No one said that there is no profit in botting but some botters did switch to multi-boxing becasue it’s way less problematic and also leads to an absurd amount of gold per month.
I’m not sure I’m going to believe the ‘someone on the forum says’, on the other hand it’s hard to substantiate either way.
I’m just going to go with you firmly believe that but I’m highly skeptical
What exactly you are not going to believe in?
Your claim
Could you link some sources
Cause if thats true it would be huge.
That is not the correct way to talk about rules from a legal point of view. If we treat rules the same view laws are treated in a judicial way, and that is correct because at the end the rules of the game are the equivalent of the laws in real like, you only can make claims about the rules with a real quotation of the rules that proof it, in that case, the part when it said that automation it is not allowed.
But after that, any argument that you said about multiboxing being the same as multiboxing is the same as automation is just your interpretation, but you do not have enough authority to make your interpretation legally binding, so if you have not proofed that multiboxing is the same as automation for the point of view of the rules, and that means the only proofs are real quotes of the rules and any sentence which, in this case, would be Blizzard’s GMs posts then you can’t claim that multiboxing is against the TOS.
You could have that interpretation, but just like in real laws that it has no value until it is contented in a court and in this case it has because it has already been confirmed by Blizzard’s GMs that is not againts the TOS, that is the equivalent of a judge given a sentence confirming it if we were talking about real laws.
You are wrong because you are talking about rules as subjective things subject to opinions and arguments, they are not, rules are absolute facts, you can only argue about the legality of any action with real quotations of laws and sentences so you if you claim that multiboxing is against the TOS the only valid arguments you could make it is where in the rules or were in any official statement by Blizzard it said so, real quotation of laws and sentences. Your interpretations have no value because you lack any authority to make your interpretation legally binding.
As I said, to make claims that multiboxing is or it is not againts the TOS only direct quotations of those rules/laws or official statments/judicial sentences are valid arguments. For example this
Except by definition Blizzard can’t break their own rules because they are the ones who make the rules. They are not given opinions about their own rules, their given sentences about their rules which mean that effectively are writing the rules. When Blizzard said multiboxing is allowed they are not opining about their own rules, they are defining what is true about the rules, so it is impossible for them to break the rules when they are actions are what define which are the rules.
Which part of what I said tho
I honestly think you are taking the mickey at this point.
But I wasn’t talking from a legal point of view.
I was simply pointing out lack of rationality in Blizzard rules.
No, that’s not how it works
Anyone can break any rule but not everyone can be punished for it.
In case of Blizzard, they absolutely can break their own rules but no one can punish them for it.
There are three separate claims in the post you mentioned so I don’t know to which you are referring. Instead of fooling around be more specific and stop wasting my time.
That is not true, you have not said that multiboxing is just wrong or inmoral, you have declared multiboxing againts the TOS, and the word for that is illegal, so don’t lie and sai that when you talking about the TOS you were talking from a legal point of view.
Your exact words are “According to ToS automation is bannable and multi-boxing is based on automation, so multi-boxing is breaking ToS. That’s the logical conclusion of the facts.”
Multi-boxing is breaking ToS is a legal statement, there is no other way it makes sense, you can’t excuse in rationality when what you have done is precisely is irrational , you said that it is true an statement that it is objetively false as I prove it the only way rules can be proven: with direct quotation of rules and sentences.
No, that is not how it works, Blizzard can’t break their own rules because their actions imply the creation of new rules. When Blizzard said that multiboxing is not against the rules that do not break their own rules because wich that statement they are creation new rules, it could contradict or not previous rules, but they have the authority to add new rules and change their rules.
So, initially, the rules said that automation is not allowed, and after that Blizzard clarity that multiboxing is allowed. By saying that Blizzard has not broken their rules, they have changed it, because they have the authority to do so.
In fact that change is not even a contradiction, there are inumerables rules and laws in the world saying that “It is not allowed to things of type A but of those the things B it is allowed”, I don’t believe you wont find any law and rule system without rules that are exceptions to other rules, not even Blizzard’s TOS even without including automation and multiboxing. So, there is nothing rational in sayind that having exception to rules break the rules.
I know your on my side but try to be a little less agressive.
I think he means this claim.
Just try to be civil and form constructive criticism.
I rather not have them close this post because everyone starts being agressive to eachother.
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