Why are multiboxers still allowed

On Bronzebeard, I’ve never seen this problems of multiboxers taking all the herbing nodes in Nazjatar. Multiboxers tend to just farm the same mobs in a little area. In the main world, it’s never been problem for me.
Maybe worse on other servers.

If you agree that Blizzard made rules that allow multiboxing, how can you claim in the same sentence that multiboxing is not allowed?

You might disagree with the rules, but the rules exist and your disagreement definitely doesn’t invalidate them.

I don’t really know why Blizzard allow multiboxing, if $omeone know$ the anw$er or the rea$oning i will appreciate $ome enlightenment.

Mabye it should be agianst the rules to have 1 person control 30 accounts ruining farms and destroying bgs. They ruin the game on the same scale as bots do.

Blizzard keeps ignoring this problem so ofcourse these thread will keep popping up until it finally gets fixed.

If the past threads didn’t convince Blizzard to change the rules, what makes you think this thread will?

Which novel argument is being presented compared to past discussions that could cause a different outcome?

Well the high elf players banged their heads agianst a wall for years and kinda worked so.

No matter how much I dislike this and how much I despise seeing a bunch of same people with same names picking the same herb and ruining in-game economy, Blizzard will never ban them…
My only income was via skinning and herbalism, but that’s no longer an option for me. I’m pretty much unable to earn decent coin without losing my sanity from endless grinding now for a very low income.

In any case, Blizzard won’t ban multiboxers primarily because:

  • Multiboxers pay for those accounts, meaning $$ for Blizzard
  • Multiboxers ruin economy, meaning players will be forced to buy tokens in order to earn some money, meaning more $$ for Blizzard again.

According to ToS automation is bannable and multi-boxing is based on automation, so multi-boxing is breaking ToS. That’s the logical conclusion of the facts.

I’m not trying to override Blizzard irrational selective decision when it comes to multi-boxing.
I’m simply pointing out that Blizzard is breaking their own rules for profits.

Because if people want to pay for 5 or more accounts instead of just one, the Bobster Lobster will allow it!

It’s like choosing between 1 dollar or 5 dollar. Do you understand math son?

5 > 1

“Every dollar matters”

Blizzard is invested in the long-term health of the game. If there’s a negative gain of players due to multiboxers, the issue will only get worse, and the game will die when there’s nobody but multiboxers left to play. At that point, you also can’t make the point that WoW isn’t pay2win, or that it costs $15 to play. Right now, that $15 gets you about as far as playing for free gets you in a pay2win MMO. Someone who shells out more money than you will have an objective, undeniable advantage. More and more people will wake up to this, especially when they get tired of their profession nodes dissipating right before their eyes.

At some point Blizz will have to do something to combat multiboxing. Maybe let people multibox 5 accounts, and that’s that. Maybe ban multiboxing altogether. There’s many multiboxers but they’re nothing as far as the long-term health of the game.

All it takes for WoW to die is for the fame that you need to be paying $150 a month and $400 for expansions every 2 yearrs in order to play competitively and the game is finished. And at that point, it’ll be too late to save WoW.

Amount of money gained from multiboxers is greater than the amount of money lost from people quitting due to multiboxers.

It’s funny when MBoxers defend their gold farms by copy/pasting what Blizzard says when Blizzard breaks their own ToS :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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At the moment this is the only multibox topic going on currently and can’t find any other on the frontpage.

I understand that this topic is spoken of alot but people are sick and tired of multiboxers and it just needs to go as it ruins the intergrity of the game.

Well yes it is just blizzard ignores the facts and says something opposite to facts.

Automation is against ToS and Multiboxing is based on automation.
I know that you gonna go back to that stupid semantics that it’s not automation it’s repeatability but repeatability is the foundation of automation so get rekt scrub.

That’s automation.

its been there for more than a decade and it’s not going away. No matter how many threads you create about them.

They harassed BG’s all the time, now they are able to mass-farm reagents too. The latter part is getting on a lot of player nerves the most tbh, as it makes gathering proffs rather pointless to them (every spot is camped by multiboxers that are able to gather orders of magnitude more than you can)

It doesn’t matter what you have since you use technology to automate your process across multiple instances of the game.

So many people don’t know what automation is… yet they are so adamant that they do, I’m Sitting laughing.

Doesn’t necessary need to be automation but it more about 1 single person being able out preform a normal person by alot a reoccuring problem is them over farming and ruining the chances for other people.

Nobody can make money in this game anymore unless you boost or multibox.