And the screenshot you post is vs 10+ pets + 2 players? My god why are you so lost
Not as lost as you who obviously can’t read.
And what are you gonna whine over next? Because i can honestly tell you, you will have specs to whine over every ssn. Now gtfo and find something to play whiner
Tell me you’re playing with a feral without saying it.
Anyways, you’re irrelevant. Nerf ferals, thx. <3
You were crying over feral even when demo was broken and feral was dogsht so i think its a you issue against every mêlée in this game bro
this guy opens multiple threads with close to the same title, with another alt, isnt this banable?
it was also a really high rated feral, with more Xp, feral Nerf wont change the situation there.
I usually respect peoples annonimity but you’re really just here to lie.
oh yeah 60% dmg reduction on 3 minutes is the pinacle of defensives.
Also the same armor plates have = the same armor you got as a bear.
Armor is nerfed by 150% since DF.
Along with the armor - bear form healing has been nerfed from 32% for 4 secs. to 20% for 4 secs. Just for comparison - > Rogues Crimson Vial heals for 35% and has lower CD, along with vanish reseting it.
We have debunked these mythos already.
Its a PvP talent thats only useful if you play AOE, and after the AOE nerf, this talent is barely useful and you can get up to 10% healnig increase. Also its only in reference to RIP and if something happens to the rip the buff dissapears despite tooltip saying X seconds.
Dude it takes me roughly 8 to 10 regrowths ti fill up my HP from 0 to 100%.
We can add Heart Of The Wild which increases my Regrowth healing by 30% but this spell has 5 minutes cooldown.
Now imagine you’re affected by dampening - exactly… this button does nothing for you, you better use it to root.
Feral druid has the lowest self and offhealing from all of the hybrids.
Thats another false thing you say.
Only Rake and Rip add slow. and its a 20% slow. If you want it to be 40% you have to pick up a pvp talent for it, then it gives you 40% slow but you will also have to stack it twice… because the pvp talent doesnt increase the slow % but simply allows you to have a second stack of application.
Lets not forget that we’re the only melee that has a clunky charge that can be stopped mid-way and we’re the only melee that has not double , tripple ,quadripple charge as rogues for example, or warriors, or Dhs, or literally anybody besides enhancement shaman, which is a melee/ranged hybrid so it doesnt matter.
Also Global CD is a big price to pay since you do all of this to reach someone and do something and with todays meta , too often - you cant. Just think of mage root procs that proc every 0,001 second.
Dude you didnt forgot , you nerver simply knew.
You complain about ferals mobility but you fail to adress how more mobile other melees and ranged have gotten, and how its more important to be able to connect the moment you need to connect instead of slacking in GCD on your way to your target for the next 5-10 seconds.
You complain about ferals healing but you fail to adress how low it is and how we lost core passive healing from Leader of the Pack, Yseras Teachings and flat nerfs to Regrowth, Frenzied Regen along side a total removal of Swiftmend and the monstrously huge cd on Heart of the wild (5 min).
You complain about ferals defensives but you fail to adress the amount of immunity, spell immunity , dodge/parry mechanics other melees have.
And if we compare ferals healing and offhealing to other classess and specs- its nothing special.
If we compare ferals mobility to other specs- its nothing special.
If we compare ferals defensives - barely any good.
Damage wise- we do really well, so do hunters, monks, rogues, warlocks, evokers.
Lots of people adress ferals and want nerfs but nobody adresses the issues these nerfs will make.
Since ferals have a complete lack of kit and things they excel in.
Id like to see people complain about how ferals need a rework for the last 6 years now.
Lots of people talk about Shadowmeld too but again nobody talks about how nerfing shadowmeld will affect ferals - who got no restealth mechanic.
For example: I can deal with nerfs on my rogue, because rogues got briliant toolkit and their talents are not still in the beta version of the game and their pvp talents are not 70% disfunctional.
Feral truly is at a point where it either makes it or breaks it and cannot take further nerfs without it being reworked.
And im absolutely up for a rework, since the damage we dish out is really too much.
I read your entire wall of text, and the whole thing is just a whole lot of words to say one thing: You don’t know how to play feral.
But in the hands of people who do, this spec is absolutely busted.
No other spec has a root/snare break with NO CD that costs ONLY A GCD.
You and everyone else who defend feral seem to think that just because you can’t steamroll frost mages (another busted spec) its not overpowered.
You complain that feral only has 1 charge, but no other melee spec has a constant30% movement increase. No other melee spec has the ability to hop into fkn tank spec at will, with renew, heart of the wild and frenzied regen x2.
All Im hearing when people complain about feral being bad is “I don’t know how to play feral”.
i legit mentioned damage wise its busted but survivability wise you are just stupid if you think feral defensives are broken
i wont bother replying to a delulu classic 25 char , wasting my time talking to a brick wall
Very definiton of cringe. Nothing else to expect from someone who denies feral is broken and needs nerfs.

You were crying over feral even when demo was broken and feral was dogsht so i think its a you issue against every mêlée in this game bro
You surely can proof this right? No? Oh
Nerf ret dmg.
Too much damage and the survivability and not forget our selfheal 2 global full HP.

Very definiton of cringe.
na, true and real

who denies feral is broken and needs nerfs.
send me a post where i deny feral being not broken, i even know what/which talent makes feral broken currently

No other spec has a root/snare break with NO CD that costs ONLY A GCD.
First theres more and more abilities that do slow ferals and ferals cannot remove them:
Starting from slows on the ground to Bladestorm to channels.
But ill just say this- if a feral can remove a slow per GCD, you can also reapply slow by using a GCD.
If losing a GCD doesnt come at a cost- then why dont u just reapply it ?
See how flawd your logic is?
We got no immunities for exchange for that and we still can hardy connnect to some specs (mage, hunter, evoker).
On paper - every class can reapply their slows and even roots right away,
and ferals can remove slows almost always but on paper every melee has better connection depending which spec they’re facing- admitedly frost mages are anty warriors, but warriors, monks, rogues, dhs are just like a chewing gum stuck on the bottom of your boot to any other class most often with better success rate.
I also want to add that ferals cant kyte any of the melees successfully most of the time, especially not outside of 1v1 scenario.
Also feral doesnt just steamroll frost mages- killing a frost mage even as a feral costs a lot of time and effort and its not even fun- easy. If anyone has it easy against mages- its hunter, rogue and if its not a 1v1 scenario- warriors too.

You complain that feral only has 1 charge, but no other melee spec has a constant30% movement increase
I mean imagine having permanent 45 (its 45 not 30) % movement speed increase and being able to shift out of slows and roots and still not being able to properly connect to the majority of classes or kyte any of the melees.

No other melee spec has the ability to hop into fkn tank
Warrior defensive stance?
As I said feral armor has been nerfed by 150%. The armor bear form currently give is around 2-3% more than what a plate dps spec has.
So in truth- warrior defensive stance grants more tankiness simply by itself.
Shamans got a similar mechanic though admitedly more clunky with stacking ghost wolf 15% dmg + their own armor being not too bad for being mail + totems + actual immunity.

with renew, heart of the wild and frenzied regen x2
So lets first put in the facts Frenzied Regen heals for 20 % for over 4 seconds. (added 1 sec gcds , because it requires you to be in bear)
Rogues Crimson Vial has shorter CD and does the same thing over the same amount of time but heals 14 % more ?
Hunters got Renewal, Shamans cheat death gives that automatically too, warlock- stone, priest, lay on hands from paladins,dks, evokers have it + it removes bleeds too, warriors got enraged regen and so on.
Dude Heart of the Wild is 5 min cooldown, if it didnt at least give me one more charge of Frenzied , then IDK… its already not a very good CD if not for the Cyclone casting time reduction.

Ursol’s vortex,
Ursol vortex is 1 single pull and shares invisible DR with Typhoon.
In comparison - monks can throw u around like a wet towel with 2 different spells and lock you bopping in the corner for another 5 seconds with Ring of Piss.

All Im hearing when people complain about feral being bad is “I don’t know how to play feral”.
dude im by no means Tony or Snupy but 10 years of experience + 500 above casual rating should tell u i know what im speaking of if anything.

You and everyone else who defend feral seem to think that just because you can’t steamroll frost mages
Forgive my entitlement also, how could i ever think i can “steamroll” the God-chosen class.
Nobody. and I mean not even me is not defending feral since feral damage is obviously broken.
Nowhere did I said the damage is fine.
All we’re defending is the truth because you’re untruthful or shall I say blatantly lying.
You’re also ill-informed.
Feral has really bad toolkit and the only thing about that good is Maim and the Damage that will for sure go away.
Thats why instead of rendering the spec unplayable I advocate for a rework instead.

I probably forgot to list a few things too…
Yeah you forgot how throughout expansions ferals lost the most traits of all other classes and specs.
And when that wasnt the case other classes would receive better methods to excel in the same place where feral used to be- rendering it mediocre in toolkit.
Again- Feral dmg = broken
feral survivability = meh
feral mobility = its ok i guess, though i cant kyte a single melee and i cant connect to evokers and mages and sometimes even hunters.
feral toolkit= meh.
healing/offhealing = meh
so much nonsense. It’s just a matter of numbers after all.
We now reached a point, where feral is the only viable melee at all, followed by subtlety Rogue that always can work.
The average Andy might not understand it but it’s simply just boring how good ferals are
The only thing broken about feral is damage , but when i see people talk about our defensives im lmao how uneducated people are
Damage being broken also makes everything else that they have good more broken because of the presure their damage does.

so much nonsense. It’s just a matter of numbers after all.
Thats not how you use the forum.
For statements - go to twitter or tumblr or add this to your daily affirmations in your diary.

We now reached a point, where feral is the only viable melee at all
Bro thats entirely false.
Every melee is viable,
not every melee is C tier.
Every melee can collect 2.4 this season regardless.

The average Andy might not understand it but it’s simply just boring how good ferals are
You’re an average Andy dude.
You play assassination which in terms of playstyle isnt so much different.
Really, if you cant form an argument- get off the forum.

It’s just a matter of numbers after all.
Oh, really ? wow. Didnt notice.

Damage being broken also makes everything else that they have good more broken because of the presure their damage does.
No it doesnt.
But makes them excel in one singular thing, which until now wasnt the case- neither we excelled in mobility, neither in offhealing or selfhealing nor in defensives.
Again- damage is too much, nerf it.
I just want to speak about what happens after.
Are you all gonna be here complaining that feral is unplayable after or we just complain about things when it affects us alone ?
This spec needs a rework more than it needs a nerf.
most awc comps have a feral they wont nerf - useless company
Idk, I’m not sure I really buy the survivability complaints. To me they kinda reek of those FotM Shadowlands WW rerollers - they said the same thing at the time.
Having now played one myself up to 2.1k MMR, defensively it feels the strongest it’s been in years. Maybe that’s just because I’ve also played the spec in things like WotLK/Cata where you would regularly go 100-0 in a Kidney Shot through Barkskin, but thus far I’ve not had much issue living on it in TWW.
As always, mobility is the strongest defensive in the game. Having such high innate movement speed in combination with the ability to freely shed enemy slows while throwing out roots does wonders for staying alive - especially considering how little pressure you forfeit to do so.
so because awc uses 1 class they need to nerf it… so rogue should never be in awc ? or priest or mage ? wanna start counting how many FULL expansions was terrible were shaman pumped like crazy ? just be glad feral has one of the highest skill capped to even be on awc level.