Why are heroic dungeons so easy?

I was surprised by the ease of normal dungeons where everything is passively killed.

I expected difficulties in heroics. But in heroic ones, you can die from the boss only if you don’t know the tactics.

And yesterday in general. After the death of the tank (which apparently died from ignorance of tactics). I tanked the heroic Asaad with my arms warrior. And despite the death of the tank, we were able to kill the boss.
This is ridiculous.

And this is not the first time.

I get the impression that I am playing in some kind of sandbox.

High difficulty, because it is not fun to play.

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I’m also surprised how easy this iteration of the heroic dungeons are.

I mean, I am probably a better player now that I have around 18 years of WoW experience than back in 2010, when I had roughly 5 years of experience. But I wasn’t a complete noob back then either, definitely not a bad enough player to be struggling in these.

I feel like they are just undertuned in terms of numbers. I recall certain bosses requiring good mana management (as healer), cycling cooldowns etc to keep up with the different boss abilities. And I swear I remember certain abilities being oneshots if you messed up, which definitely isn’t the case now.

This feels like some kind of post-nerf version to me, and not the initial difficulty we got at 2010 launch. If not, perhaps it’s the last-patch scaling, making our characters way more powerful than they were intended to be in this phase.

I’m still enjoying the dungeons though. But they are definitely underwhelming in terms of difficulty, not gonna lie.


HC dungeons in 4.3 got nerfed because people complain to much…


at least remove that 15% RDF Buff, it’s not needed in 2024…


The vast majority of players do not want difficult content. They want to roll through it and collect their loot, simple as.


True, It is pointless

I suspect there is a balance to be struck. I want challenging gameplay, but I don’t want to struggle through 1 dungeon for 45 minutes and not get anything for it - not even the chance to get the item I wanted.

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It is better to double the difficulty of the dungeon and increase the loot. To preserve the sense of significance of passing the instance.

Well what’s challenging and what’s a struggle is very subjective. There are no doubt players that find the current heroics to be a struggle.

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Dungeons and Raid are in they post nerf 4.1 version,

-sizes of meby trash pack were reduced
-some deadly boss and trash abilities were removed
-damage and hp of bosses and trashes were reduced
-we alsow got 15% buff from LFD

Clasess are in they 4.3 state what mean most of them with exeption of Fury and MM , are slightly or much much stronger ( like blood DK) , then they were in 4.0
Tanks threath was alsow buffed from +100% in 4.0 to +500% in 4.3

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Yeah i was hoping HC dungeons were a little harder.

Normals did not get to a point where mechanics came into play and it is almost the same for HC.

In 2010 i remember HC being hard. You pull two groups, dead most likely unless you were in complete raid gear. Miss a dispell…trouble ahead . Dont get the right mob first and there is trouble.

None of that seems to matter in Cata Classic. It is all way to easy. Way too easy.

Everything is WAY too easy… leveling, dungeons, heroics. It’s all a boring snoozefest.
This paired with pvp servers actually being pve servers because of the monofaction disaster is absolutely booooring.
Feels like playing a single player pve game on very easy settings…
Apparently heroic raiding should be harder but I have little interest if only a fraction of the content is actually engaging


Because the forum would be full with topics about people complaining. This playerbase does not want to struggle or to challenge themselfes.

Just remember that there were people advocating for T5 in TBC to be nerfed. Apparently, people like snoozefests and blizzard happily complies.

Then the distribution of servers loses its meaning when everything is simplified.

Is it really that difficult to make a server with normal difficulty and faction balance. And separate servers for players who want peace and peaceful gameplay (I honestly don’t know how this can be related to a game about war, but it is).

I personally started with BC in 2008, I was 15 at the time and had zero online gaming experience. Back then BC was real hardcore, in which we died 10-20 times in dungeons. I still remember how we ghosted through the tunnels of Dead Mines, looking for the entrance to the dungeons, and a horde of miners constantly killed us on the way.

And that moment when you got to the dungeon already covered in broken armor. And everything started again)

I don’t understand what the questions of difficulty can be in 2024, when a large part of these “pacifists” have more than one year of experience with online games and the same WOW.

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I would prefer difficult content that rewards more loot. Don’t wanna have to farm 100+ hours for pre raid bis.

A lot of hardcore wow fans will say that gambling in nevada is part of the game and that you should not expect a reward at the end of a dungeon.

I say why not? Other games do exactly that. Do those other games gives rewards because they do not demand a monthly sub and dont have to stretch out the game for the sake of a subscription? Most likely.

Plenty of other games give you rewards for finishing stuff ingame.

You get rewarded from each dungeon with justice/valor points. Those are there specifically so even if you get really unlucky with drops, you can still improve your gear from doing them.

But they really could have pleased both camps here. I have not reached max level myself yet so I don’t know for sure how rewarding the dungeons are but…

Let’s say heroic+ would be pre-nerf difficulty. Has it drop the same loot as heroic, but have it reward a greater number of badges. That way people who don’t want a challenge can play regular heroics, and people that do can jump into heroic+. And once people gear up the loot from the dungeons themselves will be less meaningful, meaning people should gravitate towards the harder difficulty – but it’ll be easier since they’ll have loot from the easier version.

This way you can please players who:

  • Handpicks their group and wants to do the heroic+ challenge asap
  • Players who wants to run RDF with less problems in order to gear up.
  • Players who only want easy content, and never seek to progress beyond it.
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Dungeons now in cata are stupidly easy. So easy there is zero difference from normal to HC. I did both and did not see a difference.

I think you are slightly over exagerating, heroic are not on the difficulty there were in 2010, but they are more difficult than normal.

I agree, they are not hard. As a tank, i jump into one to try it, with barely the ilevel needed (330) and completed the dungeon without wipes. It was however a bit tense for the healer to keep me alive at time. (in retrospec, i should have asked for some CC)

After getting some 346 gear, they are becoming more routine, but at 329, there were some tense moment.

I expect blizzard will release harder version as they did for Wrath, but i suspect those harder versions will be tuned to people in 359, not people in 372.