"Why are there no Healers?"

-Plays as Healer Spec
-Tank runs ahead of party
-Party Scatters
-DPS dies
-Kicks Healer for not healing.
-30 Minutes punishment.

How is a healer support to heal multiple people when they are on the other side of the dungeon, running into enemies?
And this isn’t a problem people see?


You just described me in shuffles watch guys play 90y apart to each other hitting separate targets on different sides of arena and me trying think who I try save and how many cc will be struck on me while trying cross map trying get to one of them or ping pong between them. Then when I also think of the fact that the modes design rewards more rating to dps than healers for 3 years now. “why are there no healers?”


Biggest stress as preservation aswell… and I cant even reach em. Then when you ask them to think about positioning they go - just heal noob!!!


Yea I can feel that, dont got evoker myself but I struggle heal ppl scatter around map even with my range on spells and evoker having even less range, it would be total nightmare for me try shuffles.

That’s why I don’t play evoker heal. Absolutely useless in uncoordinated groups.


Almost the same reasons for tank shortage. Gets blamed and kicked even if it’s not their fault.
The cherry on top is the class inbalance and “metaslaving”.
At this point Brewmaster is a meme.


Remember, this is only a thing because some people wanted to leave after the first boss in Ara-Kara.

This whole situation could be avoided if they simply stayed the full thing and did not try to just farm B1

Hey! I been tanking the last 4 years mostly small keys few normal/ hc Riads.
I noticed that ppl dont play either tank or healer anymore becouse of the toxic dps… if tank and healer dont aplly what dps says… BOOM your kicked. even if your tank or healer… there should be a punishment system for dps that kicks becouse they dont wanna go the route as the tank or healer want… its still the tank and healer thats desides in Dung/Raid not Dps… Spec not those dps that pulls entire dungs then kicks healer or tank for not picking up there sheitshow… But blizzard dosent care for And thats why this game is looking as it does… 0 players a dead game and just 95% bots farming cloth and sell boost


I don’t even bother anymore with tanks like this on my evoker


My main is a Warlock. I use to also play prot paladin. Who I have now made a Holy paladin.

I know realise that 98% of DPS players have no idea where to stand.

Playing a healer (unless you’re overgeared or playing with a pre made group) is literally hell.

It’s just chaotic with no one using defensive or moving they just expect to be healed as they fail avoidable mechanics time and time again. This is why being over geared is ok, but as soon as you are same ilvl as the group or maybe a little lower. It’s just. You have to constantly spam like a mad man on every pack just to keep the team alive.

It’s just full on.

However when I play with a good group it’s soooo much fun, it’s just a shame this is rare.


The whole leave after first boss because no loot that i want crap could easily be avoided with Delves style where you only get loot from chests after the whole thing is done.

Problem solved.


Its the main reason i never looked back at healing after being one when i started the game almost 20 years ago being a DPS is so much easier. You can stand on anything die constantly never bother any mechanics and the cherry on top you never get blamed about anything its 10 000% less stressful and way WAY more enjoyable than being a human toilet to maniacs on the internet.


In what context are you talking about ? Because it matters…

  • If its a heroic/leveling dungeon then the healer should learn to adapt to the party. So in part its the healers problem as well.

Reasoning: Its easy to ask for Tanks to adapt to the party they are in (as you are implying). But that also works both ways because its a double edged sword. Healers have to adapt as well. If the tank is slow, then you DPS and take it slow. If the tank is rushing forward then rush forward and heal. If you ask the tank to play as you want to play, then the tank can ask the same to you. This applies to DPS as well, not only to the Healer.

The good news is that if we ALL adapted like this, then there would not be issues like the ones you describe.

  • If its a M+ key, then yes. The tank should not rush things. But M+ is also very scripted, so I ask the question what were the DDs and Healer doing trailing behind and being all scattered? So even with the most suicidal of Tanks in M+ there is little reason to lag behind him in M+.

So maybe why there are no healers… well… maybe because people have to learn to adapt to the situations. And since people dont want to do that, then they quickly find out that specs that MUST adapt to the situation (Healer mainly) are “hard” and “stressful”.

Solid advice.
If the party runs in all directions and goes off to do their own thing. “Just adapt”.
I understand where you are coming from but this isn’t a thing currently.
Especially with a kick button 3 seconds away.

Question: What kind of a dungeon was it?

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It is good advice.

If you got a “kick” button it means its a Quewed instance. Heroic dungeon or Timewalking. So its not “hard endgame” content.

And if you dont learn this stuff in the easy content, then when Healers get into M+ then they flip out and quit. Because all that weird things people do in Heroic Dungeons will be replaced by “weird things mobs do” in M+. So you need the practice.

And its good practice. Even if you wipe in the end.

Same goes for the tank and DDs by the way. So by changing your attitude towards these things (for healers, tanks and DDs) you get more valuable practice. And then in M+ there is less whining.

Sure lets just adapt to degenerates and pretend thats the solution. Sounds like something people unable to accept their own shortcomings would say.

Reality is this community is incredibly unforgiving, no amount of adapting is going to change that and the only people that can and should look into doing something about it is Blizzard.

But instead of doing that they’re doubling down on making it worse with tank and healer nerfs… We can only adapt for so long but as it stands people would rather just quit instead and play something that rewards - not punishes.


Depends from group, “normal” groups trash out bad dps aswell.

I tried to play disc priest a bit, people got so scattered and keeping 200y away from each other. Ofc some died, I got kicked. I respecced to shadow. Not gonna try disc again with this community attitude.

I find it funny, You call it delve style and not ”M+ style” :>