Why are survival hunters unpopular?

I honestly would love if sv could fight from both. Melee AND ranged and then have a talent that lets you choose your playstyle in the first row or something.

First talent would be for those who want to focus in melee (like… increase mongoose and carve melee dmg by 20%, but reduce ranged by 30)
Other would be (increase mongoose and carve ranged damage by 15%, but reduce melee damage by 20 or something)
And last one would be pvp focused that increased both damage by… idunno… 10%…
Change hawk to boost both damage outputs regardless of first talent to 130% damage value making it a true hybrid for a short period of time.

Change weapons to a single one handed weapon + bow on the back (like that draenei dude from WoD trailer) make every melee attack have a ranged shot animation when used from range and every ranged ability have a melee animation if used in close range. (Bomb swap to explosive shot, serpent sting swapped to actual bow shot as well as having some stabby animation for melee, kill command swapped out with flanking strike, but serving same purpose, carve would have multi shot animation when at range)

Now a question may rise
“Why the better bonus for melee?” Well that’s because I believe that playing ranged is easier than melee. That is all there is to it

Welp I’ve been a class-swich-a-hollic for the past 3 years but I finally set on sv, it’s the most fun class for me, and it isn’t all melee I think it got enough of ranged spells to…

Survi is just another melee spec, WOW is bloated with melees atm

Ikr, I played from MoP as MM, but switched to survival when melee got introduced and I haven’t switched since.

I absolutely enjoy playing SV hunter over MM/BM.
And the post about that it’s too focused around single target, I can’t really relate to this. The bombs and the swipe ability really do a sh*tton of group damage (+ DoT on affected mobs).

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Problem is SV hasa niche that accomplishes nothing. We are useless in raids, M+ and all you have to do is remove druid for us to be completely useless in PvP, we are too reliant on other specs for comp synergy, since we bring nothing of note individually. Representation and ratings don’t lie.

They can leave SV as melee, but they need to really have a look at its general utility and damage, also the pet reliance is a HUGE issue. Yes we may be a hunter but we are not a BM hunter, SV relies on their pet more than BM, this is horrendous design, that adds to the frustration of the spec. Again understand that we cannot do a lot without our pet, yet having our pet reeps NO BENEFITS AT ALL, only handicaps us. Without our pet, or pet LoS, out of range, we can’t do the following:

  • Mitigate damage
  • Stun
  • Use burst CD
  • Use freedom
  • Generate resources (I mean wtf as SV, like really)

This is simply way too much reliance on our pet. Yet again, having it with us means absolutely nothing. Every other spec in game fails to have this problem. At least if I could stun while CC’d or stunned myself it would make sense, or if my pets damage was increased by 100% in CA burst, it would make sense, BUT NO!!!

SV has a slow that costs 1/3 of our resource bar and is on the GCD and is not ranged. This is attrocious. Yet as a hunter I cant slow from range, but a rogue can spam throw knife thing and slow forever. Right, makes snese no doubt.

Sure the spec is fun, but what we have is insanely unfinished and almost senseless. MONGOOSE BITE NEEDS TO BE BASELINE!

These are changes that NEED to happen for SV to be a proper spec:

  • Mongoose Bite baseline, and talents adjusted for mongoose bite options, like lowering monguse fury stacks or increasing damage per stack.

  • Mongoose Bite needs to do Nature Damage.

  • Aspect of the eagle needs to be a 30 second cd with a 12 second duration. That will truly make us more hybrid feeling.

  • Bombs need to slow by 50% for the DoT duration. That or make wing clip 10 focus, with reduced global.

  • Coordinated Assault, should be player focused only. Meaning no more need for pet to be alive or in LoS to cast it.

  • ANY PET ABILITY SHOULD BE USEABLE WHILE CC’D OR STUNNED. Even if it is intimidation. Why have a pet if we can’t use its abilities as a seperate entity, similar to frost mages and DKs.

  • Give us another ability to generate resources. A melee ability would be great, choose raptor or flanking, otr heck give us both as physical damage attacks.

  • Make Serpent sting last longer. Mongoose fury windows and managing serpent is dull af. Give us a different ability to press please. Just make serpent last for at least 15 seconds.

  • Make tracker’s net baseline.

  • Make mending bandage a normal HoT heal on a 30 second cd if needed.

This is what SV really needs to be a full spec. I know people wont agree, but people can be rather stupid tbh. I am going to outright say, I think I know whats best for this spec at this point.

But you don’t, which is why Bicmex keeps shutting you down 24/7 :joy:

That said you do have like, a few good points such as CC while stunned ala DK/Mages and coordinated assault not requiring LoS, otherwise? nah. Mongoose dealing nature dmg can be debated, wouldn’t make sense class fantasy (as if we have any at this point).

Otherwise, no, get of my specc and class or learn to lay first :nail_care:

Aldru, you gotta stop trying to burn me bruh.

I know the spec well enough tbh, and the way it is, is not good enough. Class fantasy is what blizzard decides, not what it actually is. We have a frikkin bow as our class symbol, but here you are talking about ruining class fantasy because you don’t want us to be ranged like we were for 12 years.

At this point, the best thing to do if they don’t implement any of my suggestions s to change the spec back to its WoD iteration.

Think about what type of hunter survival is even meant to be right now:

Beast mastery is like a pokemon master

Marksmanship is a traditional hunt deer and shoot it guy (but why does it now have a machine gun???)

Survival is what? a trapper? It certainly doesn’t feel like it to be honest, not enough traps.

To be honest, I really think they should change survival to be more of a bounty hunter type thing because trapping is something that any old hunter could do to be honest, at least to some degree with lots of zone control mechanics as well as ways to knock or lure enemies into the danger zone, like a magnet snare to gradually pull enemies towards the bad spots.

For example, it could put traps down and they would be fully active but only become visible after you have wandered into them.

Hear that, but SV should not emphasise only on traps. They should roll it back to WoD. Have shorter CD traps, thats it. Should be focused on mobile DoT, non-pet reliant, control based, shorter trap cd spec.

SV is abysmal right now. They didn’t need to change it. Makes it worse they changed it, JUST BECAUSE. They literally had no other reason. They knew it would be niche and unpopular but screwed us anyway.

Glad there is players that like it, but the ones that want range back VASTLY outweigh the players that actually like it being melee right now.

Thats because they changed the good revamp into a terrible one… if they had just left it working like it did in legion then the spec would have gained a much bigger following because it actually felt like it was doing things.

I played my class for a decade achieved cutting edge with it twice and consistently do well enough to clear part of the mythic content, so yes, clearly I don’t know my class nor want the true lvoe of old surv (cata or MoP iteration please) back :roll_eyes:

I won’t really say me calling you out on your :cow: :poop: is a burn as much as a fact with all the :wine_glass: you’ve filled the forums with in the past and continue on doing so.

Again I agreed with a few points, disagreed on rest as it won’t really do much else than a tiny bit more viability in PvP with a magic damage vs pure melee which is reduced by armor.

WoD iteration was by far the worst outside MM Lone Wolf build lmao, I would know, I played all 3 speccs through WoD.

Nobody played the spec back then and nobody plays it right now. The sv hunter population actually grew with the bfa update although only by a miniscule amount because nobody actually wanted a meele hunter


If you honestly believe SV WoD was the worst iteration of SV, then I am done with you, as you know nothing about the spec. You can big yourself up as much you like, but you’re full of unintelligible horse sh1t…

I never mentioned MM. For that spec yes, cats or MoP was great. However for SV they were great too, but WoD for SV was also great.

Again leave your sh1t in your head please. No one wants to hear it.

That wasn’t a good revamp. It was a clunky mess…

WoD was the expac when the specc died buddy :joy:
The last saving grace it had was PvP uses and even then MM would snipe people or go BM and faceroll like now.
PvP was even a meh experience in WoD, you had one viable build and it was exotic munitions and that was only due to perma slow on frost munitions, otherwise pretty mediocre bordering low.

As usual I presume you go PvP, at which you and I have a similar rating caps KappaPride, now stop spewing :poop: on my forums or l2play as you so clearly have those issues.

I lol’d.

‘if you disagree with me you are stupid, I know all’ is a pretty comical statement to make considering you have both no pve experience and no rated pvp experience either.

You then go on to suggest basically buffing every spell in existence in ludicrous ways. Survival is already decent in arena, and OK in raids (Mainly not really brought because other melee bring something other than just damage to the table, not because the spec is bad).

Blizzard aren’t going to bring it back to how it was previously when ranged, which blows but people just have to deal with it and move on. Posting silly suggestions on a forum they don’t read isn’t that useful.

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I don’t mind survival, I just chose to play the range specs because I prefer range combat on my hunter as opposed to playing my paladin, rogue, warrior and druid in melee.

melee specs takes more damage then raged rison why i played ranged class i reder stay far away from a world boss .

If you sit there and honestly say that SV in WoD was dead, then you my friend are not of the true hunter variety. Stop posting now. You sound more and more deluded as time goes on. Take a seat.

And as for you… If you don’t think SV needs some buffs then you too are deluded.

SV SHOULD be at least be good enough to survive in melee range as a melee spec. But according to you all is fine. Take a seat pal.