Why are heroic dungeons so easy?

Well we will get ZA and ZG in phase 2 which are significantly harder than the heroics we have now.

Those were the only two dungeons i was ever actually scared of in my whole time in wow. ZA or ZG

Nothing modern except maybe Waycrest manor or shrine of the storm scared me.

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It becomes trivial once you got most blue gear.

Dying really only becomes a possibility if you completely disregard any mechanic. Grim batols first boss comes to mind here. for example.

First boss in Grim Batol, second boss in BRC, and third boss in Stonecore are the ones where I have seen people fail the most.

I definitely wouldn’t put the dungeons on the same level as the Wrath Heroics. Those were honestly pathetic because there was effectively no difference between them and Normal outside of stat changes. In this case however there will be the fights that will punish ignoring mechanics. Fights like 2nd and Third boss of Blackrock Caverns, First and Final Bosses of Vortex Pinnacle etc. And from the Holy Paladin perspective the changes to the class really means that constant rushing is not going to work because the Mana management is an actual thing there. Maybe there’s something wrong with my gear (although it’s fully Blue with some pieces already from HC) but my spells don’t heal that much (~10k from Holy Light, around double of that from Holy Flash and Divine Light) and their cost quickly adds up with Good spells taking between 12 to 16 of my total Mana. While frustrating at times it is actually not that bad change of pace.

Bro as much as i agree with you some things you must understand about the pve classic andys they are 100% sertified bad players,and on top of that most of them are 80 year old which means everytime they log in wow its like a new game for them so blizzard had to nerf dungeon so ppl like that can actualy play the game while backpaddling and getting lost in the dungeons, btw i think there are some kind of gamma alpha dungeon which is like mythic + so you can go there if you want some hard dungeons.


Sounds like they’re playing the wrong expansion then :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, they are 80 years old because original classic cata was released in 1962.

Blizzard stated that the HC Dungeons would be Pre Nerf. So ! The HC Dungeons we are doing now should be the pre-nerfed versions from the original Cata.

Having said that I am conflicted. I also remember these being a lot harder, then again I am also sure that today’s classic players, while horrible in comparison to retail players, are still a decade ahead of the original Cata players, on average that is.

But some things are questionable, and some of the things I found… not accurate to how it was:

  • In Deadmines, tanks use to get disenchanted if they stood in the read zone with adds. Now you can almost keep the trash inside the zone.

  • In Throne of the Tides, Commander (The squeeze boss) use to global fully decked out heroic geared tanks if he hit you with Dark Fissure. Yet on the first HC we did, our normal geared Warrior tank only took 50% hp dmg. Also during the sqeeze he use to destroy people and it was a spam heal check for healers. I use to have to spam very heavily and even use LoH on my Pala back in the day to keep up. Now ? The dmg is full on ignorable. It does nothing.

Again, I dont have direct proof that this is pre or post nerf. But it is questionable at best.

OP would beg to differ.

At least Ozruk’s slam and shatter still properly one shot.

I was super excited to go back to Cata heroic dungeons because I remember back in the day we had to cc the mobs, interrupt the casts, remove mobs enrage, etc.
Basically we had to use the entire kit of our characters.
I started playing in Cataclysm and only started classic during Wotlk because I heard it was awesome, but I was disapointed because even in gamma you could just pull an entire room and AoE it down without even breaking a sweat.

Now we have the nerfed version of heroics, I’m still enjoying myself but you don’t get the same satisfaction. I do hope that they give us hard gamma versions of dungeons.

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Its meant to be accessible gearing up content. What were you expecting, mythic+ or something?

The “difficulty” is in heroic raiding. If that isnt difficult enough for you, I’d suggest trying retail.

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Nobody is expecting mythic difficulty in dungeons, but anything other than a snoozefest would be nice after all.

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Players suck and enjoy easy content, Unlike you.

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I dont care that its ez. I play classic for that reason.

I am just shocked at the difference now vs back then. I am still unsure if this is the pre-nerf or post.

But then again, bosses are dying in 30-40sec, where as during the original game 4-5 mins per boss was very normal for capable grps. So it could very well be that mechanical knowledge + healers not going oom due to a 5 min fight = ez content.

It was going to be ez no matter what. But like I said, I remember it actually behind hard back in og Cata.

They are not pre-nerf they are post-nerf, can easy tell from missing trash and bosses missing some abilitys

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Not sure if I can “Easily tell” since I played Cata like… 13+ yrs ago. But the dmg on some things just does not feel fight.

And I will be honest, I dont remember abilities and trash being removed ? But ofc, I could be very wrong. I am willing to accept like I said that ppl played a lot worse back then. Old clips even confirm this.

Yea must be easy as a warrior you surly do alot, you better hope they stay this way you dumb fuk i will kick the f out of you warriors B tier class you wont get in a single dungeon

Because when Cata came out the heroic dungeons were too hard for players queuing up in the LFD tool. Experienced raiders were fine but the less skilled, less dedicated players were getting completely obliterated by those dungeons and started to quit the game on a large scale.

There were threads every day on the forums asking for dungeon nerfs, and eventually Blizzard caved. That was during T11, while we’re playing on patch 4.3 (aka T13 patch). So we have the heavily nerfed dungeons. We also have heavily sped up levelling from 80-85 and will probably have nerfed raids too.

The good players in 2010 were 20x better than the average player today. I’ve done Classic Cata dungeons with players consistently below 10k dps, back then you would just get overwhelmed as the healer would oom. Now you can get away with pretty much anything, and the skilled players on day 2 were chain pulling gigantic packs.

In 2010 we were using a lot of soft CC and interrupts to keep mobs under control, where as now most groups are just mindlessly blasting stuff down. The nerf was massive, and that’s the version we have, it’s not too far from WOTLK dungeons (which was the intention).

Pre-nerf they were a little above TBC HC dungeon difficulty.