Why are there locked servers?

I recently started playing again, when I saw that the server I already had 2 toons, was locked.

I thought it was full to the limit since it had a very lively Hord players, and when I switched to ally there was no one on, and even a player contacted me, saying that there are no alliance players, and I should stop investing more time on it. He even thought I was a bot :sweat_smile:

I guess my question is:

Why are there locked servers if the population is so off balance. I doubt that the server was full because of “only hords” were playing on the server.


Is there a site that can help you see, the population ratio, so I don’t have to stumble across this again :sweat_smile:

I believe some while back Blizzard locked several realms in preparation for a full merge. I’m not sure where they said it though, there should’ve been a thread somewhere.

Only player submitted statistics. Blizzard does not reveal population info.

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Servers like Earthshaker will be closed and have free realm transfer to another realms

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Thanks for the link. Hopefully it’s still free.
I already made a new toon in one of the introduced servers.

I am bound to transfer to the server referred on the article ?

Anyway, I guess I’ll try later to night.


The only servers you can transfer are Golemagg, Gehennas y Firemaw if i remember correctly

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There were literally only bots playing on them for months.

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Servers are locked because Blizzard wants to close them and there is no point in starting a fresh character there.

This site is a good place to check population:


Ironforge is a rusian scam site. It is very bad idea to rely on anything rusian

What exactly is the scam? Why can’t you trust anything Russian?

Probably cz they threating all countrys around them with nukes/invasion and lie about everything in media.
Tho that site is just counting logs, and i see no reason to not belive it.

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Maybe because they feel threatened in the first place.
Yes I find that site accurate, and we don’t have better site to check this very important information.

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Please don’t get into politics discussions, that won’t end well. You can also look for server population on warcrafttavern, if you don’t trust ironforge. The thing is, all these statistics only work with logs and not every guild takes logs. But it’s a vague guideline of what to expect.

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