema narrative, and I’m enjoying this level of writing very much.

I can see though, what people do not like about the story, and I think it has more to do with certain themes missing, rather than with what is present, but I could also be wrong of course.

You added to your list. Thrall could be as there are talks of a return as Warchief but how he was during the Orc heritage armour quest line seemed diminished.

Magni could also be diminished as well
Anduin is not a strong masculine figure at all as he has been mothered so far by Faerin and Alleria.

Dagran is the son of a single mother
Moira. Dagran’s bronze beard grandfather is the only way he can end up somewhat masculine.

My comparison to the Scarlet Crusade turned out to be accurate. Such is their conviction that all except them are just potential Undead. Even when some of them became Undead themselves during the Eastern Plaguelands questline.

All except you and those that think like you are the bad guys. Correct?


The problem is that you think anybody actually cares whether you consider them ‘bad’ or not. There are people like me who aren’t scared at all, we just don’t care about what others think.


No but people who treat others as less then human because there different are morally wrong. Ever heard of empathy?