Why are all the servers dead now?

They have been dead for a couple of months now. Where are all the players?

People got bored of Classic most likely, and either came back to retail or stopped with WoW altogether.


Take it to the calssic section, nobody here cares about that private server emulation here.


Because not everyone is the same level now so you donā€™t see 90% of the population in the same zones. Also now a lot of people are max level the majority of content they play is instanced, so you wonā€™t see them out in the world.

If its about Classic, move over to their Section, this is the BFA Section.


Im talking about retail. Classic is full, but all the players cant have moved over to classic? :confused:

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What was the old WoW Meme?

WoW is dead ???

You see, Less peoples play BFA, aswell as Classic.


People have unsubbed because they have done everything there is to do if you do not raid and pvp is too unbalanced and unfun to keep people playing

Not as it used to be, alot of the playerbase that played during the Release, now either fell way behind from their friends and all that, since work and all that.

Dead classic server forums are that way ---->


the majority of the active players do this:
1:they login
2:do some wquests to grind some rep
3:log out
the majority of them(At least in my server) just sit in cities like Boralus and Stormwind and just chat about random stuff on trade chat.

so if you go to leveling areas they mostly seem dead cuz no one needs to group up to level anymore. my experience leveling from 110 to 120 on kulā€™tiras made me think that iā€™m playing a single player game xD

and yes I also play classic wow sometimes, I have a human paladin and the server is packed! you see players running around, doing quests etc.

that explains it. that is my experience as well

soon there is going to be patch with new story and content so uā€™ll see players coming back and playing again donā€™t worry many people donā€™t renew their subscription till then but they are still kinda ā€œActiveā€ as u can see on these forums :slight_smile:

Sure you are. Sure. What you are likely doing is baiting and trolling. Go back to classic. honestly that meme is old by now.


Well in that case itā€™s probably because BFA is very easy to burn out on. It only took a month for my irl friends to stop playing BFA after launch. I was the last one that stuck around till 8.2 to give it a chance but wish Iā€™d saved my money instead.

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I blame sharding and I can explain why I came to this conclusion.

When I am just flying around over zuldazar I canā€™t find many hordies.
But when I am jumping into lfarena and go back after the match, I presume I am getting into a new shard and they appear near WQ quite often.

  1. Players quit BfA due monotonous ap grind
  2. A lot of veterans prefer classic gameplay

Did you try logging in?

Poor troll post, classic child.

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Its Classic, I mean this is the wrong place for it, but in fairness you are bound to see a lot of burnout from people like myself who gave it a go, then realised why we didnā€™t actually want it, and also a lack of advancement. Itā€™s going nowhere. Iā€™m not 30 again, I canā€™t get the same buzz, because I realise that the game moved on, and thatā€™s just how it is. So, it kind of is going to feel a bit dead. Retail servers however have picked up again, so, I dunno, where were you going with that?

With 8.3 announcement and next scourge expansion no wonder that classic servers are dead, and it will be worse with blizzcon.
Whats the point of playing classic?