Why are heroic dungeons so easy?

Yep. I have never been a fan of the RDF-tool, not because it ruined the game but because it facilitates the braindead gameplay loop of Wrath. Blizzard’s early compromises of creating an entirely new, non-cross server dungeon finder was perhaps a mistake, as it seemed like no one liked that tool. I feel like they should have just copied the structure of retail’s mythic group finder. That way you have a large pool of players to choose from, but you also have some control over who you invite. Some people will use this to gatekeep for people with gearscore and achievements, others (like myself) will use it to gatekeep the idiots who gatekeep people for gearscore and achievements.

But alas, we have the RDF and Blizzard has decided from the get-go to appease that crowd.

Calling them a snoozefest is an opinion. Personally the heroics have been great fun. Doing them with the guild has been fun.

Maybe this game isn’t for you?

Only ability I remember being removed was the heal from first boss in sfk, beacuse interrupting is too hard I guess. But yes the damage of the mobs was tuned down noticeably.

He still heals though, afaik.

I did not pay attention to the boss hp on first pull when i did not interrupt & he kept casting it over & over. And we wiped when boss had like 50% hp, because healer ran out of mana. Fairly certain from him just healing, because when we did interrupt, he died in like 20seconds.

He does the stay of execution after asphyxiate. But he used to also have a regular heal he could cast at any time on top of that.

Tank was also megachad at the time? I dont remember.

It´s good that you have fun with your guild, but calling the Dungeons anything other than a snoozefest begs the question what you guys are doing or if you are just so simple minded that you enjoy this mindless grind which looks closer to D3 than WoW.

I mean it´s a fact that these dungeons are easy.

They are dungeons you have to run all the time, why does it matter if they are difficult or not? After your 20th time through them they wouldn’t be hard, but if they were that would get lower skilled and geared players kicked from groups constantly. Is this content so important and the gear so good it has to be difficult for everyone? I don’t get complaining about heroic dungeon’s difficulty when it’s not a hard mode raid with the best gear in the game. It’s pre-raid content.

Just because you can’t enjoy the ride and wanna flex over a game difficulty doesn’t mean you’re right lil bro.


I remember them nerfing heroics way earlier than 4.3.

It might be just gear or scaling. Whatever it is, that Holy Priest is tearing through the place doing 2.3mil damage with Nova whether the tank is there or not!

Yeah it was in early 2011, well before Firelands.

The dungeons are hard enough for 5 strangers, “hard” content is only viable with organized groups.

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I started playing WoW back in OG Cataclysm and I remember when people were crying why the heroic dungeons were so difficult. Guess what, they got nerfed.

This mindset is the problem with today’s playerbase. It’s all focused on the grind. I would rather play the dungeons once and have fun, than play them 50 times and be bored.

It’s history repeating itself. It’s the braindead design of WLK that teaches players that dungeons are supposed to be steamroll content for epics. In TBC, dungeons lost their relevancy as guilds progressed through the raid tiers. This is of course problematic, as it means there’s a much smaller playerpool for newer players reaching max level. But the solution is not to make things braindead.

I had a lot of fun in TBC dungeons. I never had much fun in WLK dungeons. That’s why I wanted pre-nerf dungeons for Cata.

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Technically everyone who finds it too easy can simply take off some gear. Problem solved, enjoy :slight_smile:

This is not true, they removed spells/abilities. The dungeons don’t play the same as they did, not just the tuning. In any case, I did the first HC’s at 85 this time with my full T10 4set and Shadowmourne still equipped and it was still easy.

The original gameplay loop was for you to do the endgame normal dungeons, finish the end zones, do some crafting etc for mostly ilvl333 loot and then go in to heroics. To be real tho, when Cata first came out the good players would just manually walk into the HC’s because they couldn’t queue LFD as their ilvl was too low, and they too skipped that step even pre-nerf, and it was fine.

The only reason the dungeons got nerfed was due to LFD randoms finding it too hard, your average weekly raider player was fine, and not just the really good ones, anyone who had regularly done TBC HC’s was 100% prepared for Cata hcs, that’s where the term “wrath baby” came from.

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What exactly did they remove? It doesn’t look any different to me. In fact, some people in nhc dungeons even said stuff like “go hc and see how hard that actually is” meanwhile it was actually obvious it’s gonna be easy…

I know but I don’t remember mechanics being removes. Only tuning.

Check Patch 4.06 and patch 4.1 notes.

Listed some below, these aren’t all the changes to these bosses tho but you get the idea.

Grim Batol - Faceless Corruptors now move 10% more slowly.
Players may still use spell and abilities while afflicted by Forgemaster Throngus’s Impaling Slam.

Baron Ashbury - Sadly, in his hubris he has forgotten how to Mend Rotten Flesh.

Corborus - The warning time for Thrashing Charge has been increased by 1 second. In addition, Thrashing Charge now happens 4 times, down from 5.

Ozruk - The cast time of Shatter has been increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.5.

Vengeance of VanCleef has been redesigned. It is now a stacking buff that increases damage dealt, size, and attack speed, and stacks up to 40 times. Vanessa will begin casting this as soon as she jumps back onto the boat after detonating charges

Slabhide - The ground phase lasts longer and has fewer stalactites.

Conclave of Wind - Heroic: Slicing Gale debuff reduced from 10% per stack to 5%.
The duration of the Wind Blast pre-effect has been increased to 5 seconds, up from 3.

Altairus -The visual effects in this encounter have been adjusted to make the wind direction easier to read.
Cyclones now knock players straight up, and players hit by a cyclone cannot be hit again for a few seconds.

Yes but this is literally mainly tuning?