Why all the hate for female leads?

Apparently there were other Kingdoms and Anduin is looking for them.
But yeah dunno…story isnt the big selling point.

Hallowfall is def my favorite zone of all time. Just amazing when I first flew from the bottom wall toward the main base with the crystal in the back.
Truly a stunning moment.

Story is weird and contradicts what was told in classic days. This is what bothers me the most is ok to make new lore but dont touch old what was told already. Or at least say story properly dont left it to hangs there on half! How is this chick Lothar now? As far how I do remember Anduin Lothar was with no familly and he died in first war.

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So what you’re saying is that SJW, political correctness and devil worship are ok. Speak for yourself pal.

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It is simply not about your mom and girlfriends strenght as women. They propably are strong in a feminine female kind of way, and that is fine. But there is no respect to the real life facts that even worldchampion women gets beaten in anything that takes physical stamina and strenght and versatility and speed. This is proven again and again now in the olympics even when dudes just changed gender in a form and sent in, nothing else literally. Kept behaving and dressing and talk and not surprisingly they came from medioker ranks, not even on the top half of mens ranking, and BEAT THE LIVING S*** out of every hope to come close to their performance in every sport they was contending. That is deeply offending against strong women like your mother and girlfriend, they are not competing against men, because there is no reason to. They can be smarter and nimbler and have a touch wich makes them super in literally thousands of thing that is natural to them, and we men cannot stand a chance because it is simply not in our nature, no matter if change a couple of letters on a registration form and ask people to adress me with the divine plural. Sorry mac if you see this as an attack on women! This is to shield them from the expectations they might get by being outperformed to the grade that they become reduced to babyhatchers and society fills up every position with men and men that wants to be called upon as women.
We love women as much as anyone, I also had grand grandmothers I miss, grandmothers, and mom, a wife and a daughter I hope will bring me babygirls I can spoil and feed candy behind her back. Also I have Queer people or LGBH whatever I dont remember, in my family! I am even relatively close family to the first ever Scandinavian that had a full gender correcting surgery. He/she is dead by now, but he also understood that 100% female was not possible, but he came some of the way, and he even mistakenly adressed himself as a male daily, and never lost some of the traits and gestures. He also never stopped working out, and what is the percentage of females with silicone lifting 150Kg in the bench? Well she did just until a few weeks before his demise.
It is not in any form or way natural to put only women and obvious lhabd++ people in leadership and command, royalty, military, champions, expertise in certain crafts, and it is on both sides! Both the adversaries and protagonists are just a cascade of women from the top down. There is no sense of reality. I know that it is a game and I don’t care this time, because I know there is going to be cuts in this woke content very soon, if it is not allready new content without it being produced. If they chose to go further down that road now that the real awakening is that dillusional people trying to envelope people around them in their sexual roleplay has been going on in the whole world too far and too long. It started when they hijacked Pride, which now is nothing like it was intended, and the persons it was for has left for the pinkhaired agressive screamers doing obscenity in the streets in front of children because their parents allow it to be political correct and woke. Also it got a small boost from the me2 when suddenly everyone was violated and they even tried to legalize that you could rape someone mentally, and it could scar a person and cause trauma and lifechanging handicaps if they told someone in a rather grafical way what they wanted with them! Don’t believe me, look it up. Well people is tired of the bull now and we have started cancelling the woke garbage with our wallets, and we are starting to see results. Black Myth Wukong became a record breaking game in a day, and it is honestly because it is the ONLY game released in many years with no bull, unatural female powertripping. And also we are tired of being harrased for being men that claim our natural role as the strong partner which job is to protect and provide in any given situation. My wife is working, she don’t have to. Her strength is not in what she does with muscle, it is using her brain and mouth, and she’s good at that. And I love to take some dishes if I pass it, and put clothes from the washing machine to the drier and put in a new load almost every time i shower anyway. I love to make food and that is because my first proffesion was Chef, and later other things. Do NOT make this about hating female charachters in leadership. We are just wanting so basic things to show some reflection of real life. The fantasy is not going to be consumable if it has no reflection of life here. Then it would be just a mess of colorful strange blobs doing what? They have to have humanlike personalities, we love to make ourc our own by chosing things humans have, like hair, beard, jewelry and even toxidos, and santa clothes even! It is not just a fantasy, it must contain enough reality that we can put ourself in it and roleplay it. Because that is what we all do to different extents, even in pvp, but not least in pve. Many of us even have personalities that we play out as ourself even behind the screen, because who knows who is behind that sexy nightelf ? 90% sure it is a man 35 yo with uneven neckbeard unshaven, playing while he can because wife is visiting family down the street or sleeps. Ok I pushed that one, sorry neckbeard dudes, but I been there, and I did overplay for a time forgetting that I had a family. I do however play this game for the 20th year now, and I have seen it all you might say. And this wokenes has overwhelmed us but it will go away. I dont say female leaders will go away,and I dont say gays will go away, but it will go to normal rates again, those 10-15 percentages of us. And before anyone report me, I have given a lot of personal info in this wall of text rant that I wanted to do a long time, and just now stumbled upon the right question, that was badly assuming we hate or dislike females or female leadership, when it is the totally stupidly wrong proportion in comparison to the nececities of reality we need to be able to immerse into the story of Azeroth and play our litle part amongst tens and tens of milions that played over the years, if they played for 20 minutes or 20 years. And THAT REALITY is something that the developers should take in consideration, because we are the ones carrying them thru the hard times with our loyalty, and even if we take a couple of months off, maybe a year even, we pay and we stay by auto. And the fact is that the core of players are dudes, in their 30’s and 40’s. All other, except for MAYBE the 1% of women that still is longtime players. And the zoomers will grow up and mature and come to the same realization as us. There is no place for the wokeness, but it is pushed into our faces, and in the end if it don’t stop, we will stop paying, simple as that. I guess that is why Chris is back, because the younger bluehairs only cater to what they want, while Chris knows what his core customers want, because he is included in US!

Reading this is like being thrown back in time 10 years, Jesus Christ.

Thrall has always been Green Jesus. He saved the Horde from slavery and then the whole world. Find new talking points.


This “DEI full package” thing isn’t a valid point in the slightest.

Besides, in archaeological digs in real life they’ve found skeletons that resemble men who’d had their body augmented with weapons so the individual could continue fighting on. I saw about it in an article a few years back. I recall reading that the individual was from the Lombard region in Italy and lived 1,400 years ago and was a warrior. Where once he possessed a hand someone had attached a knife in its place so he could fight on.

When I saw how Faerin appeared it reminded me of the story of that warrior they had found.

Faerin is an Arathi. All that I’ve ever read in lore about them is that they’re originally a tribe of warriors who don’t give up fighting easily. Why do fighters need to be supermodels if they’re female? That’s so unrealistic an idea. Also, seen what is her home, right beside the gaping hole from where “monsters arrive.” (that’s how the Az-Kahet got described in some of the flavour text among the Arathi). They all need to be tough cookies to survive down there…

Anduin definitely sees her as an equal in the warrior sense. That’s clear from their interactions in game. It seems they’ve found a friendship. Anduin is less of a person who judges than you seem to do.

While you’re ahead… quit with the “DEI nonsense” of yours. It’s an invalid sort of thing that you obviously picked up from certain individuals on tv. How about Faerin is just a representation of ten thousand years of struggle and war… and a quest’s flavour text suggests that “at least five thousand years” and hints at things being as old at ten thousand years…

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We love watching men’s sports exactly because they are physical. At the Olympics the Bulgarian who pushed 224kg was awesome. I enjoyed watching it a lot.

I agree with@Gabriela about DEI being force. I bet Blizzard are trying to get all the ESG loans while they can. They even try to hide their DEI department by changing it to lnclusive growth.

The male characters either are killed, evil, doing nothing or emotional.
Females are Mary sues.

Where is Thrall? Missing.
Khadgar and Baeldrin? Dead.
Anduin? A total mess since his teenage years. Now as grown up he is written as a victim who is emotional all the time. It is not liked by anyone.

Faerin hits all DEI check boxes (a black crippled woman soldier).

  • Normally women are weaker than men so they don’t become soldiers, but she is one OK.
  • Crippled people like her don’t fight. She is blind in the left eye so she can’t protect herself from that side and must have help. Her arm is cut almost to the shoulder. How exactly is she carrying the shield? That is unrealistic.

Draka is great female character. Faerin is diversity in its finest


My main concern after growing up in a highly toxic male environment IRL is this :

Is it manly to play cartoon games as a adult and complain about cartoon lore for little gnomes and furry things and some weird washed out middle aged guy?

Loved reading all this, humanity is great keep up the good work.

The level of dumb crap posted on these forums :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Holy smokes, it’s as if we’re playing a fantasy game or something.

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I will say the same for this troll. Looks awesome but just bad writing if he exists

Oh sure, sure, that’s for you to decide for yourself. But the “disabled warrior” trope isn’t new nor tied into some agenda. This guy was around well over a decade ago.

You sound delusional by trying to deny ESG loans :joy: :rofl:

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A disabled warrior is easy prey.

Alleria keeps messing things up because she’s emotional what is bro talking about.

Link blizzards esg loans.

I’ll wait.

While prosthetics to keep fighting exist, if someone is offered a prosthetic arm that functions normally and a prosthetic eye, that’s not some bulky ridiculous thing, a 1-1 for a normal eye, they would take it. Faerin turns this down for no logical reason, I’m used to fighting this way, really because the person next to you might have issue with your lack of depth perception, your lack of peripheral vision, and the increase in blindspot on your good side. She wouldn’t need to retrain to fight as she uses her shield as an arm, which means she already functionally practices having two limbs, so it’s not going to throw her balance or weight off in a fight. The only realistic reason you can give is the devs need to keep their token disabled character, until they bring in a new one then they can slap and eye and arm back on her.

Quit with the DEI nonsense? It’s invalid? ESG scores, are directly tied to the companies funding from the ESG fun. They publicise what increases and lowers your scores. Any of the following: non white, female, gay, trans, or disabled character increases your score. Any white males decreases your score, this isn’t some crazy theory it’s openly discussed they feel no shame in their bigotry.


There were quite a few dead elves in Zul’jin’s path. I expect they made the same assumption you do.

Woke derangement syndrome, they can’t enjoy stuff without looking for an agenda.