Why all the hate for female leads?

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Look it is not my fault you jumped to the wrong conclusion. I know what I meant and if you misunderstood that is on you, not me!

I actually agree with you here!

Again, I agree with you here. In truth I don’t really care! Male or female! Lead or support! If the character works and makes sense than I am all for it. If they are hot than that is an added bonus!

Lets agree to disagree on Anduin. You have your view and I will have mine and leave it at that!

In writing these would be archatypes of masculinty

The Hero- Embodies bravery, strength, and the willingness to confront challenges for a greater good.
The Sage - Represents wisdom, knowledge, and insight, providing guidance and understanding.
The King - Symbolizes leadership, authority, and the ability to govern with justice and integrity.
The Warrior- Demonstrates courage, discipline, and a sense of duty, excelling in battle or adversity.
The Lover- Embraces compassion, emotional depth, and the capacity to form deep, meaningful connections.
The Provider - Focuses on responsibility, support, and ensuring the well-being of others through hard work and dedication.
The Mentor - Offers guidance, encouragement, and support, helping others to grow and achieve their potential.
The Innovator - Represents creativity, vision, and the drive to bring new ideas to life and solve problems.

Then you have their counter parts.

The Villain - Represents malevolence, deceit, and a willingness to harm others for personal gain.
The Fool- Symbolizes ignorance, naivety, and a lack of insight or wisdom.
The Tyrant - Embodies abuse of power, authoritarianism, and lack of justice or empathy.
The Coward- Represents fear, avoidance, and an inability to confront challenges or adversity.
The Heartbreaker - Demonstrates emotional detachment, manipulation, and inability to form genuine connections.
The Deadbeat- Focuses on irresponsibility, laziness, and a failure to provide or support others.
The Saboteur- Represents hindrance, negativity, and actively undermining others’ growth and success.
The Conformist - Symbolizes lack of creativity, vision, and a failure to bring new ideas or solutions.

A compelling character typically embodies a mix of these archetypes, but ultimately needs to represent either a vice or a virtue, or start with one and transition to the other. The effectiveness of these archetypes depends on their application, but issues arise when characters are shifted from embodying virtue to vice, or when vice is presented as virtue. This problem is exacerbated when the writers themselves lack integrity or moral insight.


I hate the female leads cuz… they are all spider queens :stuck_out_tongue:
I hate spiders! I want them dead! If i see a spider, I smash it with all my hate!

Wow. Just… Wow.

The way you framed your argument is entirely your responsibility. It’s not others’ job to interpret your hidden intent. If you present yourself as hostile, you shouldn’t be surprised when people respond to you in kind. It would be unreasonable to act hostile and then be surprised when others react accordingly. The fact that this was your response only confirms that I was correct.

The rest I have no issue with.

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I know.

The logic center of my brain doesn’t have more holes in it than a beehive.

You would never know with the people on this thread.

Fits perfectly with your post. Perfect.

Good trolling is when you can’t tell it’s trolling.

Personally I hate all the leads male and female, I just talk to the deer and hide in the bush’s and we watch all the weird people.

Why am I the only sane person here /sighs

Coming from someone who resorts to slurs and ideological name-calling to admonish others, you might want to stop the projection. You don’t know me well enough to have an issue. If you believe that a few forum posts provide sufficient grounds to dislike someone, then it’s clear you need to grow up.


Again I didn’t present myself as hostile! I even said I wasn’t labelling you as anything when I could have come back and labelled you with many things if I was being hostile. Why would I be hostile to someone on a forum who has done me no harm or insulted me? Who just has a different opinion?

I am sorry but it looks like you have taken my response in the wrong way. I assure you that was not my intention!

Only character right now i like in TWW is a xal’atath.
And i’m the one who really like talanji and jaina in BFA for example
I just dislike when women do action stuff it doesn’t suit them
it looks cringe :smiley:

No it doesn’t.

ok i take it back :smiley:
it looks cool in a ANIME

If I perceive someone as hostile, it’s because they are presenting themselves that way. It’s straightforward: how you act is your responsibility. Many people on this forum become unnecessarily defensive over trivial matters, which only exacerbates the situation. just move on.

Yeah good idea!

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I have not resorted to slurs.
And what names did I call you exactly?

There is also no projecting. This is purely born from what you’ve written thus far.

I have an issue with what you’re preaching.

Oh, a few posts can definitely be enough.
Now, don’t get me wrong; we might get along if we talk about a different subject.
I don’t condemn your entire person based on an opinion; but I can definitely abhore the opinion.

You straight up called them a bad person not that long ago though.