Why are guards now so weak?

I remember when the guards were ridiculously overpowered and would simply annhilate anyone who dare attack them (Booty Bay Guards for Insane title anyone??)

But now it feels like the guards are pretty much useless and if they cannot guard against 1 lvl 70 who decides to start killing them, What good as guards are they ??

After inspecting the guy killing guards (Prot Paladin) he had a full set of ilvl 366 gear so he wasnt even well geared by today’s standards 410+… lol
Just a thought.

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They’re basic guards.

Not Captain Planet level powerhouses like players. They don’t get trained to deal with such.


So were the guards in Booty Bay when you were killing them for The Insane title and I remember them hitting like trucks. XD

We werent Captain Planet yet.

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Becouse back in past where guards were threat WoW didnt have 600% powercreep in single tier.

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Maybe Blizz could send them for some training

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Every area with guards would go bankrupt if they tried to get 'em to Captain Planet level.

Tbh they are more ofan annoyance, instant spawning, rooting and there being an infinite amount of them xD

They should just make it so that after you’ve been killing the regular guards for a while higher level elite guards with more abilities that disrupt your skills start spawning. It would definitely solve situations where someone fully geared just stands around in major cities killing all of the NPCs and being a general nuisance.

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I personally prefer the guards from Elder Scrolls Online… Which are basically immune to death. You can attack and damage them, but they will wipe your best sitting part easily due to their immunities.

Brcsuse as a player u wouldnt feel like ur getting stronger if everything else around u was infinitely scaled to deal with you.

Yes guards were hard, but by this point our player characters have had endless training against much more difficult foes, so by rights our characters should be at a point that dealing with them should be ease

Still annoyed that they jumped into pit that is raised level caps.

Reset us back to 50 at the start of an expansion and keep 60 the cap. Which would also let them set and keep certain fixed thresholds for ilvl and attributes that they could easily reuse the next expansion.

We are not talking about everything around us. We are talking about guards and only the guards.

And old world guards dont need to be more powerful than players.

See, that is the problem with WoW compared to over MMORPGs like Elder Scrolls Online.

In ESO I can literally play a thief by stealing items (and selling them to thief vendors) from public and be hunted by the guards (no matter the crime). I can stealth around and attack/murder NPCs and Players to fit that role of a thief/assassin.

In WoW a Rouge is just a dude with 2 butter knifes, perhaps a gun even, stealth skills and not a single role function outside of Guerilla attacks on hostile AI and hostile players.

ESO has depth, while WoW doesn’t in this case.

Because the players are supposed to be lawful good in WoW.

That may be. Still throttles the potential of the universe and the gameplay to some extend because of that “we need to be children friendly, lawfully good in our offered gameplay experience” from Blizzard. Just because a game is stylized doesn’t mean it can’t be as honest and real as real life.

Having actually crimes in the game is not a bad thing. People saying otherwise are the same people that bring up the inaccurate “playing (any) video games creates new school shooters” argument.

They say the same about metal music.

Listening to Marilyn Manson meant you went out and killed people.

Or Sabaton… “If you listen to Sabaton, you advocate for war crimes” or some BS…

I hate this minority “we have to be pure people without any negative flaw” mindset. The world isn’t perfect and it will never be perfect. So stop trying to make it perfect, just good enough (not meaning you here, Havi).

Agreed - you will never get every single person to agree on everything, and that’s perfectly fine. You can just look at WoWs fanbase - many want same thing, but they can also want that one thing in a specific manner.
