Why all the hate for female leads?

It has EVERYTHING to do with physical strength and endurance. People like it because they want to see the best of the best compete at the top level. That is why men’s soccer is the most popular sport in the world.


reeks of trolling, but the short answer is…

your mum was written better than pretty much all female characters in modern media over the last 2-3 decades or so.

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not all.I am 100% OK with it.And they all look good.

Its simple really. Only women are in leadership positions.
Men are either whiny and wimpy like Anduin, dont even appear anymore, die like Khadgar or become traitors.
The only exception I can think off is the Kobold.

Faerin is pretty solid I think. Shaped by the way she had to live and still retained her faith and emotional qualities to give Anduin some much needed comfort. She reminds me a bit of my Grandma who survived WW2 and then had to fend with the rest of the family to get food.
She has the resilience people can only dream of today and still is a caring granny :smile: .

Alleria is just a bad black widow.

Kate Bishop and Yelena made for some good quality TV :slight_smile:


I am sorry but I do find it interesting that so many people reac to to the fact that there are more females than males in the lead authorities???

Whoud the same people react the same if there where more men than women in the same story?

People hate forced inclusivity because it is dishonest, manipulative and in its own way also an act of discrimination.


Im female and dont like female chars started to be op and male chars siting in oribos or wondering in maw try to find point of life.
But I guess it is this era of woke trends feminism wins even in game.


They hate women

I dont buy that.

I think people see what they expect to see, what they want to see.

It is the same with the antiracist community.
They see racism in every corner just because they want to.

It is the same with this antiwoke community.
They see woke wherever they can find it, just because they search for it and want to find it.

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I know right. As a lgbtq person, I demand a femboy lead character to be introduced beating crap out of everyone.

I understand your point of view but I chooce the use the ,althought anecdotal, evidence i have that the amount of people pushing naratives when said naratives become popular and that i perceive increasses even when i dont caare to learn about them.

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Shadowlands leading female chars - Silylvana put on knees Lich King in chains, blows up Surfang, Tyrande become Night Warrior and slay Nathanos, Covenant leaders 3 females, Ursoc get purged and Yasera got saved. Was totally unessecary since she really had good ending in Legion very emotive some people even cried over scene when she wanish behind moon and oh well anywaaaay sheee is back!

Male chars Shadowlands - Baine sits in Oribos entire expansion, Saurfang wants to die, Thrall dooming about swords and maces, even Jailer u see entire expansion u see him maybe 2x until raid and repeating… No one escapes Maw and we all had tp! Anduin got mental breakdow and went in maw to find purpose of life. Arthas become 25 anima!

Malfurion again sleeps what a shocker!

Do I really need to explain Dragonflight?


I think for a lot of people, the main issue isn’t having female leads, but rather a lack of well written male leads.

Thrall is completely missing and badly done now-a-days, Anduin is still annoying (hopefully he changes, but that might be little too late), and Khadgar is well…yeah.

I personally like Xal, but they could improve the writing on the males leads for sure.


well bro with all due respect to women from what i have seen in wow in general they made male leaders like so weak more of side character like if you remove anduin from tww you won’t feel the difference in the story also the story sucks hard i just hope one day ppl will stop bringing politics , gender equality etc all the stuff and just make a good video game with a good story


And that is quite correct but that doesnt change the fact that if the game had all but male figures, none of theese woke progressors would mind it at all.

I get it. There is a narrative today to change the past but the opposition is turning into the same kinda joke that they think they are opposing.

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Exaclly is not even about making new male chars is about destroyng old ones.

Xal blows u Kadghar and entire Dalaran while he as mage tp Alleria and not both. His death was so pointless he as character did not derve that.
Not to mentio we as chamption survive crash of Dala :rofl:

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I wasnt looking for it but they try to force it down my throat.

No need for thrall. Jaina is still looking like Jaina. Meanwhile boy wonder has become a washed out middle aged man.
Our guardian Khadgar who is supposedly strong …not so much.
Instead he saved Alleria who is now on a braindead hunting trip…even though she cant touch void lady at all.

Dwarf rider f**** up and his 2nd in command became a traitor.
High speaker = traitor
Arathi expedition is lead by a bunch of girls though Faerin wasnt bad.
Leaders in the last zone are the female orc lookalike and the spider.

Main villain = void lady with the typical villain syndrome. Talks to much.
And another empress bad lady.


Moyra son is most joke so far and fate of Magni .

She is not bad I like her char but why to give her last name Lothar?

Just about every fantasy story ever told apart from the gender aspect thogh.

U know it is not true but still force it to people. No one have issue with female chars who have power, we have issue with male chars being weak.

Even in vanilla u had female and male chars both strong and good writen and today u dont have that. U have only one gender who rules Azeroth. So stop telling people how they need to stop seeing gender.