Why are running animations that bad?

This is not a conversation I only had in the forums. I have discussed this with guildies, friends, randoms and now in the forums. It seems to me like the majority of people who are aware of the situation do prefer the older ones.

I’m not telling you that I am 100% certain that my number is correct, but the majority does seem to agree.

Anyways, i’m not asking for the removal of the new models in favor of the old ones. The initial thought was a revamp or an optional switch to old ones.

I’m sorry but I can’t take your taste seriously with that transmog.

(p.s I’m joking)

So you want them to waste time and money to make system for old animations and models that will work with DHs, allied races and the new customizations instead of improving what we have now?

I literally said that I want the old ones OR a revamp.

Feel free to have an opinion. But don’t mind me absolutely disagreeing with you.

Sure, some Animations in Retail are a bit outdated, but still better than some german-video-game ones like this:

I agree i like the run

I completely hate everything about the graphics and physics of games like the one you linked, the game looks bad overall. Idk why you would make such a comparison when the conversation is new vs. old model animations in wow.

An yes, as i have mentioned multiple times in the forums you are allowed to have your own tastes and opinions on the animations.

I get what you mean though it can look a bit jumpy

That’s the thing. I said “Retail isn’t as worse as this (video)”. Please read next time before lashing out on people verbally :slight_smile:

I never lashed verbally towards you, I only pointed out that your input is out of context. I still don’t get were you are drawing your conclusions from.

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Idk, your response sounded to me a bit aggressive.

I wont argue about my tone. If you want to make a forum about it sure i will comment about it, but please keep the topic about the running animations just as intended here.

I did, before you complained about it.

You can’t make a topic about “classic vs. retail” walk animations and don’t expect people like me to say “well, it isn’t as bad at this” and show an example of even worse animations to give a sense of quality for the WoW animations.

That’s all I wanted to say in the first place. :slight_smile:

I still haven’t understood your initial standpoint. Do you prefer the classic or the retail running animations?

Retail… As I said.

That’s fine, I just missed it. Do you mind elaborating on what it is you like about the current ones? I personally am having a hard time doing so myself so I would like to see your reasoning/input behind it.

Most of them are smoother in their walk cycle and on some races less clunky.

In 3D-Animation there are several ways to change the behavior of animations with graphs, for example. In Blender I can let an animation run with acceleration at the start and slowing at the end or constant, like it is used for most walk animations.

Personally, if I would be allowed to make a wish-come-true I would prefer the Animations in WoW be a bit more momentum focused in their looks. Or better said, having stronger transitions from walking/running to standing. Similar how Mass Effect 2 does it:

Edit: Ok, maybe not the best example since that feature didn’t work that smooth in ME2. But you get my point.

However, I barely see any difference with Draenei Walk Animations when comparing it to TBC classic.

Edit: Except for upper shoulder movement.

I understand this argument. Having played many single player RPGs and other MMOs with this feature I simply hate it. Momentum and changes in acceleration/speed make character control less enjoyable from my experience. Especially games where you can sprint are the most annoying to me. What i really always likes about wow is the ability to feel comfortable while controlling and moving your character.

I do agree here. I barely see the difference. I feel like the draenei/blood elf models haven’t received much of a change compared to other ones. I think the most obvious ones are Orc, Human, Troll, Undead and Tauren

Indeed. One of the best aspects of the game (hence why I don’t really want the GW2 Mount rip-off with Dragonflight to be the default movement for all mounts. It is already hard for me sometimes to use my Paladin Charger Mount for ground jumps in ZM).

But I think that feeling can be preserved if the animations don’t affect the movement.

Like for example, when you run a longer time your character could transition into catching breath when you stop running for a bit. Also, I would love to have more Idle Animations in general.

Having my Draenei look around every few seconds gets quickly annoying when you pay attention to it.

Final Fantasy 14 has a coo feature that allows you to not only disable/enable idle animations but also set the pace of how often they change.

I made an edit on my initial statement. I do see a difference now.

  • Shoulders and Sternum move more actively in TBC
  • Overall Animation is a bit more smooth in SL

I do agree that the draenei has probably had the “good treatment”. As an orc female player i’m just mad that when I run on my classic character I enjoy it more than what I do on retail. I couldnt find an orc female comparison video but, for me the key differences are:

  • Classic is more continuous, Retail is more abrupt

  • Classic is abit more static (head stays mostly in the same place), Retail has this jumpy feeling which i personally think is irritating (I feel like my char is moving up and down)

  • Classic has more shoulder movement, which for some reason I like (I saw that you mentioned you prefer the shoulder movement on retail)

  • (Doesn’t have to do with movement but posture and shoulder positioning when my character is idle is so much better on the orc female model of classic. The shoulders are kinda positioned behind the back and my character has this really nice upright posture that makes the gear look really good too.)

  • (Last thing I want to complain about that’s not movement related is the face. I feel like the old female orc faces were so much better and interesting. The new one has almost all the hairstyles ruined and the face options are just all so ugly and bad. I always wear helmet tmogs in retail that completely cover my face.)

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