Why are all PvE Players 225 while PvP players are 210 ish?

It means exactly that. The guy said you can spam arena and get high item level. That’s not true, you need to earn rating, which neither you or him have any idea how easy or hard it is.

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Considering people can be boosted to a rating high enough to get 233 weapons, I’d say it’s not too hard if the person being boosted can press at least 3 buttons.

I love how the example you use is Trill which is probably one of the best WoW players ever, you say PvE guys have 220+ gear right now and then you link a Blizzcon champion that does MDI & World first raiding.

You could have linked anyone from Limit to make your point but you link a guy that actually loves PvP and plays it all the time


Im not, im bloody 195 spamming +5’s because gear is more rare than a freaking unicorn!

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Hyperbowl is what op does best. Especially when it comes to pvp and especially when trying to make a point. Like linking one of the best players in the world atm as ‘proof’ that ‘all pve players are 226+’

they didn’t ditch mythic+. It’s just that with their split runs, and loot sharing system, they just get better gear from raid. Which isn’t the case for normal players who have a 15% drop chance and an actual 23% chance for getting ZERO gear from full clearing.

They still did their weekly dungeon runs, enough to have multiple choices. And given how some of the best trinkets in the game come from dungeons, it’s stupid of them not to.

Why not separate the games? I think people who play the entire game are entitled to an advantage. People who just do M+ are at a huge disadvantage to those who do M+ AND raid. Especially with the new weekly chest. And I think this advantage should extend further and into pvp - those who play the entire game - do dungeons, raids and pvp, are entitled to an advantage over all other players.

Previous world 1st races had them generally doing splits + m+ to gear. This time it was a few m+ for vault, splits and a metric tonne of pvp to get some rating. They only did the m+ for the vault on the off chance they got lucky from the 40+ drops from m+.

They did pvp and heroic for the gear. M+ for the off chance fo a decent reward in vault.

Anyone who complains about pvp gearing right now is delusional, it’s insanely strong and gives way more gear than mythic raiding does

Almost everyone who’s 220+ right now is using several pieces of pvp gear, which is a good thing, as pvp severely needed more people participating in it

I think it’s time to remove weekly 550 conquest cap

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That’s gonna be a KEKW from me, my dude

They are also spending money for gear bruh

The complaining is because these guys will do anything to get the best gear during the WF race, and if the current system is kept that means playing to 2.4k rating as well to fill specific slots.

Generally speaking I think PvP shouldn’t reward gear at all.

I think it should. But PvE should award the same amount of loot as PvP.

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And how are pvp players supposed to play the game?

You know that we had entire guilds buying pvp boosts for their world first race right?

So apparently they aren’t as good at pvp as you think

I mean Trill is a bad example - it is Trill after all?

But yes, I have been outgeared every week since the season started. I also got a useless vault item, so whilst I could be about 205 at duelist, I am 200 instead (although I have like 1000CP in the bank so that’s a couple of items).

They should have just separated it or increased the cap. Its like 1.75 pieces per week I believe so yeah, and that assumes you do not get a duplicate or useless vault item like I have.

if anyone wants to know, I got badge, relentless and adaptation one week…so I took badge, but I can almost never use it (I use it in pve more than pvp) because I have to use emblem as I am the kill target and the meta is too fast not to use it.

Gear shouldn’t work or be a factor in pvp, so a player playing only pvp would have no use for it.


Aye few mill per mythic BOE helps im pretty sure.

You had limit/Echo/Pieces/Method buy PVP boosts? If true surely this proves PVP is the go too gearing method for targeted gearing and thus should be toned down or have m+ be bought up to its level no? Or do you just want to screw over PVE players so you can gloat?

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On Preach’s show they said they’re about 300 mil gold in the hole after the race to WF.