Why are running animations that bad?

Cant stand the old running animations especially orcs

So you are telling me you prefer the current bouncy one instead of the completely normal old one?

Are you telling me you prefer the old stiff robo like animations Mr. Statistics?


If the other option is a bouncy freak.

the new ones are more cartoon like i think, the worse thing for me is that the weather effects in classic are 10x better than what they are in retail :broken_heart:

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I guess everyone has their own taste. I just can’t possibly see how someone can like the new ones, they are just so terrible in my eyes

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And i dont understand how can someone like the old orc male running.
But good thing is that classic is here if feeling nostalgic

I guess i’m not particularly fond of the old orc male running either, it definitely falls on the worse side of classic running animations. But the old orc female one is miles ahead of the new one.

Would be better if they could just return the switch from WoD where you could use old models if you wanted to - in Legion they changed it so you couldnt get the old model back (you got the old skin on the new skeleton).

I feel like they just removed old models completely cause they cba to design animations twice for everything. Even though the majority prefers the old ones…

They wouldnt need to.

If you use old models = Old animations, and they never get changed.
If you use new models = New animations, and you will get newer ones.


Yeah i guess that makes sense.

And I’ll gladly use the old animations, where everything was properly race specific.

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I really hope someone at blizzard can see this and take some initiative. I really doubt this could ever happen, even though it would be a very welcome change/addition.

We dont know what the majority of the players want

I think its a fair assumption considering 9/10 people I talk to this about agree.

Maybe i’m getting a bad sample pool. I would have to be extremely unlucky to be getting this information in this way if its not the case.

You’d need to ask at least a million people.

I don’t even know if theres that many wow players anymore xD

Most people dont use forums bud
If we gonna draw conclusions like that: 8 of 10 people i met ingame dont care or dont remember the old animations

Meh, I prefer the newer ones to be honest.