Constructive criticism about a problem in the game = whining.
Good one panda.
Da evil masterplan, genious!
Nah bruda im not bot, i press 1 button for 30 action, me not bot, im multibax.
Using software to multibox is not against the rules. You have to be in control of the lead character and the other accounts perform the same action. So for example if you press 1, then the action for 1 is duplicated on all the other accounts.
People don’t seem to be able to distinguish boxing from botting. Botting is when no human interaction is required and the programme performs all actions for you. You don’t even need to be present.
The onus is on multiboxers to find software that does not break the rules, not everyone uses software to box either but the player has to be in control.
That’s not the point tho
The point is that rules on their own are irrational and broken because Blizzard is arbitrarily deciding that A is bad and B is good even tho both A and B effectively lead to the same in-game behaviour and same in-game issues.
It is when people seem to label them the same.
Do report bots!!! We want less bots.
And do argue that multiboxing unfair.
While they are not exactly the same they produce the same outcome in-game meaning one user can control a multitude of character at the same time which otherwise is not possible.
Multi-boxing is simply an evolution of botting which is circumventing the legal problems but effectively issues are the same or even worse.
I don’t think a bot going 24/7 has the same impact as a multiboxer who is a player in control. I think labelling the two the same thing actually doesn’t help the discussion.
I do agree that multi herbable nodes and multibox farmers have become a real issue especially when the most needed herb comes from one zone only. This has meant it’s a struggle if you make your own pots and flasks. Especially if you have no way of countering it with your own farm.
I personally like the suggestion that nodes should be a personal resource that varies from character to character. This system can be seen in other games.
You are omitting two facts:
- Botters get banned and multi-boxers don’t so multi-boxing has a stable and growing negative impact on the game.
- Botters usually focus on raw gold farming which is nowhere as problematic as the market being flooded with millions of dirt-cheap items.
If something which is allowed is similar or even in some way the same as something which isn’t allowed it’s crucial do expose it to have a full picture of the problem.
I was under the impression when botters get banned they just start up new accounts. Just like most players when they get a ban.
Doesn’t this get a little expensive? I mean game cost + sub for a month every time they get banned…
I presume the return is worth it. Start one account again, then keep adding more as you make lots of gold.
Not knowing what constructive criticism is. Good one worgen.
Yea but you can do the same thing without getting banned at all
Multi-boxing has become a more convenient way of farming on a large scale and that’s the reason that we see more multi-boxers than actual botters.
Industry botters usually start accounts with either stolen or “fake” credit cards, so costs are a non-issue for them.
But you don’t have to do anything if you are botting, the computer does it all for you as long as your pc is on.
There is a reason people are happy to risk their accounts to botting bans.
They are two different issues and mixing the two isn’t helpful in these discussions. Bots are reportable and action is usually taken against them. Blizzard is encouraging these reports.
Multi boxing is not agains the rules and if you want change you need to recognise the difference and bring to the table the actual issues. Not all this REEEEE boxing is botting.
Sadly thats all these discussions end up being and I would really love for certain aspects of boxing to be broken.
For each person who REALLY has a problem with the multiboxes, there are many more multiboxed accounts.
Who do you think Bobby will pick?
It initially started out as people running a couple of accounts back in the day for material farming and boosting your alts and what not but now people with money enough to run 30-50-100 accounts are taking it to the extreme. I dont think anyone be it community or Blizzard actually thought that someone would spend the time/money running that many accounts.
As far as I know there isn’t any rule stating a player can only have x amount of accounts running at the same time and honestly I cant see that changing because Blizzard making extreme amounts of money from the Whale community so a couple players here and there leaving every once in a while won’t bother them just from the profits the whales bring in.
I dont judge people for how they spend their money but I also dont agree with the multiboxing system and if I had my own way which obviously I dont banning multiboxing would be the first thing id do.
Sure but there is a lot of problems with botting:
- You need to hide yourself to avoid being discovered,
- You can’t run botting 24/7 becasue -again- you will be easily discovered,
- You need to set up everything from scratch after each ban,
- profits are not necessarily better vs. multi-boxing,
- and obviously you get banned which is a problem on its own,
None of those problems exists with multi-boxing and on top of that profits from multi-boxing are in range on tens of millions per month if heaving around 10 accounts. Unless you are utterly lazy, stupid or you are not part of “industrial level” botting farm there is no point in botting.
Botters switched to multi-boxing for a reason
They aren’t because they are effectively the same thing just done in a bit different way.
If there was no pure profit in botting, it wouldn’t happen.
I do agree with you on the whole REEE stuff etc wich is a bit weird to me.
What still is the problem that it undermines the whole game basicly when gold is everything if a multiboxer farm herbs for instance and does that for a week on 20 accounts hes gonna make 20 times the money. Said person will also destroy the market buy overflooding items.
The money he earns can be traded for high end content if that persons likes like buying mythic nzoth or buying rating etc.
Then you got the problem of huge multiboxers dominating zones by brute force seeing as they can kill any opposition. Either you as a solo person need to get a raid together to kill him or just plainly need to give up.
The only thing i link multiboxer to botting is that they are both destroying the game but only 1 is allowed. I rather see them both banned or atleast capped on a low number.