Why are running animations that bad?

To be fair, that is how your head will behave most the time when running in real life.

I assume Blizzard removed it to be “less pushing the double Ds of Women in their games”.

I could say the same about Draenei faces. But not that old ones are better but their Anatomy looks weird from the side in general. Like come on. My chin shouldn’t be so far behind my teeth position. That’s not how the Nose-Mouth-Chin line works.
(Reference Line: https://assets.speareducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/E-Plane-Final.png )
(Reference Draenei: https://i.imgur.com/99Co6ef.png )

I’m not really sure but putting real life aside, what actually looks better in your eyes? I think the orc male is the most exaggerated version of this if you go and look at the original video at the top. I think if the movements were less abrupt and jumpy the running animations would be fine. (I also think the hands just move way too much if you look at it)

I think the head isn’t really jumping. It just looks like that because the male orcs chest is more actively moving while the head remains at the same spot in the rig.

Look at it like this. When you have your hand exposed and you move it without your fingers moving, then your hand is moving but it also looks like your fingers are more jumpy from some angles.

Yeah, I wasn’t actually talking about the head moving, that wouldnt be normal :stuck_out_tongue:

But what i meant is that by focusing your eyes on the head, you basically see a figure moving up and down constantly which is a bit weird and odd to watch.

Blizzard thought they would attract kids with the new animations but they didn’t. They should rework the animations again and do it properly this time. The faces characters make are grotesque.


That is true. I think that is caused by the composition of the animation, in addition with the default camera angle.

What? You don’t think this looks pretty? :stuck_out_tongue:


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