Why am I being kicked from dungeons?

Hello everyone.

It really makes me angry when I am kicked from a dungeon. But only because of the 30 minute timeout de-buff.

Why do you all think that I am being kicked from dungeons?


I dunno, maybe because of this?

If this has nothing to do with your dungeon then I apologise in advance.


I’m sorry, I was mad.

People are not kicking me from dungeons because of that post.

Guess again.

personally ive kicked many people just for the fun of it, but normally people kick because people are bad/not keeping up. low dps or a tank being slow is the most common reason for people to get agitated

Do you think if somebody is bad at the game, that kicking them from the group is going to make them play better, or just feel good about playing the game?

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No, actually most people wouldn’t learn. I prefer playing classic free from that automatic grp system, sadly the same system is there in pvp. It just creates a toxic environment when people are forced together from different skill levels.

Most people just think their time is being wasted and there are no drawbacks to using the kick system (Apart from ruining the day or game experience of a random person, whom you will likely never meet again and have little regard for). In classic however I do help people by pointing out mistakes and showing them the ropes.

What’s the fun in wasting other peoples time, if I may ask?

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same could be said about bad/undergeared that queue

First of all, that doesn’t answer the question.

Secondly, yes kicking someone for not meeting your specific standard makes you look bit of a douche. Wasting someones time “for teh luls” definitely does even more.


yes sometimes being a douche is funny. dunno how u cant grasp the concept of fun at someone else’s expense

You are one weird fella


obviously not if it is so common place u keep seeing threads about it. ive not even played cata classic used to do it on retail

Okay weirdo

Well basically I’m no longer a high school student with 12 hours to spare on computer games on a daily basis, like in 2010. I’m a grown man with a full time job, a partner, other hobbies outside of the computer, etc etc. If I have 2 hours on a weekday for gaming I don’t wanna spend half of it afk doing nothing because some antisocial neckbeard finds it funny.


no one cares about that

It’s a bit harsh how the others put it down but mildly speaking the vote kick tool is meant to exert the will of the majority within the group and it is exactly doing that. Generally because of these reasons listed here:

I’m not saying it is fine, but it is why they’d use it.

There are communities for the slower dungeoneers or beginner tanks that are significantly more patient or learning to alleviate such speed mentality in dungeons.

i agree i think it’s bad mannered, but it is amusing to the ones doing it. It is however magnitudes less common in classic where u dont have these automated systems to remove any sense of responsibility. They’ve never had anything similar in pvp for some reason where it would be abused even more. In 2019-2020 people would provoke people to write in bgs to mass report them though.

Just because you can abuse something, it doesn’t mean you should.

maybe but i and most people dont care. this happens in every game and has been happening in wow for 15 years but blizzard doesnt care either

All we can hope for is that karma does its work eventually and you get booted for no reason going forwards.