Why are running animations that bad?

So I was watching this video.

I knew something felt off when I was running on my retail characters. I realized how bad and jumpy the modern wow running animations are. Classic running animations are much better… Who designed this and thought it was a good change? I really doubt anyone prefers the new running animations, can we fix them?


You should trying to play rdruid or hunter so you can around nearly all the time

I’m glad I don’t like either of those classes :stuck_out_tongue:

Most animations with the new models are bouncy in everything.

If I could swap back to the old models in Retail, I’d do so in a heartbeat - especially with getting old battle animations with it, instead of the new trash ones.


I used to play as undead sometimes, now I can’t stand the male running animation because he bounces up and down.


Honestly now that you mention it, I would swap to my old orc female model, just like the one I have in classic, in a heartbeat. The way it runs, stands, even the combat animations are so much better.


Yep, and the shoulder positioning and sizes have been completely screwed up on female orcs (as well as many others).

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I’m just glad I’m not the only one thinking it. I thought I was delusional for a second, it doesn’t really make sense that a modern game would have worse character models and animations.

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I thought the new ones were great originally, but eventually I started to feel meh about them (especially with how some items look - just look how Bloodfang (rogue T2) boots look on current Orc male, then on Classic orc male.).

It became even more apparent when I started playing Classic, and got used to the old models and realized - wow, these are so much better and have more personality and soul.

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I think many of the old running animations look stiff and generally as crude as one would expect from 2005 (earlier in fact).

I mean have the you seen the Human female? It looks like someone’s glued a broom to her back. It is GENUINELY wonky, not anything like you are talking about (as in not broken-- so how can it be ‘fixed’, when it just isn’t to your taste).

Yea, they are a bit more cartoony. The reason for that is because as the graphics have dated, they’ve doubled-down on that colourful chunky aesthetic to keep it looking good in the modern age. The character models needed updated to match all the new graphics coming in.

I mean do you think this is a realistic looking game? You complain the cartoony characters walk in a cartoony way?

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I never mentioned anything about cartoony. I simply said that the old runnign animations are better than the new ones. I didn’t say you arent allowed to like the new ones, but i do believe the majority of the players do dislike the new ones and they look and feel kinda bad to play with.

Prefer the newer ones. Old ones are too stiff.


Same… also their old casting animations were just perfect… now every race looks almost the same when casting


In my book stiff is something that doesn’t bend or flex easily. I don’t see any stiffness in the old animations, can you give me an example?

I don’t really mind the elemental shaman, but i think this is one of the specs that have gotten good treatment. Nice animations overall. The one thing I do hate though is the caster battle stance, I just hate it, it was better off with nothing.

I can’t really express my opinion about other casters cause i don’t play them

If you compare the back on classic and retail you can see that in retail the back moves along, while the classic one doesn’t.

idk. All i see on retail is irregularly large arm, leg and shoulder movements that accumulate to this overall jumpiness that’s irritating.

Aye, if they tone down the bounciness it’ll look better. Troll male is one of the worst offenders.

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They ruined Nelf males

Also what’s with the dwarf male idle animation where he looks angrily at the floor to his left all the time? :joy:

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Looking at the comments I would say everyone is at least angry about 1+ race. I guess a small 10-20% of the population actually like the new models and animations.