Boosters make way more, My friend boosts for gold and has made 3 million in a week before.
Also not true. if you think most multiboxers are botting in surumar or herbing in nazatar you’re wrong, They are just doing their own stuff. Let me guess it didn’t bother half the people in here until a streamer mentioned it?
That’s when process is started but they do use keybaord to setup everything both in game and 3rd party software.
Besides you clearly are confused about the fact that automation is not just a process which works without human interaction. There are different types/levels of automation.
I’m sorry but I find it a waste of time arguing back and forth with you because you’ve already shown you don’t know how the stuff you’re complaining about works. It’s pointless.
I’ve been reporting multiboxers tirelessly for months. Every time i see the train of characters following each other i take screenshots too and still nothing has happened. I’m pretty sure i single handedly reported at least 200 possibly even 400 unique characters multiboxing. This is completely ruining the game for me, its just ridiculous. Yeah i few acounts were fine back in the days but its really getting out of hand lately!
Blizz sleeps on old laurels. They do not ban bots at proper rate,created reasons to multibox, players are pushed to buy more tokens,we are testers for free for their game.No pvp devs. Buy 2 play=sub=cash shop=token. They get away with too much greed.
Need restart in mmorpg, quality over greed. Really hope Ashes of Creation will serve us with superb game and leadership.
I can clearly see youre protecting multiboxers, thats not a problem. If some people like to make their game easier by for example setting up 2 acounts to ease their grind i can understand that and i dont care about it as it doesnt really affect my experience in the game in any way. The reason why many people start complaining about multiboxers now is because there are just so many now. Also they arent 2 or 3 characters linked like used to be. It’s the new norm to see 7,8,9 10 or 11 characters. It looks ridiculous, its outrageous if you think how much they affect your Auction House, your PVP. It’s a player infront of the keyboard yes, but its still 1 keyboard linked to 12 characters, 1 person 12 times stonger than you and i consider that cheating. That’s an unfair advantage.
PS.: To Ion Hazzikostas who likes so much to bring up the RPG element in the game, and class fantasy etc. What kind of role does the user (i wont call the person player on purpose) take in this so called roleplay game, the role of a schizophrenic with 12 personalities? Whats the fantasy, is it a demon puppet master controlling 12 characters all at once? thats why you have a spec like a demonology warlock. Mind my language but this is such a bullsh*t they are protecting these users. Well, money talks and multiple acounts pay well to Acti-Blizzard.
I really wish more peopl would understand that yes, according to the ToS you can run as many accounts as you want, but again according to the ToS, every single skill cast should be a separate button press that you did on that client. If you run 30 accounts and want each of them to attack a target, you need to cast 30 skills across 30 separate instances of WoW. That’s the only “legal” way of running 30 accounts.
Blizz already did it with the Enter key for chatting and broke the keyboard on ConsolePort (that addon has an awesome controller keyboard, btw. Takes some learning but it becomes quite fast once you’re good with it). Now you have to actually physically press the Enter key for your message to go through. They can do that with the rest of the buttons. It will break consoleport completely, but if there’s a legit controller support added to the game, maybe it doesn’t matter.
Yeah, if you press one button and one action is performed on multiple accounts it’s no different than a factory where an army of robots performs the same action becasue one guy hit some button.
It’s a form of automation plain and simple.
This point has been discussed to death and Blizzard explained it repeatedly.
Blizzard has a clear definition of what it considers not allowed automation, which basically boils down to “a software decides what the character does”.
In multiboxing, the software doesn’t decide anything: the player input is multiplexed 1-1 to the game clients, but it’s 1-1 the player input still.
The stance of allowing it is 100% consistent with Blizzard’s reasoning.
No one argues that Blizzard doesn’t have a definition or rules when it comes to automation.
The point is that Blizzard is making excuses for themselves to break their logic when it comes to automation because of greed.
Both botting and multi-boxing are creating the same issue in the game and yet Blizzard bans only automation in botting even tho multi-boxing is the effectively same thing just done in a different way.
Is one human capable of controlling more than one character at the same time? No, so he needs to use 3rd party software to do that and effectively it’s 3rd party software which is controlling all those extra characters.
But in some magical way, Blizzard concludes that characters being controlled by 3rd party software (bots) are bad but 10 or more characters being controlled by one person using 3rd party software is fine.
Blizzard logic and decision making are utterly broken.
Ready money (i.e. available cash) has been referred to in the United Kingdom as “dosh” since[12] at least 1953; Brewer equates this term with “paying through the nose”, dosh being a Russian-Jewish prefix referring to the nose, that is, paying in cash.[13] The phrase itself “ready money” has also given rise to the far more popular “readies”, though there is debate as to whether this is an obvious reference to the immediate availability of the currency or the red and white colour of the British ten shilling Treasury note of 1914. The related term “cash on the nail” is said to refer to 17th century trading stands in Bristol and elsewhere, over which deals were done and cash changed hands.[14] Other general terms for money include “bread” (Cockney rhyming slang ‘bread & honey’, money. This also became dough, by derivation from the same root), “cabbage”, “clam”, “milk”, “dosh”, “dough”, “shillings”, “frogskins”, “notes”, “ducats”, “loot”, “bones”, “bar”, “coin”, “folding stuff”, “honk”, “lolly”, “lucre”/"filthy “Lucre”, “moola/moolah”, “mazuma”, “paper”, “scratch”, “readies”, “spondulicks/spondoolic(k)s/spondulix/spondoolies”, and “wonga”.