Why are 95% of Healers so great at the game <3

95% are new players, healers?
Not everyone playing wow for zillion years.
2400+ healers don’t play like that, someone isn’t telling the truth.

Tbh I really think that in this xpac healer are the true mvp regardless their xp/cr, I guess I’d have lost my hair since a long time if I was healer.

Sure it’s frustrating especially when you realize the guy is doing obvious stupid mistakes but at the same time the pace is so Yolo oriented that it’s hard to tell if you played good or bad and if you deserved your win or loss as the game is so stupid.

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That’s the biggest redflag right there if there were any. Only current season matters. If someone got some big xp in Pandaria or even in s2 and proudly proclaims it it only means he has nothing else to show.

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I could ask the opposite question about why 95% (hyperbole) of DPS can’t press defensive cds, chase out of lines, apparently have kick not bound on their bar, hit into bubble, turtle, evasion, cast into cloak, have cc ready and waste it, dr their stuns…


Sure for a lot the answer is they get bored, standing 100y behind only spend afew heal globals and try too avoid contact with the enemy until high damp

At some point there brain goes sure; F it i am going in LEEEEeEROoOOOyy

And i cannot blame them, i was playing a lot of heal season 1 and 2 but switch too dps only

And on the other side u got Dps when u play as healer that have 0 awareness how too avoid taking damage and when too run and hide,

Like oh the enemy Hunter stuns my healer next is full trap and the Priest run too my heal and will fear him out,
Dd brain goes what are my options
A: cc Priest that he cannot get his fear?
B: Yolo at the hunter: If i die i die
C: as soon as the stun land i run behind the pillar and wait until my heal is free fRom cc


Healer got caught in a CC? Blame the healer.
Healer died? Blame the healer.
Healer not doing damage? Blame the healer.
Healer doin damage? Belive it or not blame the healer.
Dps died behind a pillar? Healer is to blame.

Also why so few people want to play healer?


well saying its boring and going in and dying is not a solution to it the only solution is to find new teammate and ruin their games because demo aint killing anyone unless they tank the tyrant which is not happening at high ratings every enemy is running away rogue has vanish on every tyrant cd u just cant “oneshot” someone just because your healer feels bored then go play with hunter or rogue or something else thats not an excuse for trolling & feeding games

i usually look for similar exp as mine around 2.8 and if i cant find anyone i inv 2.4+ at least for “easier” games and trust me its a f***ing disaster rather play with 1.8k exp healer that will listen than 2.8k priest that never played with lock and wont listen too cuz “dont teach me” but sir you have to heal my pet? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

probably from playing in the bottom of the ladder for over 10 seasons but its okay you will get there one day

cant really answer that me as a warlock i always play in middle so enemy has to come out if i go to pillars i lose fight unless its vs casters also i always keep in LOS with my healer and i ALWAYS tell my healers that my portal is biggest defensive so if im dying ill port back so im expecting them to be around it or in line of it but jokes on you they’re next to enemy healer trying to get themselves killed or ccd

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
no its my fault that my healer decided to brainlessly charge at enemy team and die or get ccd or they do damage when they clearly can get drinks & refill mana to full while enemy is behind pillars already & my tyrant does absolutely nothing yes my healer should push and do 300-1000 damage that is very wicked youre right man very poggers woooooooo wooooooooo


im not talking about enemy pushing my healer for cc im talking about my healer pushing enemy & getting ccd or killed behind pillar where i can absolutely do nothing as a warlock

this whole comment section is either trolling or clueless or around 1.5k because its clear that you guys dont understand simple thing = healer has to avoid cc by max ranging enemy - sure do damage but dont push into their faces you have 40 yard casting range - get drinks when you get opportunity - and if this is boring to you then you should probably swap to damage role because thats the role for it :slight_smile: stop being clowns in comments for literally no reason its not right for healers to push enemy and cost you game when match has been running for 6-8 minutes and your healer goes oh this is boring so let me go and die & waste 8 minutes of match & effort we put in this absolute :clown_face:

Your topic has my seal of approval

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Sounds like severe missplay from your healer, if they are trying to (supposedly) land cc while you are getting smashed.

Thats clearly not your fault man, if it happens as you decribe it here. I don’t know what kind of healers you play with, certainly not a MW because going in for DMG would be suicide. Disc going closer would atleast be understandable (in terms of the thought process) to get DMG out if he ran out of radiances for some reason, for some atonement healing.

Leave that guy, if you given the feedback in a nice manner. Decent players always recognize their own mistake, especially when someone else points it out (nicely).

Yeah, I understand that from a healers perspective, playing around warlocks can be a bit of a pain on certain wheelchair healers, one positioning mistake could cost you the game. It’s tricky. Are you talking 3s or 2s? In 3s its weirdly easier to position with warlocks in my opinion.

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It is without a doubt the most thankless job in PvP. So many cocky DPS players who think they’re the next Reckful who’ll always point at the healer being the reason why they lose games.

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any kind of arenas tbh and people commenting that i either play with no exp players or making up about high exp players doing those what i listed well heres proof from todays 3v3 sessions we faced rsham/affli/outlaw and guess what happened? shaman pushed us in our faces ate full hex into fear and lock died in opener well yes the lock didnt port away but he used wall at least and all that was forced from shamans positioning & cc eating

btw shaman is 2700 exp in 3v3 so :upside_down_face: yea



cr was 2k

could you check clip in this comment and tell me why they lost game if not healers bad positioning?

Tbh I often feel forced into doing damage and cc because I just absolutely loathe deep dampening games and just how impossible it gets to out heal an outlaw rogue/survival hunters damage and especially cannot handle the 3rd bezerk a feral can get off without either extreme luck or my dps having a major defensive. Even if you’re sitting there freecasting you all but burn your mana bar out trying to keep both warlock and pet alive.

Demo lock in general cannot apply as much consistent pressure damage wise in comparison to outlaw rog or survival either so playing passive usually gets me oom before other healer. I feel obliged to add my own pressure to keep up.

I’d say maybe druid or mistweaver, especially mistweaver is better for playing less risky and getting themselves caught out and I definitely agree I have been the one to lose games before due to bad positioning and eating a cc chain I could have avoided had I not pushed into to get a potential kill. Disc in my mind has always been “play aggressive, wrap the game up asap because you’ll struggle in later dampening” but with more practice I’m figuring out when it’s better to admit the kill isn’t happening and to sit back.


pretty sure if my healer drinks every time enemy rogue/priest run away on my tyrant & cds we win the game 90% of the times :slight_smile:

That would be crazy good win lose ratio.
I’m aint pro, but when tyrant is out, I try to cc and do dmg to secure kill.
Often DPS yelling. Moore cc, moooooore, and got mentioned few times about low dps also. You need healer mate, and get synergy.

You have a lot more experience and game knowledge than me so I’m not disagreeing with you, just explaining my personal thought process- think of it as a form of healer anxiety, there’s a lot of moving parts going on and one mistake as a healer costs a lot so it can be a rush to close out the game so you can breathe again. Also at lower rating it does get results so probably reinforces bad habits.

I think demo is just a different game to when playing with a rogue or hunter. Lock has a lot of cc and control of where the fight takes place + you can keep the pets on the healer constantly to prevent drinks. The win condition is the long game. I’d say the only advice I can really give is to either find someone permanent to play with to get that synergy and understanding or to try and explain before you jump into games what you expect from them and what gets you both the win. If they whine about it and tell you not to teach them the game then kick them and move on- no need for egos in this joint.

when i get tyrant i always stun/stun/coil to secure kill but its impossible vs orc outlaw rogues that just vanish every 20 seconds so its better to dampen game & your healer to drink than chase after enemy

literally every healer i play with since season 1 im explaining to them and telling them this few things

  1. let me do cc because we share same DR and you don’t know when i have shards/cds ready to burst so if you do random CC and i have damage ready in few then i have to wait for DR which gives enemy more uptime on me while i do absolutely nothing
  2. do not push enemies for damage/cc i have more than enough so you dont have to risk getting yourself cc’d or killed especially behind walls
  3. drink whenever you get opportunity
  4. always play behind me and on max range from me & enemy so you avoid random cc
  5. play around my portal so if im low ill port back dont chase me around the map

but hey they dont give a **** because “im this and that exp how dare you tell me how to play?” meanwhile they only played with warriors hunters and ww monks and have absolutely no clue that they actually have to heal demo locks pet :clown_face:

and ngl im just tired explaining every healer what to do with warlocks since most of them have not played with locks before i feel like im a babysitter in a world of warcraft and its very tiring profession i think every babysitter deserves a salary rise

i understand this playstyle can be “boring” but if someone could explain me how losing is more fun than winning & climbing rating especially when you join group that clearly says “LF PUSH” it just makes no sense to me


I can tell OP that all these healers got their rating with outlaw/hunter. Because I face same issue, people dont understand how to play with dh(so hard to afk heal and win game in 5 min).
It’s insane that’s wlock/healer and dh/healer requires more skill than any other classes in 2s. This game is cursed if it’s true


I think this might actually be it. They pushed their rating playing some specific composition that had a different playstyle. Staying back and going for drinks+dampening type of match works with warlock, but with a plenty of other DDs that would eventually lead to a loss.

This is something I’ve had to deal with when playing fire+healer too. A lot of healers were not used to the fact that they had to stun the kill target for me when I wanted to pop off with combustion. They would either not use it at all and stay back, use it on the off-target, or use it when I do not have any damage ready.

Honestly, I cannot blame healers for this, as frustrating as it can be to deal with. Adapting to a much different playstyle than what you’re used to can be difficult. Especially if you’ve played a lot of games the other way and muscle memory kicks in. Have you tried asking healers specifically for their exp with a warlock, considering how different playing with one is?

:smiley: i always explain to them what to do with warlocks and i do ask if they played with demo before doesnt matter if they did play i still explain them what not to do before i que into arena and its very tiring process makes me feel like babysitter in a world of warcraft :frowning:

worst part imho is their positioning. you can play around them not doing dmg, you can play around them not being the best healers, but u cannot do anything about their positioning and somehow most people underestimate how incredibly important it is in arena

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