Why are blizzard refusing to nerf ferals?

I swear, they’ve got way to much damage. You either need lower Bleeds by 20-30% or Lower Ferocious Bite by 30-40%… Seeing Ferals doing 400k DPS in bleeds and still being able to hit 1.5m with Bites is absurd.

they should either have high Dots or High Ferocious Bite, not both.


Yes, let the rogue and mage be the only good pvp classes please.


Feral is s+++ right now

They need to nerf

Shadow Priest
Frost mage


You forgot sub rogue.


Nerf DISC already as well.

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Don’t nerf healers… buff the weaker ones.

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With feral it’s not only the high pressure bleeds and high burst. The survivability is very good too. The tankiness of bear form. The strong healing from frenzied regen, and that 2 min cd that restores 30% of max health. Popped in bear form, ofc, to make that 30% closer to 50% of cat form health pool.
Stronger healing up to 20% based on how many targets they have bleeds up on.
And instant cast regrowth they can cast while in cat form after every finishing move.

And in addition to that, the cc toolkit is excellent. Ursol’s vortex, roots, cyclones. And several stuns. Not to mention that every melee attack applies a snare.

Oh and lets not forget the movement speed, and how they can escape roots and snares with practically no cost, and no cd on it.

Oh, and wild charge to close gaps.

I probably forgot to list a few things too…

So basically, in this thread, every class needs a nerf.


100% not. Healers are already unkillable everywhere besides dampening stacked arena.


Feral gameplay: Try to kill enemy in 0.5 seconds IF IT FAILS: Go pillar while immune to any slow to make full health in 0.5 seconds and then try again to kill enemy in 0.5

Rogue: immune to everything while killing ememies in 0.5 and if failing retreating how many times it wants with infintie vanishes and reseting all CDs and Cloack of Shadows then go again for kill with zero interactive gameplay with the enemy.

Mage: random meteorite go, U dead

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Frostmage is nerfed to the ground….

After 4 Weeks of oneshotting everyone, you burst in 3 seconds against every other Range DD now…

Player that not get 100% out of there dps specc run into that problem
In the higher lobbys i play where people put out high damage all the time and i have too pump 1mil HPS too keep people alive this isnt true
This lobby are for me more fun then the lobbys where barley damage is happening only if someone pops there cds

As healer i pref high consistant damage happen bevor burst meta, sad Blizzard balance is trash that DPS and healer have high caps in term of viability

Pvp is not only arena, you know. There is no dampening outside of arena, and buffing healers that are already unkillable will destroy other types of pvp content completely.

Nerfed to the ground but still the most op spec for awc.


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rogue and mage eat feral , when the 6 sec wall is gone and if healer is bad feral flops , mage’s block and alter time heal more than regrowth and frenzy regen together , if you nerf frost mage , sub rogue and Affly , then il gladly see feral nerfed , if those don’t get touched then im against the nerfs…

no it isnt , regrowth is a cosmetic button that heals 5% of your hp with hard cast , we got 6 sec wall that has 3 min cd that should be scary to see feral pop it , if your team mates and healer is good , you just run over feral with pressure , in bear feral cant do dps , bear form armour got nerfed by 150% in pvp combat , If you actually wanna know when feral was op was Shadowlands , when we had op heals and insane burst with necrolord frenzy,

it looks good on paper but healing is actually dead on this spec , if you want a hybrid that can actually heal you have enha shaman with better defensive toolkit 1,5m cd 40% dam reduction for 12 sec, burrow which is an immunity , totem utility etc

that does notting , its giga nerfed in pvp , play feral then talk like its broken , i was the same when it comes to MM hunter nerfs but when i actually played one ive seen the problems some classes have not just mm

if you are so for nerfs play it , see both sides when you face one and play one then you can be the judge for nerfs and complaining cause there are stronger offenders in the game atm like frost mage.

only usefull thing from mentioned above is vortex , roots break on damage , people have root immunity or counter roots easly , if roots didnt break i would be happy but you have husain bolt warriors with insane mobility sticking on you like a bug tick on your skin that you hardly brush off and guy does not get punished at all, when he reaches under 30% hp he passivley heals more than my instant regrowth and not to mention how tanky the guys are…

well you clearly dont play a druid so let me educate you , FORMS COST GCD…

if you get caught in bad GCD form swap you get punished so hard that it can cost you a game.

yet we have every single melee ingame with better gap closers.


what the heck are you talking about , Wdym immune to any slow , forms COST GCD bro, play one then talk bs here on the forums. its frustrating to see people talk smack and are uneducated how spec works,

let me fix it for you

**Feral gameplay: Try to kill enemy with bleeds and pressure, make sure to cc their heal and use def cds to counter pressure their burst , IF IT FAILS: Go pillar while bear , pray your healer tops you and makes sure you have no curses or dots on you then try again to kill enemy **

The only thing broken about feral is damage , but when i see people talk about our defensives im lmao how uneducated people are

i would easly agree on damage nerfs but i hope they can rework our defensives and our main tree since we need to pick 3 diff talents to build our main cd which is stupid imo


I feel like no one talks about the 1 talent point that needs nerfing, which will actually be the fix for Feral…

‘Berserk: Frenzy’ - Just nerf it by 50% in PvP combat (if it isn’t already, I’m not actually sure), so it only does 75% of direct damage damage, rather than 150%. I was getting 1 million critical strike hits from it the other day and I’m not even full gear, none crit is around 550k ticks. That’s what makes Incarnation so insane, especially with all the multipliers.

Outside of Incarnation I actually think Feral is fine.

Yes demo, yes pets, no i don’t care. Hitting pets also increases his ST dps because he gets littered with combo points. It needs nerfing yesterday.


like i mentioned above damage rn is absurd and yes it needs a nerf but some ppl above are complaining about ur survivability which its the worst its ever been so yeah you got a like from me on the post

needs flat 20% damage nerf but i would love to see our defensive toolkit reworked

The fact dampening have too exist is very true a design fail, they cannot balance the game with Bg’s exist without damp

I play j4fun a bit rated BG and teamfights are so boring because of that, but thats just a fail of the game tuning healers like damp exist in Bg’s they could EZ give healer or all HEal also from DPS a 10%-20% healing reduction if they enter a BG done

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You dont have 100 % wins cause you Are Good online :smile: