Why all the hate for female leads?

:rofl: Sure, you do you.


Are you new here?

There are figures of divinity here sent by the Gods who tell us who is good and bad.

If they say you’re bad, you’re bad.

It’s interesting how you’re trying to label me as a prude, despite the fact that I clearly stated in my response that the original characters had more appeal and depth. In contrast, the newer characters fall short—not just in terms of aesthetics but also in character development. So, it’s clear we’re starting this conversation on uneven ground.

People do appreciate attractive characters, but what they truly value are attractive characters with depth and personality who personify their role—something that’s sorely lacking in much of modern entertainment. Instead, we’re often presented with a “perfect” female lead who doesn’t need anyone, can do everything herself, and somehow diminishes every other character around her. This has poisoned the well to the point where people are increasingly avoiding movies with female leads altogether.

Anduin is a weak man. Men and women often value very different things. Men tend to value physical strength, resilience, loyalty, conviction, and a sense of duty—all traits that Anduin has never truly embodied. When he does display these qualities, it’s done in such a meek and watered-down way that they might as well not exist. This is why characters like his father, Garrosh, Warcraft 1-3 Thrall, and Grom Hellscream resonate more with men. These characters embody traits that men respect. If this were the real world, Anduin would be the child sent to a convent because he lacks the character and force of will needed to be a king.

No I’m not new but I also don’t care.

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I wasn’t labelling you as anything. I don’t know you so wouldn’t put a label on you even if I did. I was simply defending my point of view when I said I like Alleria and Jaina and find them hot! Nothing more!

Modern movies are being avoided because they are just bad! Most are just poor remakes of old classic and anything new has a left wing tick box attached to it so by the time you get to actually writing the story you already have one hand tied behind your back.

But that is my point! Just looking at it from a male side though! You say these women have poisoned the well, those that are “perfect” can do everything for themselves, don’t need anyone and diminish those around them. Yet when we have a male character that is flawed, needs help, needs those around them he is deemed weak and lacks character!

I actually like Anduin and think he has strength of character with everything he has gone through. He isn’t a one dimensional superman who shouts “Me kill Orc!”. Plus he healed an entire army which is pretty badass and not meek and watered-down at all.


Hear hear.

I think that anyone who calls Anduin ‘a weak man’, has no clue what an actual real man is.

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…in what universe do Grom and Garrosh display ‘resilience’ or ‘conviction’. Grom drank the demonic coolaid so fast he was green before it even went all the way down, then he did it again later when things got just a bit difficult before dying in the most pointless way imaginable (a sacrifice that was worthless anyway as the Orcs just went right back to killin’ an’ murderin’).

Garrosh is just a crybaby with daddy issues who had a fit when he didn’t immidiately get his own way then decided ‘hey daddy did genocide, genocide is cool now’.

And Anduins daddy lacked the intellgience to work out how to use a gunship.

If these are the people that ‘resonate with men’ with no irony or tongue in cheekness then thank Xal’atath I’m not a typical male, because that must be an incredibly empty headspace.

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So enlighten us, what is a “real man”?

Where I live it’s a human who says they are a man. Is my government wrong?

Because this game is played mostly by males, and they find it weird to be constantly lead by females doing things that are typically male.

It’s also fascinating that most of these males use female characters for themselves, but I suspect the toon is eye candy, not to be boss over them in the story all the time.

I guess it is a bit weird that the male character leads seem to be so secondary to especially for things like battle and war.

But I love Alleria, Jaina, Tyrande, Thalyssra, Sylvanas - and sure I quite like Illidan, Malfurion, Thrall, Anduin, and more obscure characters like Prince Farondis and Ebonhorn, liked the Bronzebeards too - and I’m sorry, but Warcraft female stars have been pretty likeable and good characters on the whole. Sure they could have done them a bit better in several areas, but they’re pretty cool.

Ultimately it’s a good character people want, but they also don’t want their characters shoe-horned into politically narrative roles over traditional. It’s nice to see the occasional “male-like” female and the odd female-like male - that’s life, but it’s totally weird when the majority of the females are very male like and the males female like - not that this is the case here in Warcraft, but you have to bear in mind, that exceptions are exceptional because they are exceptions. If you start making the exceptional common place, then it either ceases to be exceptional or becomes weird, and this really turns peeps away.

In some cases; yes they probably are. :blush:

Also there’s a difference between being a biological man and a acting like a man.
That was my point.

Ok, I accept that. Now answer the first question.

I see your edit and raise it this edit.

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Stop pretending you didn’t know exactly what you were doing when you phrased it that way. You’re not dumb, so just take responsibility for your poor character and move on.

Modern movies aren’t bad just because they’re remakes; it’s entirely possible to create a remake that’s better than the original. The real problem with modern films lies in the writing. Many writers today lack the life experience needed to craft compelling scripts with believable characters. Worse, they often turn these films into propaganda rather than genuine entertainment. When the writer is more concerned with pushing a left-wing agenda than even the company funding the project, you don’t need a checklist—it’s already built into the script.

Once again, you’ve completely misunderstood my point. I never said that women poisoned the well. What I said is that female leads have become synonymous with poor quality because the writers don’t know how to create compelling female characters. They’re trying to force a failed archetype into these roles, and that’s where the problem lies.

Men don’t want characters who can do everything; they want characters who strive to do their best, regardless of whether their motives are good or evil. Anduin isn’t a broken character—he’s weak. Throughout the entire narrative, he has done little to improve himself and has taken for granted those around him, his birthright, and his parents. The real problem is that Anduin lacks principled depth; he’s a boy masquerading as a man. Men don’t seek power fantasies; we want to see masculinity depicted authentically, as seen in characters like King Arthur and Aragorn. We want characters who fit their roles and possess genuine substance, not a semi-dimensional character whose newfound PTSD seems like a last-minute attempt to elicit sympathy, especially when he was largely ignored by players for the majority of the game.

Anduin embodies the archetype of the Tyrant more than that of the King. Instead of representing the ideals of leadership and nobility, Anduin reflects the traits of a tyrant. He should be the embodiment of strong, principled leadership, yet he falls short and exemplifies the flaws associated with authoritarianism and ineffective rule.

they go RAWWR RAWWR and stuff goes KABOOF

When were you born? :thinking:

Not where I live.

Before you were, clearly. You need wisdom and a wider vision of things to understand why we have the problems we have and to get behind the reason why people find some things more or a lot more disagreeable than others. I was trying to answer the OPs question based on what I’ve observed. Not to wade into your narrative framed opinion.


They are poorly written. Nothing bad having females as lead as long as they are written good. Same applies to male characters too, if its written poorly it deserves to get trumped on

It’s a very long answer and I don’t feel like writing an essay. Sorry.

What in particular about TWW female characters did you think was badly written?

I accept your apology and I also forgive you.

Conan the barbarian is prime example why women can’t be a main character in a fantasy like world of warcraft.
Women have their own strenght in different stuff
but EPIC stories are always about men beating down some DRAGON or going against the odds and when a man does it it feels epic
Did you see netflix millie bobbie brown movie about her and drragon?
did you see how cringe those fight scene were?
now put there a man instead of her insta EPIC story